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Just how is the Labour Opposition doing?

Angry Dad
Natasha Whittam
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Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Much the same.

Magic Grandad still at the helm.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

They're weak, but the battles already been lost basically because the country chose to ignore their policies and focus on ploughing ahead with Breaksit - which will only be judged a year or so after we leave and that won't be for another year or so anyway. Where they are at and who is leading them when Boris's term is up is the thing that matters for Labour.

THis guy knows how to win. 3 times.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just completed my Labour leadership ballot. Exciting times ahead. I think. Maybe.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Who did you vote for Boncey? I'm going for Starmer.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Who did you vote for Boncey? I'm going for Starmer.
Got to pick 2 preferences from 3 and I went 1. Long-Bailey. 2. Nandy. I'm afraid Mr Starmer, despite his nice hair, got left on the shelf.
Went for Angela Rayner as first choice for deputy leader.
Don't believe Starmer has a cat in hell's chance.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

RLB is just a female version of Corbyn which won't attract old Labour voters back i reckon but we'll see. I get a vote through Unison but not seen any voting papers yet.



Norpig wrote:RLB is just a female version of Corbyn which won't attract old Labour voters back i reckon but we'll see. I get a vote through Unison but not seen any voting papers yet.

You won't as Unison has already endorsed Starmer.

Labour leadership: Unison endorses Sir Keir Starmer

(Can't believe you thought Bonce would vote for anyone other than the most extreme leftist candidate in the race. He'd be a bit of an hypocrite after all he's said on here over the years if he didn't).



‘Extreme leftist’ is way over the top. They’re all standing on a left wing platform, she’s marginally more so than the others.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

T.R.O.Y wrote:‘Extreme leftist’ is way over the top. They’re all standing on a left wing platform, she’s marginally more so than the others.
It's how the Daily Mail will portray her. Fox News are already calling Bernie Sanders a communist over in the states.
He spent his honeymoon in Moscow. (why not? Beautiful City).
He praised Castro's literacy programme. ( ..dunno..).
RLB will get similar treatment here.



T.R.O.Y wrote:‘Extreme leftist’ is way over the top. They’re all standing on a left wing platform, she’s marginally more so than the others.

Jesus Christ, you love to argue over anything.

Is she the most extreme leftist of those remaining - yes.

If it was say Starmer v Blair, he'd vote for Starmer.

That's all I was saying

Also I doubt both Starmer or Long-Bailey believe themselves to be just marginally apart in their ideology from each other either, even if you think they are!



Just correcting a poor use of terminology, extreme left is wholly inaccurate.


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

It's Lisa Nandy all the way for me, no nonsense northern common sense can put Boris in his place. I saw her put down Andrew Neil a few weeks ago and that takes some doing.

Long- Bailey is basically Corbyn in knickers.

Starmer has the charisma of a dead donkey and always looks awkward whatever he is doing. 

Vote for Nandy or shoot yourselves in the head once again!!!!


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whoever wins, it's a tough gig. When you get ex miners in Bolsover voting tory, you've got your work cut out.
My problem now is getting the vision of JC in knickers out of my head.
I like Nandy by the way, and wouldn't have a strop if she won it.


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Just how is the Labour Opposition doing? Images17

The rest has been censored  for all our sakes.



T.R.O.Y wrote:Just correcting a poor use of terminology, extreme left is wholly inaccurate.

Just arguing for the sake of it (yet again) you mean.

And fwiw I never used the phrase 'extreme left' - you did!



Little wonder there’s barely any conversation on here when you write half the comments off as manufactured in some way.



Cajunboy wrote:It's Lisa Nandy all the way for me, no nonsense northern common sense can put Boris in his place. I saw her put down Andrew Neil a few weeks ago and that takes some doing.

Long- Bailey is basically Corbyn in knickers.

Starmer has the charisma of a dead donkey and always looks awkward whatever he is doing. 

Vote for Nandy or shoot yourselves in the head once again!!!!

I like Nandy a lot, it’s between her and Starmer for me. I’m more aligned to RLB’s policies but I just don’t buy into her as a leader personally.

Interesting you say vote Nandy or we’ll be in trouble, my dad (not a Labour voter) said the exact same thing to me about Starmer last week. 

Everyone’s got a different view on what we need to do and who we need to appeal to to get back into office, but so much of this is going to hinge on when the realities of Brexit are realised. Once the failed promises start to show will voters blame those who lied to them, or the negativity of remainers?

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

T.R.O.Y wrote:Everyone’s got a different view on what we need to do and who we need to appeal to to get back into office, but so much of this is going to hinge on when the realities of Brexit are realised. Once the failed promises start to show will voters blame those who lied to them, or the negativity of remainers?

I'll definitely blame you. And xmiles.



T.R.O.Y wrote:Little wonder there’s barely any conversation on here when you write half the comments off as manufactured in some way.

If you mean by 'manufactured' as in your attempts to start arguments over nothing then better the site is quieter then have to read such fakery all the time.



Natasha Whittam wrote:
T.R.O.Y wrote:Everyone’s got a different view on what we need to do and who we need to appeal to to get back into office, but so much of this is going to hinge on when the realities of Brexit are realised. Once the failed promises start to show will voters blame those who lied to them, or the negativity of remainers?

I'll definitely blame you. And xmiles.

If that means you’ll stop avoiding me I’m happy about that.

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