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Prince Harry

Ten Bobsworth
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1Prince Harry Empty Prince Harry Sun Jan 08 2023, 23:01



Is anybody really interested in what he has to say?

Like it or not he IS the 'spare'.

He has a fabulous lifestyle BUT he is in the public spotlight - that's the deal.

If it isn't for him, then step away quietly - that's all he had to do.

So he's got problems with his family - most of us do at one point or another but you sort it out (or not) behind closed doors - not in the world's full gaze.

Smacks of being a self entitled, spoilt brat to me - he's not going to be the King, his older brother is, that's how it works - and his brothers wife is going to be the Queen one day - so of course Harry and Megan aren't treated in exactly the same way as the next King and Queen (his brother and his mrs) are!!!

It isn't rocket science, it isn't because Megan is black / mixed race (or whatever is the correct PC way of address) it is because she isn't going to be a Queen and Kate is.

Surely that hasn't just dawned on him has it, surely he would have known that from being little?

There's clearly something wrong with him, you don't trash your family to the world and then expect everything to be better once he's had his say?

You don't say his family is racist, admit to being a druggy, brag he killed a load of Taliban and think HE is the 'normal' one in all this and it's 'the others' who are the one who caused all problems.

He's clearly not the sharpest tool in the box and he needs to shut up and sort his issues out with his dad and brother and not make millions from it by writing books and doing TV specials.

He's well and truly burned his bridges now.

If I was his dad I'd still invite him to my special day (he's still his son no matter what he's done) but if I was Harry I wouldn't go - but would go secretly to see his dad and brother away from the cameras and press - and tell him that no matter what I've said and done, no matter if they can't see it from his side - that he loves them both and always will because they are family and always will be.

That however is the root cause of it to my way of thinking - he doesn't see them as family - he sees his mum as family, that she was 'pushed out' and that he's now been 'pushed out' too.

He should now take his millions and go and live the quiet life incognito - but we all know he won't, don't we!

2Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Mon Jan 09 2023, 08:46

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Harry’s a depressing twerp, Sluffy 
You’d have done better to have spent your time watching Super John in conversation with Thommo  as I suggested yesterday.

3Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Mon Jan 09 2023, 09:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I suggest Harry and Meg both start wearing seat belts.

4Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Mon Jan 09 2023, 10:00


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Time to get rid of the whole charade and that is of the whole royal family in my opinion.

They are self entitled and cost the taxpayer a fortune.

We are living in the year 2023. The family were only ever in power due to originally being the leader of a gang many years ago!

Time to get with the times and make the UK a Republic!

5Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Mon Jan 09 2023, 10:06

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

karlypants wrote:Time to get rid of the whole charade and that is of the whole royal family in my opinion.

They are self entitled and cost the taxpayer a fortune.

We are living in the year 2023. The family were only ever in power due to originally being the leader of a gang many years ago!

Time to get with the times and make the UK a Republic!
Please yourself. I’m still living in 1963 and it’s miles better.

6Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Mon Jan 09 2023, 14:17


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

He's a self indulgent prick.

7Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Thu Jan 12 2023, 10:37

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Who would spend money on the berk’s book.

I’d put it in a similar category to Big Sam’s book.

 I’d never have bought it but I did read it when someone lent it to me.

In fact I read it again a few years later just to make sure I hadn’t misread the delusional twaddle.

8Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Thu Nov 30 2023, 10:18



According to Piers Morgan it is King Charles and Kate who said something about what colour Harry and Meghan's baby would be.

Maybe its just me but honestly who cares?

I mean two people of different skin colour having a child is obviously nearly always going to have a kid of slightly different skin tone than either one of the parents.

If Charles really did say something he probably meant it as some sort of a bad dad joke - remember he's the berk who once said he'd wished he was a sanitary towel just to be closer to Camilla.

Just because he's a social berk doesn't mean he's a racist though.

As for Kate did she say something or is it all about Meghan and Harry jealousy of being the 'spare to the heir' and never ever going to have top billing?

I just don't get all the fuss?

I suspect that nearly everybody who cares about Meghan and Harry (I don't by the way) surely may have wondered what colour their baby would be - if they were being honest - and most I suspect would imagine (as three out of the four grandparents were white) - that the baby would be the colour he is.

So what's the big deal???

I just don't get it?

Is Charles racist - I suspect not - he just lives in a bubble where he's kept away from folk like us and said something naively that Meghan took offence at.

Is Kate racist - I suspect not as well - she would be more aware coming from outside the royal family as to be more politically correct, even if she actually was.

I just see all this as a means by the various different groups of shit stirrers, to play the racism card and/or get rid of the monarchy.

Fwiw Morgan blabbed about it on Talk TV (the one along with News GB that W63 gets all his facts from because he doesn't trust the mainstream news outlets anymore!).

9Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Thu Nov 30 2023, 11:50


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I don't pay much attention to these things, but when I tune in to GB News for a laugh, I find they can't get enough of Harry and Meghan. They even had a body language expert on to discuss the state of their marriage.
Then of course they have to bring that geriatric Barbie, Lady C on, to spout her usual nonsense.
I certainly know what the 'C' stands for.

10Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Thu Nov 30 2023, 13:20



I must pay even less attention Bonce as I don't even know who Lady C is!

As for Morgan, I thought it was a bit strange him outing the royals as I thought he believed Meghan to be lying - turns out he still does.

Apparently or so he claims, if people in other countries can find out easily enough then why not tell and thus get the debate into the open because he believes it all to still be a pack of lies.

11Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Thu Nov 30 2023, 13:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The old bag who is with charlie boy!

I can't stand the lot of them!

12Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Thu Nov 30 2023, 14:25



karlypants wrote:The old bag who is with charlie boy!

I can't stand the lot of them!

Oh right - the Queen!

Are you sure though as I can't imagine her having done an interview on GB News???

I thought Bonce was talking about Barbara Cartland at first before I remembered she was dead!

Just shows the interest I have in the 'royal family' BUT constitutionally and despite your hatred of them, we are much better off having them than having heads of state such as Putin, Xi and Trump.

13Prince Harry Empty Re: Prince Harry Thu Nov 30 2023, 15:35


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Kate needs to focus on her royal duties and not on creating daily photo ops aimed at self-aggrandisement. Of course, the tabloids lap them up to decorate their front pages.

Her pronouncements on topics that she knows nothing or very little about do her no credit. Most of them have already been covered by people far more knowledgeable and experienced than her.

Charles has often proved himself to be bumblingly laughable or ignorant when dealing with foreigners.

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