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Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down?

Reebok Trotter
Michael Bolton
Natasha Whittam
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1Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon May 27 2013, 17:12

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Another day, another person killed by a dog.

79 year old Clifford Clarke was mauled to death by a Staffordshire Pitbull Terrier on Saturday. He's just a long list of people in recent years that have been killed or seriously injured by dogs.

Amazingly, the law still gives people little responsibility for their dogs. If I drove a car 100mph through an estate and lost control, and it ran over some poor bastard, I'd be sitting in prison right now expecting a lengthy jail term.

The two bints that own this dog aren't even in prison and are expected to get a fine at best for letting their dog savage Mr Clarke.

When are we going to wise up? If a dog kills someone the owner should be treated as a murderer and sentenced accordingly. In addition, it's about time Staffordshire Pitbull Terriers were wiped out for good, and all the other potentially dangerous dogs.

Why are we such a soft country?


Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

as should people who own guns and then somebody takes their gun and shoots somebody. It happens all the time, idiots leave a gun laying around and some kid picks it up and shoots some other kid or themselves. I own several guns, but nobody has access to them and the only way you would ever see one would be if you came into my house uninvited - I would then be pleased to show you the 'pointy' end of one.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

waynagain wrote: I own several guns, but nobody has access to them and the only way you would ever see one would be if you came into my house uninvited - I would then be pleased to show you the 'pointy' end of one.
I'm not being funny waynagain, but you did post recently, that you went to meet Big Sharps for a fight, just because you disagreed over the internet. Shocked

And you own "several" guns, apparently? No

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

waynagain wrote:I would then be pleased to show you the 'pointy' end of one.



Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

Culcheth_White wrote:
waynagain wrote: I own several guns, but nobody has access to them and the only way you would ever see one would be if you came into my house uninvited - I would then be pleased to show you the 'pointy' end of one.
I'm not being funny waynagain, but you did post recently, that you went to meet Big Sharps for a fight, just because you disagreed over the internet. Shocked

And you own "several" guns, apparently? No

I use my guns for hunting and target shooting at my gun club. They are kept in my house in aGun Safe. Big Sharps threatened me with physical violence on the internet and I gladly told him the next time I was in England I would be happy to meet him. I told him where I would be and he never showed up. Now what that has to do with me owning guns, I'm not sure, as my guns are in the USA and I was waiting for him in a pub in Bolton.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

waynagain wrote:
Culcheth_White wrote:
waynagain wrote: I own several guns, but nobody has access to them and the only way you would ever see one would be if you came into my house uninvited - I would then be pleased to show you the 'pointy' end of one.
I'm not being funny waynagain, but you did post recently, that you went to meet Big Sharps for a fight, just because you disagreed over the internet. Shocked

And you own "several" guns, apparently? No

I use my guns for hunting and target shooting at my gun club. They are kept in my house in aGun Safe. Big Sharps threatened me with physical violence on the internet and I gladly told him the next time I was in England I would be happy to meet him. I told him where I would be and he never showed up. Now what that has to do with me owning guns, I'm not sure, as my guns are in the USA and I was waiting for him in a pub in Bolton.

Why ? are you some sort of hard man or something?

I reckon Sharps would kick your arse tbh.


Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

Forgive my ignorance but who is Big Sharps, I've seen the name mentioned on here quite a bit.


Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

scottjames30 wrote:
waynagain wrote:
Culcheth_White wrote:
waynagain wrote: I own several guns, but nobody has access to them and the only way you would ever see one would be if you came into my house uninvited - I would then be pleased to show you the 'pointy' end of one.
I'm not being funny waynagain, but you did post recently, that you went to meet Big Sharps for a fight, just because you disagreed over the internet. Shocked

And you own "several" guns, apparently? No

I use my guns for hunting and target shooting at my gun club. They are kept in my house in aGun Safe. Big Sharps threatened me with physical violence on the internet and I gladly told him the next time I was in England I would be happy to meet him. I told him where I would be and he never showed up. Now what that has to do with me owning guns, I'm not sure, as my guns are in the USA and I was waiting for him in a pub in Bolton.

Why ? are you some sort of hard man or something?

I reckon Sharps would kick your arse tbh.

I gave him the opprotunity to back up his threats and he didn't, but that's typical of people who threaten others from the safety of their computer chair. I never claimed to be a 'hard man', Big Sharples (that's his real name by the way) did and when he had the opportunity to back up his words with action he had a change of mind. Seeing as you seem to know him, it would appear that he is not as tough as you would be led to believe and seeing as you don't know me, your opinion that he would 'kick my arse' is as hollow as his threats were.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm only taking the piss.

10Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon May 27 2013, 18:50


Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

scottjames30 wrote:I'm only taking the piss.

Don't know if you've met his girlfriend, but I'd be more scared of her than him!!!

11Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon May 27 2013, 18:59


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

waynagain wrote:
scottjames30 wrote:I'm only taking the piss.

Don't know if you've met his girlfriend, but I'd be more scared of her than him!!!

No is she a proper minger?

12Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon May 27 2013, 19:36


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

waynagain wrote:
Culcheth_White wrote:
waynagain wrote: I own several guns, but nobody has access to them and the only way you would ever see one would be if you came into my house uninvited - I would then be pleased to show you the 'pointy' end of one.
I'm not being funny waynagain, but you did post recently, that you went to meet Big Sharps for a fight, just because you disagreed over the internet. Shocked

And you own "several" guns, apparently? No

I use my guns for hunting and target shooting at my gun club. They are kept in my house in aGun Safe. Big Sharps threatened me with physical violence on the internet and I gladly told him the next time I was in England I would be happy to meet him. I told him where I would be and he never showed up. Now what that has to do with me owning guns, I'm not sure, as my guns are in the USA and I was waiting for him in a pub in Bolton.
Well, IMO anybody that is prepared to meet anybody over the internet for a fight, they can't be right in the head. You have "several" guns at your disposal. Nuff said really!

13Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon May 27 2013, 21:42



scottjames30 wrote:
waynagain wrote:
scottjames30 wrote:I'm only taking the piss.

Don't know if you've met his girlfriend, but I'd be more scared of her than him!!!

No is she a proper minger?

That's putting it seriously lightly, i'd shit myself if I saw her in a dark alley to be honest.


As for the thread, yes owners should get fucked if their dog ever kills or mauls someone.

Dogs are only bad because of their owners IMO and if you know your dog is dangerous to other people it wants putting down, end of.

14Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon May 27 2013, 22:52

Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton
El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Waynagain - were you waiting somewhere for him? Lol that is class you arranged to meet up for a fight. I love it.

15Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon May 27 2013, 22:55

Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton
El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

As to Nat's post, I totally agree, the owners should go to jail. Who the hell has a put bill as a pet? They are monsters. If I was mr Clark I would have kicked it so hard in the head.
People who own these dogs are complete scumbags, you see their dog kills a nephew/niece usually and they don't give a shit.

16Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon May 27 2013, 22:58


Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

I told him I would be in a pub near where he lives in Great Lever if he wanted to threaten me 'to my face'. I went there ten nights in a row and he never showed (maybe he did and when he saw me he might have had a change of heart). Typical really of people who are internet bullies.

17Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon May 27 2013, 23:03

Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton
El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Waynagain, you are my new favourite poster. For the record big sharps is a total bellend a slap would have done him good.

18Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Tue May 28 2013, 16:19


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Dog owners get let off far too lightly in cases like this. They deserve to be punished. In many ways it is more their fault than the dog's.

19Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Tue May 28 2013, 17:50


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The dog breeding industry gets off really lightly and acts irresponsibly in the UK. Some countries require potential owners to have a dog licence which has to be applied for and is subject to checks and sanctions.
Now if "dog lovers" (sic) really cared about dogs, they wouldn't want any old scally to own one and therefore you'd think that they'd support the idea of licensing owners - but they don't. At the same time, they are the first to whinge when it goes tits up.
Bunch of hypocritical barstewards the lot of them.

20Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Empty Re: Dogs: Time To Put The Owners Down? Mon Mar 10 2014, 13:27

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Another life ruined because of a dog and it's owner.

A 22 year old woman has received "life changing" injuries after being attacked by an American pit bull while out walking in a park in Lincoln.

And to make matters worse, the 33 year old owner of the dog got into a brawl with police after they cornered his dog, refusing to let them shoot it.

This scumbag deserves to burn in my opinion, as does anyone with a dangerous dog.

It's about time we wised up and just destroyed all breeds that potentially attack people. You never hear of Cocker Spaniels attacking people do you. If you want a dog, buy a fucking spaniel.

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