By way of explanations, and I'm not very good at this, I asked my sister, who was involved with spiritualism, who was God ?
With spiritualism, apparently, you live your life, learning and doing, and when you die, your spirit comes back according to what you have lived your past life. As you improve your spirit life, you move on to the next level. In a nutshell, God is the supreme being, (spirit).
I'm not a spiritualist, but it does seem to tie in a few loose ends with ghosts, spirits, etc, where they cannot 'move on' . I have to say that I have had one or two, and know of more, events involving spirits. With this in mind, I found it easier to believe there is 'something' out there, but what label people put on it is up to them.
The practice of making up stories and a way of life to justify a particular way of thinking is down to each religion, and as time moves on, any evidence, real or otherwise is changed. I once read that the Bible was written over a period of 200-300 years, and developed from nothing more than a collection of stories, started by the founders, (much like the Koran), and new events were added, real or otherwise, as time went by, to be presented as the real truth, etc.
It begs the question, of how can you believe something so old, other than just having faith that it really happened, and the lessons they are trying give apply to all, (and we all know this doesn't happen)
As for me, with all my ailments, I'm getting ready to start 'cramming for my finals', just in case