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Scraping the barrel

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Is 'BH's Mum' amusing?

Scraping the barrel Vote_lcap42%Scraping the barrel Vote_rcap 42% [ 5 ]
Scraping the barrel Vote_lcap58%Scraping the barrel Vote_rcap 58% [ 7 ]
Total Votes : 12

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1Scraping the barrel Empty Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 18:18


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I know there's a genuine need to develop the site and to attract more users.

Surely the right things to allow this to happen organically are already taking place: the site being active with some decent posters and spreading the word through referrals and social media.

I don't know who came up with the character 'BH's Mum' but if it was any of the admin, it strikes me as desperate, unfunny, and desperately unfunny. If it's someone else trying to entertain us all, you're not.

Lets get rid of BH's Mum. Vote her out. If this works, it can become a regular feature.

Last edited by largehat on Mon May 14 2012, 18:21; edited 1 time in total

2Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 18:20



Funnily enough, not 10 minutes ago I sent a PM to the person behind BH's Mum telling him that she has made her last post.

3Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 18:22


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Excellent, Passi. You are a kindred spirit. Can I count on you to vote 'no'?

4Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 18:23



I still voted 'yes', I've always liked a woman who can cook.

5Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 18:25


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Be careful: I can edit all this to be a vote about giving you the old Spanish Archer instead of BH's Mum.

People Power.

6Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 18:27



Don't be too hard on the person, I'm sure it was only meant as a bit of fun.


7Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 19:52


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Everyone knows where i stand on "crchters" I don't understand why anyone would make them, and i don't find them funny at all.

but it appears I'm very much in the minority so i live with it. Won't stop me moaning about it though!

8Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 20:18



I doubt very much that you are in a minority.

If someone really wanted to post as a number of different characters and went to the trouble of setting up different email addresses, registering different accounts and using proxy sites to 'hide' their ip addresses, then there is very little we could do to stop them really - we could ban them obviously - but they would only set up another account.

We would rather the forum takes off and people are treated with enough respect that they don't feel the need to wum / hide / whatever it is they do - behind more than their 'genuine' account and post their views, banter, debate, disagreements, leg pulls, etc, in an open and free way.

But we are on the internet and that simply will never happen!

9Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 20:29



Hipster_Nebula wrote:Everyone knows where i stand on "crchters" I don't understand why anyone would make them, and i don't find them funny at all.

but it appears I'm very much in the minority so i live with it. Won't stop me moaning about it though!

i agree with hipster nobula

10Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 21:08



I'm still waiting to find out who is behind this 'largehat' crchter. Next thing - why would anyone name their little darling 'Hipster_Nebula'?

11Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 22:07


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Keegan wrote:I'm still waiting to find out who is behind this 'largehat' crchter.

Largehat started a campaign against the mother that's done 7 indifferent posts, and not the son who's on 300 mainly hostile posts.

Bit suspicious... Smile

12Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 22:12


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Haha, you're right, it's a fair cop. I AM BOLTON HATER. Laughing

13Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 22:20



That's one confession out of the way. Now who is this hipster nobula person? I've noticed that you hardly ever see Hipster and Sluffy posting at the same time... coincidence? I think not!

14Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Mon May 14 2012, 22:52

Mr Magoo

Mr Magoo
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

Its Sluffy for sure, I have been monitoring it, own up Sluffy you turn coat.

15Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Tue May 15 2012, 00:11


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

I think the poll is missing an option for posters that find "characters" neither funny nor day-ruining.

I think some of them are brilliant for creating a bit of harmless banter, but even the pathetic ones don't ruin the forums for me.

16Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Tue May 15 2012, 00:36



Mr Magoo wrote:Its Sluffy for sure, I have been monitoring it, own up Sluffy you turn coat.

Well we certainly have some similarities in style, I think we are both fairly laid back and easy going and take far more abuse than we would ever dream of giving out.

The thing is though that Hipster is far more cleverer than me, he obviously knows how to do stuff that people under the age of their mid thirties can, such as twittering, trending and able to send text messages by using more than one digit!

He also knows about bands that are younger than the Rolling Stones and Status Quo and he probably knows whose won Britain's Got Talent.

I'm flattered to be possibly thought of to be Hipster - I hope he doesn't take the reverse as an insult though!

17Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Tue May 15 2012, 10:06



My guess is NatashaWhittam is BoltonHater, they always appear at the same time.

18Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Tue May 15 2012, 11:11



OneOinCoyle wrote:My guess is NatashaWhittam is BoltonHater, they always appear at the same time.

lol, you bunch of Bolton losers. Spending your lives wondering if someone is someone else on a football forum with 10 members. GET A LIFE. Sorry to disappoint, but I am just me.

19Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Tue May 15 2012, 11:19



If people have multiple usernames on the same IP address the system flags it up to admin immediately, as happened with BH's Mum.

I'm not saying Bolton Hater isn't someone on here taking the piss, but that person is going to extreme lengths if that is the case.

20Scraping the barrel Empty Re: Scraping the barrel Tue May 15 2012, 11:41


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

ive had a bit of fun owning our friend 'Bolton Hater' of late...

I like him, hes a nice easy bit of sport. you also have to admire his honesty.

for anyone who has not seen the thread, it appears that he is known to be a 'cock' around Blackburn, I initially thought this was taken out of context and that he meant he was the hardest, or one of the hardest residents of the town of Blackburn.

as the conversation went on however, it appears he was in fact, admitting to me that he was just indeed a cock in the 'im a total dipshit who gets bullied and nobody likes me' sense.

he also went on to 'come out as gay' first of all by admitting to 'enjoying lifting his and other peoples shirts' of a weekend. I have nothing against this but i had to question his sexuality more out of interst than anything...the reply to the question was 'Yes, Im gay' summarise, Bolton hater is a Gay Blackburn resident who everyone thinks is a cock...

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