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Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow?

Copper Dragon
Natasha Whittam
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Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_lcap13%Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 13% [ 1 ]
Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_lcap13%Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 13% [ 1 ]
Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_lcap0%Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_lcap50%Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 50% [ 4 ]
Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_lcap24%Which thread topic is Whittam going to recycle tomorrow? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 24% [ 2 ]
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I think that says more about you than it does about everybody else on here........ Razz

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thing is, you'll miss me when you drive me away.

The Mavies site have offered me £50 and a bag of seedless grapes to move over there. And their "leader" josh is 5'5 so he's hardly going to let the member bully Clive.



the member, as in singular, sounds a right laugh



Natasha Whittam wrote:
Barb Dwyer wrote:I thought she would have done a thread about people getting E-cigs on the NHS. Disappointed.

I've never done a thread about E-cigs so, like many others, your cheap shot doesn't make sense.
You do a lot of threads about things that cost the NHS money, thought you would have done one about that.



Only if they were discussing prescribing E-Cigs to fat people.

Especially fat people with depression.

And about eight kids.......



Breadman wrote:Only if they were discussing prescribing E-Cigs to fat people.

Or fat people with depression.
fat people with no life Smile


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Breadman wrote:Oh calm down and stop being such a stroppy tart!

Your whole shtick is based around dishing out hefty slices of scathing invective and generally trying to belittle everybody else on here but when you get some back, the toys come out of the pram.

Take it in the spirit it was meant, suck it up and get on with it, you big girl......
since when has being a big girl been an insult? I want the mods to step in, bargain booze to be razed to the ground, photos of everyone photoshopped with farmyard animals sent to their bosses (especially their soon to be new bosses), significant others, neighbours, friends, also Brucey kidnapped and held without ransom (unless he starts singing, then I'd send him back) and the fleas of a thousand camels to infest the earholes of all who condone such language.



Chairmanda wrote:
Breadman wrote:Oh calm down and stop being such a stroppy tart!

Your whole shtick is based around dishing out hefty slices of scathing invective and generally trying to belittle everybody else on here but when you get some back, the toys come out of the pram.

Take it in the spirit it was meant, suck it up and get on with it, you big girl......
since when has being a big girl been an insult? I want the mods to step in, bargain booze to be razed to the ground, photos of everyone photoshopped with farmyard animals sent to their bosses (especially their soon to be new bosses), significant others, neighbours, friends, also Brucey kidnapped and held without ransom (unless he starts singing, then I'd send him back) and the fleas of a thousand camels to infest the earholes of all who condone such language.
Someone is wearing their big girl pants today Smile


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I've not said a dickie bird! Shocked



I never intended it as an insult, Mand.

It was more of a statement of fact based on my mental image of Whittam.

Given the number of self-loathing packed articles she's written about how rubbish fat people are, I've always thought of her as being, er........quite generously proportioned.

I see her manservant wheeling her through her local Spar in a barrow, while she frantically grabs chocolate bars and immediately devours them, shouting "More!!! Next aisle!!! Quick!!!"

Or having to cajole Clive into balancing her girth on top of his head, as he gives her a weekly flannelling in those hard to reach places which are susceptible to developing smelly welts if not regularly scrubbed with disinfectant.

That sort of thing......


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

I'll go for:

Should I take Nuggy back?

"As I'm sure most of you know, an old flame of mine recently got bought for big money by one of the league's best teams. Those of you that follow my work will know that this chap answers to the name David Nugent, and that we've had our ups and downs together to say the least.

I've always said I'd have him back over my dead pert body but my phone started ringing last night as I'm putting my slippers on, and despite wanting to launch it at the wall just seeing the tiny-willied twat's name, we ended up having a good catch-up. He told me that selling me to the Bulgarians was the biggest mistake he'd made since his naked selfie got leaked, and that he missed tickling my feet in front of the tele as I suck away on a Twirl.

On the one hand, there are still feelings there, but on the other there's Middlesbrough. Anybody that's been to Middlesbrough knows that it's no place for a model come socialite come umpteen times Preston Businesswoman of the Year. The locals are quite simply several social classes my junior; a girl like me wouldn't last five minutes around plebs like that.

Do I tell him to fuck Boro off? Or do I just tell him to fuck himself?"



Alarming attention to detail here Doff.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

bwfc1874 wrote:Alarming attention to detail here Doff.

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

doffcocker wrote:I'll go for:

Should I take Nuggy back?

"As I'm sure most of you know, an old flame of mine recently got bought for big money by one of the league's best teams. Those of you that follow my work will know that this chap answers to the name David Nugent, and that we've had our ups and downs together to say the least.

I've always said I'd have him back over my dead pert body but my phone started ringing last night as I'm putting my slippers on, and despite wanting to launch it at the wall just seeing the tiny-willied twat's name, we ended up having a good catch-up. He told me that selling me to the Bulgarians was the biggest mistake he'd made since his naked selfie got leaked, and that he missed tickling my feet in front of the tele as I suck away on a Twirl.

On the one hand, there are still feelings there, but on the other there's Middlesbrough. Anybody that's been to Middlesbrough knows that it's no place for a model come socialite come umpteen times Preston Businesswoman of the Year. The locals are quite simply several social classes my junior; a girl like me wouldn't last five minutes around plebs like that.

Do I tell him to fuck Boro off? Or do I just tell him to fuck himself?"

I feel like someone has just climbed into my skin.



Doffcocker must be one of Nats other accounts.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

You bellends.

This is my life we're talking about.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

doffcocker wrote:You bellends.

This is my life we're talking about.
Wow! Shocked

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Do some fooking modding KP you bellend. This is my life we're talking about.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:Do some fooking modding KP you bellend. This is my life we're talking about.
I can't, I'm going fitting my blind now.

See ya! Very Happy

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