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The Water Place

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1The Water Place Empty The Water Place Sun Jul 31 2016, 22:20

Bolton Nuts


Did you go?

2The Water Place Empty Re: The Water Place Sun Jul 31 2016, 22:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Yes all the time and wish it was still here because I would still be going to this day. Sad

3The Water Place Empty Re: The Water Place Sun Jul 31 2016, 22:27

Bolton Nuts


Me too. 
Friday night it was always busy and was half price.... spent about a year of my life going there every Friday. 

Wave pool. Rapids. Jacoozi. Slides.  I think a new water place would go down well now...

4The Water Place Empty Re: The Water Place Sun Jul 31 2016, 22:30



I only evet went a couple of times and must admit it is a shame it isnt there anymore.  My lad would love it

5The Water Place Empty Re: The Water Place Sun Jul 31 2016, 22:39


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I have my eye on that one in Blackpool when the lad is old enough, only so I can have a play around. Razz

6The Water Place Empty Re: The Water Place Sun Jul 31 2016, 22:43



Went there a few years ago. (Probably about ten thinking about it) expensive from what i can remember

7The Water Place Empty Re: The Water Place Tue Aug 02 2016, 08:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

used to go a lot when i was at school a on a Friday night but used it more years later for exercise using the proper pool. A big miss to the centre of Bolton having nothing like this now in my opinion

8The Water Place Empty Re: The Water Place Tue Aug 02 2016, 09:23


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

karlypants wrote:I have my eye on that one in Blackpool when the lad is old enough, only so I can have a play around. Razz
Took my 2 lads there a few years ago, we set off early and got there for opening and for the first couple of hours it was great fun, but once it filled up my overriding memory of it was standing in queue's for hours to get on every ride.

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