As I get older not only do I bite my tongue and not say things that perhaps I would have twenty or thirty years ago but also I see those that do say stuff considered not to be currently PC hounded and ostracised from society.
The stuff I'm talking about myself is giving an honest answer.
I would never dream now of saying to any woman that their bum does in fact look big - even though they must know themselves it does.
I would never express my views of race or religion to anyone in public, although I simply think that everyone should be treated equally and fairly and not jump to the front of the queue of those that have. Not to take financial advantage of those in a country that have contributed financially to a society that has given them food and shelter and religious freedom.
Although I don't approve of physical violence I can understand what Eric Bristow tweeted about the football sex abuse - namely when the abused kids grew into big burly blokes, why didn't they then pay their abuser a visit!
Seems it has cost Bristow his job on Sky TV.
These days he was wrong to say it publically but how many of us probably think it privately anyway?
I'm not saying the old days had it right - far from it - but to me it seems that have gone to far in the opposite direction these days
It is becoming a sort of brain control somehow.
For example if you have a religion, that forces religion on to you from birth, regulates your whole life including how you are treated according to gender via society, politics and the law. Punishes by death if you renounce or denounce it - and the only way you flourish under it is by 'keeping the faith' then is it any wonder a whole chunk of the worlds population is slowly splitting themselves away from the rest of us - but does anyone, government, people or society make a stand and say let the people be free to choose in a God, or not!
I've long since learned to shut up about such things and let things take their course but I can't help thinking that this is the thin edge of the wedge and already people are beginning to kick back against such things as evidenced by the unexpected 'public' victory's for Brexit and Trump.
What do you think - that is if you feel brave enough to talk about it!
The stuff I'm talking about myself is giving an honest answer.
I would never dream now of saying to any woman that their bum does in fact look big - even though they must know themselves it does.
I would never express my views of race or religion to anyone in public, although I simply think that everyone should be treated equally and fairly and not jump to the front of the queue of those that have. Not to take financial advantage of those in a country that have contributed financially to a society that has given them food and shelter and religious freedom.
Although I don't approve of physical violence I can understand what Eric Bristow tweeted about the football sex abuse - namely when the abused kids grew into big burly blokes, why didn't they then pay their abuser a visit!
Seems it has cost Bristow his job on Sky TV.
These days he was wrong to say it publically but how many of us probably think it privately anyway?
I'm not saying the old days had it right - far from it - but to me it seems that have gone to far in the opposite direction these days
It is becoming a sort of brain control somehow.
For example if you have a religion, that forces religion on to you from birth, regulates your whole life including how you are treated according to gender via society, politics and the law. Punishes by death if you renounce or denounce it - and the only way you flourish under it is by 'keeping the faith' then is it any wonder a whole chunk of the worlds population is slowly splitting themselves away from the rest of us - but does anyone, government, people or society make a stand and say let the people be free to choose in a God, or not!
I've long since learned to shut up about such things and let things take their course but I can't help thinking that this is the thin edge of the wedge and already people are beginning to kick back against such things as evidenced by the unexpected 'public' victory's for Brexit and Trump.
What do you think - that is if you feel brave enough to talk about it!