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Is This Offensive?

Bernard Dennis Park
Natasha Whittam
6 posters

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1Is This Offensive? Empty Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 11:32

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

This is a recent police poster campaign to highlight the link between drinking too much alcohol and getting raped:

Is This Offensive? _61987137_rapeposter

It has now been removed because the Worcestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre claimed the Safe Night Out campaign blamed victims who had been drinking for sexual assault.

Now everyone knows you don't get raped just because you get pissed on a Saturday night, why does some group or other always have to take everything so literally? But the truth of the matter is you are much more likely to get raped if you're pissed out of your skull and don't know your own name.

I wouldn't wish rape on anyone, but if you choose to get so drunk you have to take some responsibility. It seems in this day and age everyone is a victim, regardless of if they brought it on themselves.

2Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 12:04

Bernard Dennis Park

Bernard Dennis Park
El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

How does getting pissed mean they bring it on themselves?

3Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 12:11

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bernard Dennis Park wrote:How does getting pissed mean they bring it on themselves?

They don't, but they don't help themselves. You are much less likely to get raped if you stay at home and drink Vimto.

4Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 12:32


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Just to clarify, when you ask 'Is This Offensive?' in the title of the thread, are you referring to the poster or your opinion?

5Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 12:33

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

largehat wrote:Just to clarify, when you ask 'Is This Offensive?' in the title of the thread, are you referring to the poster or your opinion?

Largehat, this is not a thread for you, please move on.

If we get drunk do we have to take responsibility for putting ourselves in danger? That is the question.

6Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 12:38


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Natasha Whittam wrote:
largehat wrote:Just to clarify, when you ask 'Is This Offensive?' in the title of the thread, are you referring to the poster or your opinion?

Largehat, this is not a thread for you, please move on.


7Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 12:52



i don't find it offensive, girls need to know the dangers - sometimes things do need to be spelled out and made obvious. of course you're at more risk of something bad happening if you're drunk.

8Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 12:55



It's not rape if some bint agrees to come home with me, no matter how pissed she is. Too many girls cry rape in the cold light of day.

9Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 12:58

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bolton Hater wrote:It's not rape if some bint agrees to come home with me, no matter how pissed she is. Too many girls cry rape in the cold light of day.

It's either cry rape or admit they chose to go home with you. No one is going to admit to that.

10Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 13:35

Mr Magoo

Mr Magoo
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

I've been raped all my life, i am ok with it though. Very Happy

11Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 13:37

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

not-so-plain-jayne wrote:i don't find it offensive, girls need to know the dangers - sometimes things do need to be spelled out and made obvious. of course you're at more risk of something bad happening if you're drunk.
Exactly my thoughts on the subject. Intoxicated females having a good time are a target for predators, i see it all the time in my line of work. So many times i see half naked girls walking drunk home on thier own and they dont seem bothered that they could be attacked. Of course they are not asking to be raped or assaulted but they are putting themselves at risk. My wife argues that she has the right to dress provocatively get drunk and walk home without being attacked, that thinking baffles me.I have watched blokes target girls and signal to each other when they are leaving.

12Is This Offensive? Empty Re: Is This Offensive? Fri 3 Aug - 14:22


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I don't see a problem with it tbh. People who go out and have a few drinks are not the target of the poster, it's the people who have 19 drinks before they go out 19 different drinks during the night out and end up in the gutter that are.

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