Thats just my point Breaders. People are chopping and changing, or trying to, those bits of the referendum they didn't like or agree with. Just look at Nick Clegg. Even published a book on how to stop Brexit. Democracy at its best !Bread2.0 wrote:gloswhite wrote:XM. What do you think of a possible second referendum being limited to those who voted the first time ? After all, if some couldn’t be arsed to join in the first time. Why let them now?
My point is that there are a myriad of different arguments and interpretations of the current mess we’re in, but one constant in all of it, is that we are coming out of the EU. I believe that this is one position the politicians can not get around. If they reneged on the right and morally correct action of adhering to a legal and democratic result, it would cause absolute havoc, for the whole country. Bear in mind that though the vast majority of the exit voters are keeping quiet, probably because things are in such a state, they are still there, waiting. As for people changing, I believe that can go both ways, especially when the EU politics, bully boy tactics, and intransigence, is taken into account.
Come on now, Glos.......
You suggest banning anyone who didn't vote the first time round from having a say in the second referendum but then go on to talk about a "legal and democratic result."
You can't play the "it's the democratic will of the people" card and then suggest that we exclude eligible voters from the process, mate.
And as for remain voters changing their minds, I'm yet to see a single shred of evidence for that. Anywhere.
People are now realising that the delay in the talks are not just down to the UK, indeed, according to a leaked EU document, plans are afoot to begin trade negotiations in December. Macron is emerging as a less than powerful leader, and Merkel is slightly damaged goods, and it is they who are driving the delays at this time. Come December, I think we will find that rather more of the other 26 will want to call a stop to this particular approach.
It really is an almighty mess, but I think we have to realise that its going to happen, one way or another.