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Mo Farah

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1Mo Farah Empty Mo Farah Tue Jul 12 2022, 21:58



Anybody think there is something not genuine with this bloke?

Obviously the first I knew of him was as a runner - and not particularly good runner either - then out of nowhere he suddenly became one of the world's best.

Suspicious I thought.

Then it comes out that his trainer in America was a notorious athletic druggie - but nobody could pin anything on him - think Lance Armstrong who always seemed to pass all the drugs tests in his career - nudge, nudge, wink, wink, type thing!

British athletics instructs British athletes to change their coach away from him - surprisingly (or perhaps unsurprisingly) Farah does not!

A year or so later his trainer Alberto Salazar is finally nailed.

Maybe it was just a coincidence then that Farah's athletic performances then fell back to the level it once was...?

Now he's decided to tell the world he was trafficked as a kid and not seen his mum since he was a child.

Shocking of course but he's been a millionaire for years and has had plenty time and opportunity to go and visit his mum - he still knows where she lives - and she hasn't moved in all that time.

So why wait all these years to just now - and coincidently when the BBC are doing a documentary on him???

Everything about him seems false to me yet everybody seems to love him.

Certainly not me though!

2Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Wed Jul 13 2022, 08:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bit harsh Sluffy, being a 9 year old moved to another country and being made to be a slave must have been extremely difficult and traumatic for him. If anything i like him more knowing what he's had to put up with.

He's been drug tested a lot as well and never failed one as far as i know.

3Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Wed Jul 13 2022, 09:49



Norpig wrote:Bit harsh Sluffy, being a 9 year old moved to another country and being made to be a slave must have been extremely difficult and traumatic for him. If anything i like him more knowing what he's had to put up with.

He's been drug tested a lot as well and never failed one as far as i know.

That was my point about Lance Armstrong.

"Armstrong vehemently and angrily denied allegations of using performance enhancing drugs for 13 years, until a confession during a broadcast interview with Oprah Winfrey in January 2013, when he finally admitted to all his cheating in sports, stating, “I view this situation as one big lie that I repeated a lot of times”.

So to were all the Russian athletes - the whole nation is now banned.

"A Russian official has admitted for the first time the existence of a doping campaign that involved hundreds of the country’s athletes.

“It was an institutional conspiracy,” Anna Antseliovich, the acting director of Russia’s national anti-doping agency Rusada, told the New York Times on Tuesday".

His coach was found guilty of tampering with samples -

"Salazar is arguably the most famous nonathlete ever to receive a doping sanction. The fact that the sanction comes in the absence of any positive drug tests marks it as a rarity, but one that places it alongside two of the most prominent anti-doping cases in history — BALCO, which supplied hard-to-detect performance-enhancing drugs to pro athletes, and the investigation of cyclist Lance Armstrong, both of which involved sanctions without positive tests.

The arbitration panel decided that Salazar had committed three anti-doping rule violations: He participated in the administration of a prohibited method; he attempted to tamper with the doping control process; and he “trafficked” in testosterone, a banned substance.

The prohibited method in question was an intravenous infusion of the legal supplement L-carnitine — a naturally occurring amino acid that helps convert fat into energy — but in an amount far in excess of the allowed limit of 50 millilitres per six hours. The tampering charge involved Salazar’s instruction to athletes not to disclose to doping control officers that they had received infusions. The testosterone trafficking charge was the result of an experiment Salazar helped conduct in a lab on the Nike campus in which he applied testosterone gel to his sons to see how much would trigger a positive test".

Farah was never caught for drug cheating simply because it would seem his coach worked out how much athletes could dope before the results would show up on tests!

As for being trafficked - yes of course what you say is true, however he's 39 years old now and 5 years since he was last winning at the top - he's had the wealth, opportunity and time to see his mum if he had wanted to - so why leave it to now that he's being filmed on camera?

There's a very strong whiff of dishonesty about him to me and apparently UK Athletics too...!

UK Athletics docs voiced concerns over Alberto Salazar’s alleged use of medications with Mo Farah nine years ago

Fresh questions over Mo Farah's relationship with his banned former coach Alberto Salazar have been raised in a new BBC Panorama investigation.

Documents show Farah repeatedly denied to US Anti-Doping (Usada) investigators he had received injections of the controversial supplement L-carnitine before the 2014 London Marathon.

Farah later changed his account to Usada investigators, saying he had forgotten.

The documents also reveal how a UK Athletics official was dispatched to Switzerland to collect the legal supplement from a contact of Salazar's.

Emails obtained by Panorama show how UKA officials had initially expressed concern about whether the injection was safe and within the "spirit of the sport".

Mo Farah and the Salazar Scandal - Panorama (2020) Documentary VIDEO

4Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Wed Jul 13 2022, 12:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Trademark suspicion, speculation and negativity from our host. I believe that the "investigation" referred to resulted in no prosecution?

Personally I don't care about any of that anyway as he had fantastic success before he'd even heard of Salazar which in itself is a great achievement especially given his background. Admitting he's an illegal has again shone a light on human trafficking which is something people need reminding of. Well done Sir Mo - or whatever you're name is.

5Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Wed Jul 13 2022, 13:18



wanderlust wrote:Trademark suspicion, speculation and negativity from our host. I believe that the "investigation" referred to resulted in no prosecution?

Personally I don't care about any of that anyway as he had fantastic success before he'd even heard of Salazar which in itself is a great achievement especially given his background. Admitting he's an illegal has again shone a light on human trafficking which is something people need reminding of. Well done Sir Mo - or whatever you're name is.

Doping investigations
In June 2015, Salazar was named in a joint BBC Panorama and ProPublica investigation into doping allegations. This involved testimonies from various athletes and people associated with Salazar about alleged microdosing of testosterone and prednisone at the Nike Oregon Project. Salazar declined to be interviewed for the programme, but denied any wrongdoing, saying in a statement that the "allegations your sources are making are based upon false assumptions and half-truths in an attempt to further their personal agendas".[30] One of the more high-profile allegations was made by former Nike Oregon Project athlete Kara Goucher, who claimed she was pressured by Salazar to take thyroid medication not prescribed by her doctor to lose weight gained during her pregnancy in 2010.[31] The accusations were addressed by Salazar in public releases.[32][33]

On October 1, 2019, USADA banned Salazar and Dr. Jeffrey Stuart Brown,[34][35] a colleague at the Nike Oregon Project, for doping offences.[3] These included using a WADA prohibited method, tampering with doping control methods and trafficking testosterone through a prohibited testing program. In response, Salazar stated that "Throughout this six-year investigation my athletes and I have endured unjust, unethical and highly damaging treatment from USADA. [...] I have always ensured the World Anti-Doping Agency code is strictly followed."[36] Records of the investigations were unsealed two days later, exposing a pattern of withholding their own medical records from the athletes, ignoring subpoenas, and other forms of delay.[37]

Salazar appealed his doping ban to the international Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), which upheld his 4-year ban on September 16, 2021. The CAS stated that he was found guilty of "possessing testosterone, complicity in Brown's administration of a prohibited method, and tampering with the doping control process." The CAS did reject USADA's request to increase the ban beyond 4 years, stating that "None of the ADRVs (anti-doping rule violations) directly affected athletic competition, and... there was no evidence put before the CAS as to any effect on athletes competing at the elite level."[38][39]

SafeSport bans
In January 2020, the United States Center for SafeSport sanctioned Salazar with an additional (temporary) ban from coaching, after SafeSport investigated allegations against him of sexual and emotional misconduct.[5] Although SafeSport did not make public the offense or offenses for which it banned him, Mary Cain, Kara Goucher, and Amy Yoder Begley were among those who had previously made public complaints about Salazar's conduct.[40][8]

On July 26, 2021, Salazar was deemed "permanently ineligible" by SafeSport, after it found that he had committed four violations of emotional and sexual misconduct, including two instances of his penetrating a runner with his finger while giving an athletic massage.

Salazar appealed via an arbitration that was held in early December 2021.[5] At the arbitration hearing Salazar denied the accusations against him, and said he did not speak with or see the runner on the days in question.[5] The appeal was unsuccessful as an arbitrator did not find Salazar’s explanation credible, and accepted his accuser’s version of events, determining that he more likely than not had sexually assaulted the athlete on two different occasions and had also made sexually inappropriate comments toward the runner.[5] As a result Salazar was effectively banned for life from participating in any activity put on, by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee or any sport's USOPC-recognized National Governing Body.[8][41] Salazar continues to deny involvement in any misconduct and said that he felt the SafeSport process was unfair and "lacked due process protections".[5]

wanderlust wrote:he had fantastic success before he'd even heard of Salazar

In January 2009, Farah set a new British indoor record in the 3000 metres, breaking John Mayock's record with a time of 7 minutes 40.99 seconds in Glasgow.[32] A few weeks later, he broke his own record by more than six seconds with a time of 7 minutes 34.47 at the UK Indoor Grand Prix in Birmingham,[33] a performance which commentator Steve Cram called "the best performance by a male British distance runner for a generation".[34] Farah attributed his good form to a spell of winter training at altitude in Ethiopia and Kenya.[35] In March 2009 he took gold in the 3000 m at the European Indoor Championships in Turin, recording a time of 7 minutes 40.17.

Inside the doping hotspot of Ethiopia: dodgy testing and EPO over the counter
Guardian investigation shows how easy it is to obtain doping products, uncovers disorganisation at the Ethiopian anti-doping agency and catches leading athlete admitting to having taken performance-enhancing drugs

There are dozens of medals, including a few from her junior career when she was one of Ethiopia’s brightest middle-distance running talents. It was in 2009 that Lily, now 26, was first spotted at her local club in Addis Ababa by a Turkish coach who persuaded her to switch allegiance to Azerbaijan.

“They promised me a good salary, a house and expensive cars if I won races,” she says. “But I never received any. I had my prize money stolen, was tricked into taking drugs and I would advise against anyone doing it.”

Russia and Kenya take the podium in the athletics doping contest

Mo Farah 20210807_woc153

ALONGSIDE THE visible sporting contest in Tokyo sits a hidden, pharmacological one. Away from the TV cameras, in laboratories and huts and cubicles, anti-doping officials scour samples from the 11,482 athletes at the games, looking for evidence of any one of the hundreds of banned performance-enhancing drugs. Even before the games, athletes will have been visited by officials conducting surprise out-of-competition tests.

No one knows how many athletes are using chemical enhancement, although most experts agree it is widespread. Estimates vary from sport to sport, and range from 10% to 40%. But track-and-field athletics—one of the Olympics's centrepiece events—has a particularly chequered past. Of the 12 finalists in the women’s 1,500 metres at the 2012 Olympics, four were subsequently suspended for doping. In 2013 the entire board of Jamaica’s anti-doping agency resigned after it was revealed it had conducted only a single out-of-competition test ahead of the London games. Last year Lamine Diack, a former head of the sport’s governing body, was sent to prison for corruption and covering up drug-test results. Just before the Tokyo games Shelby Houlihan, an American runner and medal prospect, was barred from the contest after failing a drugs test.

wanderlust wrote:Personally I don't care about any of that anyway

You condone cheating then?

Doesn't surprise me at all.

6Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Wed Jul 13 2022, 15:39


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Glad you've gone to all this trouble to find zero evidence of Farah cheating.
I spent a very pleasant afternoon in the garden teaching my class of Ukranian women although it was slightly soured by them refusing to stop bringing me cakes. Custard donuts today.

7Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Wed Jul 13 2022, 16:04



wanderlust wrote:Glad you've gone to all this trouble to find zero evidence of Farah cheating.
I spent a very pleasant afternoon in the garden teaching my class of Ukranian women although it was slightly soured by them refusing to stop bringing me cakes. Custard donuts today.

You're bonkers mate.

I don't give a monkey's how you spend your time so why be bothered what I do with mine?

Did I ever accuse Farah of cheating - no I never did, just said everything looks false to me - which given all the stuff that swirls around him is a reasonable position to take.

It's nothing new to me either, as most people have, I've followed his career and as I do, I've been interested in some of the anomalies that have caught my eye, so I already know what I'm looking for to post in my reply.

It really doesn't take me much time at all to do a google search on stuff I'm already aware of and copy and paste them on to here.

Fair play to you helping out with the Ukrainian refugees if you really are but seeing that you constantly tell lies on here I won't take your word for it.

Oh and by the way you never did replied to this...

Sluffy wrote:I'll tell you what mate, if you can show just one example of where I've speculated/guessed/or similar about something and then claimed it to be a fact then I will donate £100 to the charity of your choice.

I simply don't do it.

That's why I always put links or references to verify what I've said.

That's how I do things.

Would you be willing put up £100 of your money to a charity of my choice for every time I can demonstrate where you have lied on here?

The post of yours above being one of them...

PS - the picture you've posted seems very apt considering I think of you as being quite unhinged at times.

...I wonder why?

8Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Wed Jul 13 2022, 17:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Because I don't take you seriously and can't be arsed?

You wrote:Everything about him (Farah) seems false to me yet everybody seems to love him.
Me wrote:I don't care
You wrote:(lengthy diatribe about someone who was not Farah)

Me wrote:You didn't find anything on Farah did you?

You wrote:So you condone cheating?

Just stop embarrassing yourself FFS.

9Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Wed Jul 13 2022, 17:51



wanderlust wrote:Because I don't take you seriously and can't be arsed?

You wrote:Everything about him (Farah) seems false to me yet everybody seems to love him.
Me wrote:I don't care
You wrote:(lengthy diatribe about someone who was not Farah)

Me wrote:You didn't find anything on Farah did you?

You wrote:So you condone cheating?

Just stop embarrassing yourself FFS.


You're a complete joke mate...

And you say that it is ME that's embarrassing MYSELF yet you do childish shit like this!!!

Yeah right...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

10Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 07:42


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I find no reason to hide behind a keyboard and slag off people like Mo Farah I've never met or organisations like FV. Fortunately for me, there are loads of ignorant Tories around here that I can discuss the error of their ways with face to face Smile

Still, you - and they - have the right to a different perspective.

If you watch Jaws backwards, it's a heartwarming tale of a shark that gives arms and legs to disabled people for example.

11Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 08:00


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

And another thread ruined.......

12Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 11:49



Norpig wrote:And another thread ruined.......

Agreed but ask yourself why?

Could it be that someone sets out to deliberately do so simply because it is me that started it (our have taken a large part in one)?

I tried to start a thread on a new subject, about a 'national hero' that was being featured on the telly the following evening.

There are many people apart from me who have a very different view of the blind adulation by most given to Farah and I aired that view.

When you kindly responded to what I said by called my view 'a bit harsh' I pointed out that his 'world famous' trainer ended up getting a 4 year ban for tampering with dope testing and in effect a lifetime ban for sexual assaults!

The British Athletic Association obviously had wind of all this before it became public and instructed their athletes to change their coach from him - which they all did but NOT Farah.

We then had Wanderlust arrive on the scene and act as he does (go and check out the BWFC accounts thread - he did the same there too) namely by rubbishing what I've said (Bob and I in the case of the accounts thread) and posting an opposite opinion.

As always, taking this as his 'opinion' (and not as his attempt to troll which it quite clearly was) I took apart everything he had said and countered it with factual evidence.

We next moved on to Wanderlusts second of his three part method of trolling, telling lies and attempting to change the narrative from what he originally said (because he has/is being shown to be wrong about it) in this case by stating I had zero evidence of Farah cheating.  

Thing is though I had never called Farah a cheat!  

Yes I suspect very strongly of him of being one - his remarkable athletic transformation started only immediately AFTER he returned from Kenya and Ethiopia (now KNOWN to be notorious athletic doping country's at the time and many years since) then moving on to a coach who has in effect been banned for life for doing the same - but I also know there was no evidence at this time to show he actually was (hence if you remember my direct reference to Lance Armstrong in my original post on this thread).

Then we move on to the final stage of Wanderlust's behaviour on here, that of abuse and childishness.

It happens time and time and time again over multiple threads. over the months and years.

Take note next time because as sure as eggs are eggs, there will definitely be one.

13Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 13:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:And another thread ruined.......
TBH a thread whose sole purpose is to slag off a beloved knight of the realm/national treasure should have been strangled at birth anyway Smile

14Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 13:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Paula Radcliffe. I'll say no more.

15Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 13:24



wanderlust wrote:
Norpig wrote:And another thread ruined.......
TBH a thread whose sole purpose is to slag off a beloved knight of the realm/national treasure should have been strangled at birth anyway Smile

Jimmy Savile was a knight of the realm and considered widely by many at one time to be a national treasure...

16Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 13:39



wanderlust wrote:TBH a thread whose sole purpose is to slag off a beloved knight of the realm/national treasure should have been strangled at birth anyway Smile

Sluffy wrote:
Norpig wrote:And another thread ruined.......

Agreed but ask yourself why?

Could it be that someone sets out to deliberately do so simply because it is me that started it (our have taken a large part in one)?

As always, taking this as his 'opinion' (and not as his attempt to troll which it quite clearly was) I took apart everything he had said and countered it with factual evidence...

Can't people see what really happens and why???

Do people really want this to carry on forever on here?


17Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 17:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

18Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 17:38


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:Do people really want this to carry on forever on here?

No so what is the solution?

It is both of you though tbh. It isn’t always one sided.

19Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 18:32



karlypants wrote:
Sluffy wrote:Do people really want this to carry on forever on here?

No so what is the solution?

It is both of you though tbh. It isn’t always one sided.

How the fuck do you work that one out?

Look at things again, surely you know by now that the one thing I am is a bit of a stickler for facts and honesty.

Clearly Wanderlust doesn't let facts get in the way of his fixated views and obsessions and is not obverse to telling lies frequently.

On top of that he clearly and most certainly doesn't like to be seen to be wrong about anything and will do absolutely everything he can to avoid looking so.

It is abundantly clearly on this thread he only posted to troll me and to be confrontational and did similar on the accounts thread where Bob now refers to him as 'the bullshitter' which of course he is.

As for my part feel free to point out where I have trolled him or in anyway been 'an equal part of the problem' as you seem to see me as since the 'reset' from your return and my pledge to keep my side of the fence some weeks back?

I've laughed at his behaviour, sure, but what else am I expected to do when he behaves like he has?

If it was anyone else but Wanderlust I would have warned them for deliberate trolling - just look at his last post above which is all but an admission of what he clearly had been doing - then banned him if he continues to persist in such.

I can't take such action because everyone else would be screaming that I'm as bad as him.

I'm not - and it is all there in front of your eyes too if only you bothered to look again and see.

This simply can't go on.

I suggest you ban us both because I honestly can't see Wanderlust ever changing and that you see me as guilty as him although I've clearly and demonstrably not done anything - yet you consistently view me as still being half of the problem!

That will solve it to your satisfaction and certainly to the overall benefit of the site.

20Mo Farah Empty Re: Mo Farah Thu Jul 14 2022, 20:50


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Take a leaf out of Bob's book, Sluffy. He makes do with a tired shrug, and a humorous dig, then moves on.
As it stands, the situation looks a lot like this. Very Happy

Mo Farah Dance-shoot

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