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God Save the Queen

Ten Bobsworth
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21God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 15 2022, 14:16

Bolton Nuts


Sky TV cut a load of queen jokes from a TV show which aired first in the US. Fed up of people telling us what to think or feel.

22God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 15 2022, 14:44



Biggie wrote:Sky TV cut a load of queen jokes from a TV show which aired first in the US. Fed up of people telling us what to think or feel.

Go find them on the internet if you are so desperate to want to see someone telling jokes about the death of our Queen.

There is a line about what is acceptable to most people and what is not.

There's apparently a FOUR MILE queue at this moment, of people who want to pay their respects by walking past her coffin -

I don't get it myself, nor the over-the-top mourning the country has been in since her death, but I don't continually bitch about it all the time like you are doing.

People have their own ways of wanting to pay their respects - Sky, clearly know that and clearly don't want to face the public backlash they will obviously get (and those who who no doubt will cancel their subscriptions to Sky as well) just to screen a few Americans taking the piss out of some old woman who died who just happened to be the constitutional head of our country for the last 70 years - and more importantly someone who was actually liked and admired by most people - even old Trots like Bonce!

About time you stopped your bitching/wumming/ or whatever it is you are trying to achieve here.

Give respect to the poor dead woman and her family if nothing else.

23God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 15 2022, 18:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I think I've said before that my 92 year old mum is a dead ringer for the Queen, and we, as a family, have had a lot of fun with her about it.
The Queen's death has thrown into sharp relief the fact that mum is not always going to be around, and, I'm not sure I'll be able to hold myself together as well as the new King when the time comes. (She always says she'll see me off).
It can't be easy with the eyes of the world upon you.
I'm first in the queue when it comes to mocking royalty, but, at this time, I think it's time to step back. and allow a family, and a nation, time to grieve, and show a little respect for the millions of people who, for some strange reason, have the audacity not to think like me. There's a time for a little fun at the expense of the Royal Family, and its supporters, but it's not now
I'm an old leftie, but respect shouldn't be political. I'd like to think it's the natural reaction of a decent human being.

24God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 15 2022, 20:29


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Unbearable. Unforgettable. Unforgiveable?

God Save the Queen - Page 2 _126707616_diana

25God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 15 2022, 21:14



okocha wrote:Unbearable. Unforgettable. Unforgiveable?



26God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 15 2022, 22:08

Bolton Nuts


Sluffy wrote:
Biggie wrote:Sky TV cut a load of queen jokes from a TV show which aired first in the US. Fed up of people telling us what to think or feel.

Go find them on the internet if you are so desperate to want to see someone telling jokes about the death of our Queen.

There is a line about what is acceptable to most people and what is not.

There's apparently a FOUR MILE queue at this moment, of people who want to pay their respects by walking past her coffin -

I don't get it myself, nor the over-the-top mourning the country has been in since her death, but I don't continually bitch about it all the time like you are doing.

People have their own ways of wanting to pay their respects - Sky, clearly know that and clearly don't want to face the public backlash they will obviously get (and those who who no doubt will cancel their subscriptions to Sky as well) just to screen a few Americans taking the piss out of some old woman who died who just happened to be the constitutional head of our country for the last 70 years - and more importantly someone who was actually liked and admired by most people - even old Trots like Bonce!

About time you stopped your bitching/wumming/ or whatever it is you are trying to achieve here.

Give respect to the poor dead woman and her family if nothing else.

The jokes may be in poor taste. I'm not defending that.
But let people decide for themselves.
To me it only illustrates a wider problem.
Eg, playing emotive music over certain scenes in love Island to make the viewer feel a certain way about a couple based on how the producer wants you to see them in that moment.

Or during the F1 coverage, when it was re-run, they cut the sound of the crowd booing when the winner made his way to the podium and they also cut it during his interview and replaced it with generic crowd noise, I think it's becoming a real issue that the bosses decide what we can see or hear. They decide how it's appropriate for us to feel or react.

If a program has a joke in it that you don't like, turn it off. Don't try to tell me I'm wumming or that I'm in the wrong for thinking that.

I'm just disappointed that I seem to be the only one who cares to point it out.

27God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 15 2022, 22:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I agree with much of what you say, Biggie, but more worrying for me is deepfake technology.

28God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 15 2022, 22:57



Biggie wrote:The jokes may be in poor taste. I'm not defending that.
But let people decide for themselves.
To me it only illustrates a wider problem.
Eg, playing emotive music over certain scenes in love Island to make the viewer feel a certain way about a couple based on how the producer wants you to see them in that moment.

Or during the F1 coverage, when it was re-run, they cut the sound of the crowd booing when the winner made his way to the podium and they also cut it during his interview and replaced it with generic crowd noise, I think it's becoming a real issue that the bosses decide what we can see or hear. They decide how it's appropriate for us to feel or react.

If a program has a joke in it that you don't like, turn it off. Don't try to tell me I'm wumming or that I'm in the wrong for thinking that.

I'm just disappointed that I seem to be the only one who cares to point it out.

Do you have no boundaries of what people can say or do - should there be TV films of rapes, or screenings of live torture - people having their heads cut off like ISIS were doing?

Should it be up to individuals, abused women, the Neandertals of this world, to self-moderate and turn on to another channel if they don't like what is being shown...

How far do you go, perhaps we should let Russia invade Ukraine because they feel like it...

We have to have rules to live to otherwise we wouldn't have a society - it would be everyone for themselves.

You watch crap like Love Island and have issues about the music - God don't you realise that it is ALL fake and contrived to begin with???

Do you think anyone sensible gives a monkeys about some rich kids driving fast cars round and round in circles and if they get booed or not???

Don't you realise it is all about money - to make people want to watch, so the corporations can exploit the masses for subscriptions to the likes of Sky or TV advertising revenue for the likes of ITV???

You're already being manipulated by watching these things in the first place don't you realise?

If Sky thought there would be a financial advantage to them in screening whatever it is you were bitching about that they didn't - don't you think they would have???

It is all 'theatre' that you watch, escapism, entertainment, call it what you will - but all packaged, manipulated, arranged for maximising revenue to those who run and produce these things, and all paid for by those dumb enough to need this sort of escapism in their lives in the first place.

That's how capitalism works, you create a demand then supply it at a profit - and the better you can package it, the more you can sell it for.

Each to their own and all that but I find it a bit rich about you bitching about stuff like this when you don't even realise you are being played and manipulated in the first place.

29God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 15 2022, 23:31

Bolton Nuts


I think we should leave this here. Its getting a bit personal saying someone is autistic etc.
But one final thing, all the stuff you listed was about people being harmed, killed or abused. It's not really fair of you to put that into the same context as jokes being censored or fake crowd noise being played to hide boos at a sporting event.

30God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Fri Sep 16 2022, 00:18



Biggie wrote:I think we should leave this here. Its getting a bit personal saying someone is autistic etc.
But one final thing, all the stuff you listed was about people being harmed, killed or abused. It's not really fair of you to put that into the same context as jokes being censored or fake crowd noise being played to hide boos at a sporting event.

There's a story that goes something like this.

A man and a woman are seated next to each other at a dinner party and get on really well.  Towards the end of the evening the man asks if he give her £1m would she sleep with him, to which she replied she'd certainly think about it!

He then asks if he offered her £1 would she sleep with him, to which she replied, "what kind of a woman did he think she was!".

To which the bloke replied, "we have established what you are madam, we are just simply haggling over the price!".

The point being here that you have to accept some level of censorship, moderation, restriction of free speech, call it what you will, we are just haggling where that line is.

All of us on here and Sky believe the line is not to screen those 'jokes' about the Queen who is laying in her coffin - you are in a tiny, tiny minority who believes they should be screened.

You've made quite a big (and ongoing) deal out of how society has wished to show their honour, grieve, respect, or call it what you will, in regards to the death of the head of our country.

The normal social convention in such events is that if you have nothing nice to say about anyone's passing then better to say nothing at all.

You on the other hand haven't and bitched endlessly about football matches being cancelled and American comedians jokes about an old and much respected womans demise, not being shown.

It is you who doesn't seem to know where the line is - not I, nor anyone else on here.

31God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Fri Sep 16 2022, 16:15



Fair play to Beckham, already stood in the queue to pay his respect to the Queen for 12 hours and still not done so yet.

I doubt many (any) other celebs have even bothered.

32God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Fri Sep 16 2022, 22:20

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

He's not given up yet on the knighthood Sluffy.

33God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Mon Sep 19 2022, 01:56


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Guide to the Queen's funeral service.

It'll be a spectacle - nobody does pomp like us Brits - and it's going to be emotional.

34God Save the Queen - Page 2 Empty Re: God Save the Queen Thu Sep 22 2022, 08:06

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Sluffy wrote:Fair play to Beckham, already stood in the queue to pay his respect to the Queen for 12 hours and still not done so yet.

I doubt many (any) other celebs have even bothered.

Beck's PR team may have more savvy than Phil and Holly:

But you can still forget the idea of there being any Doritos in the Bobsworth shop at Bobsworth Towers any time soon:

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