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The mystery of Nicola Bulley

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1The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:10 pm



It's been over a week now since the poor women mysteriously disappeared whilst walking her dog and yet nobody seems to know what has happened to her.

Apparently she went missing in only a 20 minute window, her phone was found still connected to a work call and her dog was found nearby.

The dog and phone was found by the side of a small river and the police seem to think she must have fallen in or something, but experts in the field of these things say her body should have been found by now if that had happened.

Fuller story here -

Apparently the belief she went into the river is based on the thinking that the dog chased a ball and got into difficulty and she went to help - however the following is what her family have put into the public domain which seems to question the credibility of such a thing occurring -

Tilly, with permission from Nicola's family, has now shared 11 answers to questions which have been circulation on social media, and hopes that this will clear up any misinformation.

Nicola and Paul both mostly work from home which is why he was at home that day and the house has CCTV.

They both do this walk regularly and Paul is very well known in the community and very well recognised.

The dog, Willow, never has her harness on for a chunk of that walk, it's removed at the gate of the top field and then put back on at the gate when they leave

They very rarely take the ball out for walks with Willow and haven't done for a while because she is protective over the ball.

Nicola would often put her phone on loudspeaker when talking.

The dog was found very close to both the bench and the harness. The harness was found on the floor not on the bench.

Nicola is an incredibly strong swimmer.

She drove to the school to drop her two daughters off and then left her car there and walked to the river.

The dog was dry when found.

The dog has since been back.

There's CCTV at the back of the caravan park. The only camera that isn't working is the one that would have seen everything.

Maybe she did take the ball perhaps, it somehow got in the water but the dog wouldn't go and fetch it, she did (I assume it must have been near the bank otherwise you think she take her shoes off - or at least she thought the water was shallow enough not to need to) and unfortunately fell in and drowned and her body has yet to be found?

It all seems rather odd and must be absolutely terrifying for her family.

God willing that she is found soon and is safe and well.

2The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:27 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I would be looking at the boyfriend being a suspect in my opinion. She was secretly planning to leave him and he found out or they have both planned it together for the insurance money as they are going bust. ..dunno..

3The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:03 pm



Maybe, I don't know.

The thing is that she disappeared in the middle of the morning, in broad daylight (why do we always say 'broad' daylight, and never just 'daylight?) in just 20 minutes, at a place where people often walk their dogs, and her dog didn't trail after her?

It's a good disappearing trick if it was planned.

Seems more likely she went in the water and hasn't been found yet but for the sake of her kids I rather her be safe and well no matter what or how she left the field.

4The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:29 pm


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

It's on my patch of Lancashire, somewhere I've driven through so many times.

A place that is often in the news for the terrible flooding from the River Wyre at the point where it flows through St Michaels.

I remember  Harry Windsor visiting the village (twice) after a bad storm/flooding a few years ago , where he met the locals in the village hall.

It will be interesting to  see what the latest search will uncover, if anything?

It's sad to hear of the morons on the net pouring their poison on this family.

Why are some people so obnoxious, why can't they at least consider those two girls.

Last edited by Cajunboy on Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

5The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:35 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Remember Claudia Lawrence? Disappeared in 2009. Another mystery that's yet to be solved.

Let's hope, for this woman's family and friends sake, that this can be resolved quickly.

6The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:46 pm


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Yes, I do remember her going missing in York.

I didn't realise it was so long ago.

7The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:43 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I very much doubt she’s in the water somewhere as some of her clothing would have probably come off at some point be it a hat, scarf or something.

8The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:59 pm



karlypants wrote:I very much doubt she’s in the water somewhere as some of her clothing would have probably come off at some point be it a hat, scarf or something.

Yes, you would have expected something to be found by now - police divers have been searching for instance.

Seems they've brought in a specialist 'search and find' underwater team now and the bloke in charge claims if they can't find her within the next three days, she isn't there!

Nicola Bulley: search of River Wyre could take three days, says expert helping police

9The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:02 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The private dive team have found nothing so it’s now time the Police need to go down other avenues.

Private diving teams find no trace of Nicola Bulley having searched

10The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 06, 2023 11:38 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

It is all very strange.
From the facts I have read I don’t believe she has fallen into the river. And I was surprised the police were so kean to say that’s what had more than likely happened.

11The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:26 am


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

BoltonTillIDie wrote:It is all very strange.
From the facts I have read I don’t believe she has fallen into the river.  And I was surprised the police were so kean to say that’s what had more than likely happened.  
Yes, and if she’s not eventually found in the river the police will rightly be criticised for not spending more time on other possibilities. Strange though how the only CCTV camera not working on the caravan site across the river was the one pointing right at the bench? Also there is one exit leading into the back of the park that isn’t covered by cameras. There doesn’t seem to be any signs of struggle though so it does make you wonder what could have happened? Her poor family must be going frantic?

12The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:30 pm



Hello 63, nice to see you posting, even if it is on such an unhappy subject.

Something very odd has happened here, you don't just vanish into thin air.

If some sort of a terrible accident has happened to her - and being where she was next to a river, then I would have thought her body would have been found by now.  

I don't know about these things but I live close to the Thames and every year it seems that people drown in it but I've never known their bodies not to be found within a day or two and although I don't know personally the river which the police believed she's in, but if they can find bodies in the Thames, I would have thought they could have found hers long before now, if that's what happened to her?

But if she's not in the river then what has happened to her?

Seems odd that she's left her phone behind.  

She was on a live works call, so must have had her phone to hand, so if say someone had asked her for help, maybe a dog had got off it's lead or something, I think most people would have gone to help taking their phone in hand with them?

If she had been forcibly taken away, then how do you manage that in twenty minutes from a field where people walk their dogs, without being seen?

If it was someone she knew who kidnapped her, then you would expect they would do it gently so to speak and have her walk with them away from the field, in which case she would automatically taken her phone with her?

If it was a robbery, you think they'd take the phone and leave her behind?

Nothing seems to much any sense.

Anyway 63, hope you've decided to give Nuts another go, we've missed you.

13The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:50 pm

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Just thought I’d sign off by wishing everybody on here a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2023. This will be my last Nuts post and I’d like to thank all the contributors for their discussions and opinions over the years but especially Sluffy for in my view completely ruining the site with his selfish and inconsiderate attitudes over banning other posters.

Very Happy

14The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:54 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I don’t think it’s a robbery as her phone would be traceable by it’s imei number and possibly find my phone was active and she wouldn’t have been carrying much money if at all with her walking her dog.

I think the woman has been abducted and what follows that with her phone left behind on purpose or it’s the other two scenarios mentioned further up. 

You have to feel sorry for her two kids as they are without their mum and need her.

Sadly I don’t feel she’s alive.

15The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:27 pm


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Cheers Sluffy, I knew Nat would be missing me by now so I just thought it was cruel to deprive her?. 😉

Actually I just thought I’d give WW another go but to be honest the same spoilers just keep spoiling and you just can’t have a proper intelligent conversation without being called something !*!* You know what I mean. You miss the calmness, humour and intelligence of posters on here, other than Nats insults of course 🤗:rofl:

16The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:33 pm


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

karlypants wrote:I don’t think it’s a robbery as her phone would be traceable by it’s imei number and possibly find my phone was active and she wouldn’t have been carrying much money if at all with her walking her dog.

I think the woman has been abducted and what follows that with her phone left behind on purpose or it’s the other two scenarios mentioned further up. 

You have to feel sorry for her two kids as they are without their mum and need her.

Sadly I don’t feel she’s alive.
I sincerely hope you’re wrong about that KP? As Sluffy says, would someone have had time to abduct her and surely she’d have screamed and someone would have heard her and there must have been some signs of a struggle which the Police say there isn’t? I severely doubt she’s in the river or surely they’d have found her by now with all the expertise and gadgets they’ve got? 

I wonder if she’s just done a runner? You never know what issues people have got even sometimes not showing it to those closest. If she has though where’s she gone and how’s she paying for it? It’s a mystery but for those two kiddies if no one else I hope they find her fit and well somewhere however unlikely it may be.

17The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:39 pm

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Cheers Sluffy, I knew Nat would be missing me by now so I just thought it was cruel to deprive her?. 😉

Actually I just thought I’d give WW another go but to be honest the same spoilers just keep spoiling and you just can’t have a proper intelligent conversation without being called something !*!* You know what I mean. You miss the calmness, humour and intelligence of posters on here, other than Nats insults of course 🤗:rofl:

You ditched us. And now you think you can just walk back in and carry on as if nothing happened? This isn't Eastenders. KP was crying for days when you left, and Sluffy's posts dropped to only 2000 words per message. They'd only just got over you leaving.

We'll need a proper apology before you are allowed back into Sluffy's Nuts.

18The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:41 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

This is why I originally said her fella could have done it or they are both in on it playing the life insurance game. The canoe bloke springs to mind. 

She has quite a pretty face with a slim body and blonde hair which also made me think she had been abducted. 

The whole thing really is just bizarre.

19The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:24 pm



Whitesince63 wrote:Cheers Sluffy, I knew Nat would be missing me by now so I just thought it was cruel to deprive her?. 😉

Actually I just thought I’d give WW another go but to be honest the same spoilers just keep spoiling and you just can’t have a proper intelligent conversation without being called something !*!* You know what I mean. You miss the calmness, humour and intelligence of posters on here, other than Nats insults of course 🤗:rofl:

Good to see you back.

I never thought WW was your natural forum to be on, I've seen some of the abuse you've had on there in the past and your various bans.  

I've suffered the same too on there - my last ban I received was for calling out one of them for threatening to give a seventy odd year old BWFC fan a good slapping the next time he saw him - I mean really...?

Yes, I know, people can act all big and threatening on the internet, but to threaten to inflict violence on someone he knows to be a pensioner...?

I was the only one to speak out about it too.

As par for the course on there, the 'hard man' stayed on the forum and instead it was me that was banned (not that I cared a jot).

That's how most of them seem to behave on there.

It's a shame that Nuts took a wrong turn some years back with the anger and hatred posted on here by a certain few (none of which now post on here) over Anderson, Brexit and the Tory Party but what are left of us have now come through that and have once again returned to how Nuts used to be, a much more milder and funnier place in which to enjoy ourselves and have a laugh.

(Not on this thread obviously - I too hope they find Nicola alive and well soon).

20The mystery of Nicola Bulley Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:10 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The police have stated that they won’t tolerate online abuse directed at the family.

What abuse is this and shouldn’t the police be concentrating on their job and searching for the missing woman?

Last edited by karlypants on Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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