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Happy 70th Birthday Bonce

Hip Priest
Ten Bobsworth
Natasha Whittam
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21Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Mon Apr 24 2023, 08:22


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cheers 63,Bob, Norpig. 
Sorry you had to see my picture on the screen Mr Pig. Bear in mind I was only about six.

22Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Wed Apr 26 2023, 09:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

One of my more unusual birthday gifts. It says a lot.

Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Img_3512

23Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Wed Apr 26 2023, 09:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


24Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Fri Apr 28 2023, 01:49

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Even more late than belated happy birthday greetings Bonce. Not been on for a couple of days so missed it. The big 7 eh, you old bugger you.:birthday:
I'm catching up to you though, I was 68 on Wednesday but no one even noticed. :falltopieces:

25Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Fri Apr 28 2023, 06:04


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Hip Priest wrote:Even more late than belated happy birthday greetings Bonce. Not been on for a couple of days so missed it. The big 7 eh, you old bugger you.:birthday:
I'm catching up to you though, I was 68 on Wednesday but no one even noticed. :falltopieces:
Happy 68th!  :party:

26Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Fri Apr 28 2023, 07:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Hip Priest wrote:Even more late than belated happy birthday greetings Bonce. Not been on for a couple of days so missed it. The big 7 eh, you old bugger you.:birthday:
I'm catching up to you though, I was 68 on Wednesday but no one even noticed. :falltopieces:
Cheers HP, and happy belated birthday to you.
I know what it's like to be forgotten. They forgot mine a couple of years ago, and I needed therapy.
Mind you, Nuts has been pretty quiet in recent weeks.  :tumbleweed:

27Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Fri Apr 28 2023, 17:21


David Ngog
David Ngog

Was looking for an email in my Spam folder & found a notification about this thread so apologies for being late to the party.

Many happy returns, mate.

Hope you had a great day. 👍

28Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Fri Apr 28 2023, 22:01


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Breadman wrote:Was looking for an email in my Spam folder & found a notification about this thread so apologies for being late to the party.

Many happy returns, mate.

Hope you had a great day. 👍
Cheers Breaders. Polished off what was left of the cake last night. Not keen on getting old.

In recent months I've notice that jumping up and down on the bed isn't as much fun as it used to be. Comes to us all I suppose. I did however, get a nice jar of marbles. Not something I asked for, but very welcome. They're probably meant to replace the marbles I lost a few years back. Seventy year old man hunkered down on the carpet propelling beads of glass about isn't going down well. I've been threatened with the vacuum cleaner, so I'm keeping them in the jar on my desk, where I can gaze at them longingly. Was also given a harmonica, which I can't play, but is good for a blow every now and then.
This isn't going down well either. The joys of retirement.

Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Img_3513

29Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Fri Apr 28 2023, 23:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Breadman wrote:Was looking for an email in my Spam folder & found a notification about this thread so apologies for being late to the party.

Many happy returns, mate.

Hope you had a great day. 👍

Hi bread man!

30Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Fri Apr 28 2023, 23:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
Breadman wrote:Was looking for an email in my Spam folder & found a notification about this thread so apologies for being late to the party.

Many happy returns, mate.

Hope you had a great day. 👍
Cheers Breaders. Polished off what was left of the cake last night. Not keen on getting old.

In recent months I've notice that jumping up and down on the bed isn't as much fun as it used to be. Comes to us all I suppose. I did however, get a nice jar of marbles. Not something I asked for, but very welcome. They're probably meant to replace the marbles I lost a few years back. Seventy year old man hunkered down on the carpet propelling beads of glass about isn't going down well. I've been threatened with the vacuum cleaner, so I'm keeping them in the jar on my desk, where I can gaze at them longingly. Was also given a harmonica, which I can't play, but is good for a blow every now and then.
This isn't going down well either. The joys of retirement.

Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Img_3513

Marbles. Quite a good game to be fair

31Happy 70th Birthday Bonce - Page 2 Empty Re: Happy 70th Birthday Bonce Fri Apr 28 2023, 23:55


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

BoltonTillIDie wrote:

Marbles. Quite a good game to be fair

Yes, dramatic.

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