Whitesince63 wrote:
Electric vehicles booming? Have you seen the latest figures? The only place they’re booming is in China where buyers have little or no choice. Both companies and vehicle hirers all over Europe are shunning them, manufacturers are reducing production numbers yet you still listen to the guff presented by the likes of the BBC and you call me deluded?
Why can’t you just see sense in that whilst everybody accepts the need to move to renewables, EV’s, heat pumps, windmills and solar are not the answer and even if they are tell that to the biggest emitters of CO2 who clearly aren’t listening as they burn more goal and use more gas every year. Get it into your thick skull that whatever we do here will make not one jot of meaningful difference to carbon levels, just decimate our economy in favour of the new grouping of of China, India and Russia who are only too keen for us to harm ourselves.
God, you are so wrapped up in your right wing propaganda that you don't even understand what the story is all about.
The story is that we (the planet) has SEVENTY-SIX YEARS to meet the target of not raising the average temperature of the planet by 1.5C more by the year 2100
The article above states that in the last TEN YEARS the planet, through being conscious of what we have to do (or else...) has already started to slowly put the hand brake on and start to slow us down before we drive over the cliff.
In another ten years there will be more gentle change over from fossil fuels to green energy across the planet and same again ten years after that and every succeeding ten years thereafter.
It is more than likely that we have yet to even invent the science in order to achieve the target - as explained in an article from a few days ago...
Nuclear fusion: new record brings dream of clean energy closer
Nuclear fusion has produced more energy than ever before in an experiment, bringing the world a step closer to the dream of limitless, clean power.
Nuclear fusion is the process that powers the Sun. It works by heating and forcing tiny particles together to make a heavier one which releases useful energy.
If successfully scaled up to commercial levels it could produce endless amounts of clean energy without carbon emissions. And crucially unlike wind and solar energy would not be at the mercy of weather conditions.
"In order for the atoms to fuse together on Earth, we need temperatures ten times hotter than the Sun - around 100 million celsius, and we need a high enough density of the atoms and for a long enough time," she explained.
The experiments produced 69 megajoules of energy over five seconds. That is only enough energy for four to five hot baths - so not a lot.
It is clear we are still a long way off from nuclear fusion power plants, but with every experiment it is bringing us one step closer.
Don't you get it?
It isn't about forcing green energy on everybody, it isn't about stopping burning fossil fuels overnight, it is about the countries in the world starting to take responsibility to stop what is going to come, if we don't do something about global warming, sooner than later.
We (the world) has started the process in 2015 and already in just less than ten years the world has already made a difference in slowing the rise in global warming to under the 4C doomsday total we seemed to have been on course for back then.
Can the world limit it to just 1.5C by 2100, maybe, maybe not but if we don't the worse it will be for the planet.
Let's hope they do.