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Where is Nat? Will she ever return? Why are forums so much quieter these days?

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Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

I don't post on the Bolton forums often any more, mainly due to a couple of things - I lost interest in Bolton when they started to become really shit and I met my Mrs and started living life to the full.
But back in the day I was the absolute Daddy on these forums, I would start the most interest debates such as 'Do you like fish' and also cause it all to kick off with threats of chopping people up and sticking them in suitcase. I was the person responsible for Paulo Duarte to quit the forums, I made Billy Bradshaw go absolutely crazy, I would start riots on the forums.
Back in those days Bolton were good and the forums were lively. I remember at work spending many days just writing on the Bolton messageboards, getting into arguments with people, having interest discussions.
In all those years Nat was the stand out poster, a genius poster, wrote so brilliantly, always writing interesting and entertaining posts, always being outspoken and brutally honest about players, managers, performances, signings, etc. You have got to say she is a pretty amazing woman to love football so much, to be so interesting and have such good banter. 
I don't like it that I come on here and she isn't about. Why do you think she disappeared? Do you think she comes on and views the forum under a different username?  
As for the forums becoming quieter over the years, why do you think that is? 20 years ago these forums were really popular, so many good posters were about, what do people put it down to? Is it that people get older and move on in life whereas younger people aren't interested in coming here? Or is it because we are not very good and people are not so interested in BWFC in the past decade?

I hope Nat does come back, it's not the same without her.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

First of all I hope Nat is ok. A lovely women and will be celebrating her 38th birthday again this year. 

For me life just got in the way and obviously location changes. 

As sad as it is to admit I used to take these boards so seriously and the slightest jibe would wind me up so much I’d be thinking about it for days. Trying to think of the right reply to bring down certain posters. 

I was desperate to be a “top poster” that made good points. 

Back in my uni days when I actually went to games I’d spend most of day just refreshing the Bolton banter home page to see if there was a new post. 

Some posters used to scare me as well to be honest. Some billy big bollocks have crossed these boards that’s for sure. Can’t remember any usernames anymore.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Forums have been in a downward spiral as many other forms of social media have become available.  Twitter (X) and Facebook being the main ones.  

Hopefully Nat is just having an extended break and will grace us with her presence again, although this time it seems less likely.



We all miss Natasha, she is my GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) poster (no offence to anyone else) as she always could make me laugh (even more than Wanderlust does - well maybe not!) even when trying to usurp me from here!

I don't take anything said on social media seriously, so I took with a pinch of salt when she/he posted that he was a depressive.

If she/he really is, then I truly hope you find brighter days very soon.

If you aren't and just got sick of the character, then I understand - all good things come to an end sooner or later.

All the best to you wherever you are and thanks for all those countless laughs you gave us over the years.

'Evans Out' is still the first thing that springs to my mind every time we lose!

Kia ora to you, as the Moaris say!

Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

Interesting points Hipster. It did get quite intense on some of the forums, a lot of people had beef with other posters, there were a lot of cliques who had a dislike for some people. I remember one poster saying he would be in a pub one evening and would fight another poster in the car park if he wanted a fight. The other poster never showed up but how funny wanting a fight.
It is true though that your life changes through the decades and your priorities and interests change. Its like I used to enjoy the Playstation and playing the football and golf games, yet I have not played any video games for almost 20 years now. 
And yeah BoltontillIdie, social media wasn't really a thing 20 years ago, people do spend a lot of time on all of these social media sites, I bet they wouldn't think to come on a forum like this.

Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

You surely don't think Nat was a geezer Sluffy?



Mad Dog wrote:You surely don't think Nat was a geezer Sluffy?

Have you never seen the size of Natasha's hands, five o'clock shadow and Adam's apple!!!



Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I may be completely off the mark but i reckon Nat has returned as Mad Dog  Very Happy



Nah, Natasha once reported Mich to his employer, Durham Council, for spending his time on Bolton Banter rather than working and ended up getting him sacked!

Billy Bradshaw (site owner) was furious and banned Natasha (I think that's why we all then jumped ship to The Wanderer forum - didn't Monty a myself lead a protest about Natasha's banning and ended up getting banned ourselves - I forget now - but it was always such good fun back then, when we didn't have all this hatred and fake news as we do these days).

Mich (Mad Dog) and Natasha really hate each other - they couldn't possibly be the same person!



Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I've been away dealing with the real world, and not in a happy way.
However, with regard to Nat, I saw her in Poundland last week shopping for tights, and she seemed ok, despite eventually being wrestled to the ground by a security guard.
I didn't make myself known. I don't like to push my face in.


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Nat, if you're reading any of this please let someone on here know that you're ok so that they can share with the group. I'm not that way inclined, but you're clearly loved and missed by the... err... hardcore on here and they may be a good outlet if you're facing any difficulties. I hope you're just laughing at this somewhere but wish you the best if not. Best to you.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

finlaymcdanger wrote:Nat, if you're reading any of this please let someone on here know that you're ok so that they can share with the group. I'm not that way inclined, but you're clearly loved and missed by the... err... hardcore on here and they may be a good outlet if you're facing any difficulties. I hope you're just laughing at this somewhere but wish you the best if not. Best to you.
I agree. There's a real human being behind Nat. Not pushing her to come back, but it'd be nice to know she was in a good place. I'm on my eleventh volume, Nat. That's got to be worth a serious slap.

Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

Norpig wrote:I may be completely off the mark but i reckon Nat has returned as Mad Dog  Very Happy

Yes, you’re completely off the mark, I am the poster who had usernames such as Michael Bolton, Shaft, Malcolm Everett, Mich Caine (I think??). I always got on well with Nat though, think we had similar sense of humour and liked to wind people up. I was the Den Watts of the forum, proper internet warrior with threats of mindless violence and the occasional death threat.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Mad Dog wrote:
Norpig wrote:I may be completely off the mark but i reckon Nat has returned as Mad Dog  Very Happy

Yes, you’re completely off the mark, I am the poster who had usernames such as Michael Bolton, Shaft, Malcolm Everett, Mich Caine (I think??). I always got on well with Nat though, think we had similar sense of humour and liked to wind people up. I was the Den Watts of the forum, proper internet warrior with threats of mindless violence and the occasional death threat.

Did you have something to do with a suitcase at one time? I seem to remember it vaguely.



Mad Dog wrote:
Norpig wrote:I may be completely off the mark but i reckon Nat has returned as Mad Dog  Very Happy

Yes, you’re completely off the mark, I am the poster who had usernames such as Michael Bolton, Shaft, Malcolm Everett, Mich Caine (I think??). I always got on well with Nat though, think we had similar sense of humour and liked to wind people up. I was the Den Watts of the forum, proper internet warrior with threats of mindless violence and the occasional death threat.

Yes you were Mich Caine at one time but before that you were Mich Upson (or was it Upton, I can't quite remember which now).

Nat was Mrs Respectable at one time .

Fun times back then!


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Was there not a time when you arranged to meet Nat for a date at costa and she didn’t show. 

She did send you some modelling pics though I seem to remember.



Hipster_Nebula wrote:Was there not a time when you arranged to meet Nat for a date at costa and she didn’t show. 

She did send you some modelling pics though I seem to remember.

If you meant me, then no.

It might have been Chris Amos though?

He was the one who turned up for a fight with someone (Nat?) outside the club shop and took a video to prove he turned up and that no one else did - I found it so funny, taking a video of no one!!!

Still makes me chuckle now typing this.

Chris was the one who was a banker working in Holland, whose dad had been arrested and who had the hots for a barmaid. He ended up losing his job, finding love with a transsexual, and moving back to Bolton to live off Halliwell Road somewhere, and becoming a bus driver - we even had a banner made for him on here.

I once made him a guest mod for a month for some reason I can't remember now and he put it down on his Linked-In profile!

It all sounds mental I know but it seems chunks of it were true - he even had a stalker who joined up on here linking to much of the above information.

I was pleased he found happiness with his partner, I do hope they are still together.

Too much hatred has spoiled the site unfortunately, its just nor the same laughing at Wanderlust and Bob.

Better than nothing though!

Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

Sluffy, that is comedy gold, I remember howling with laughter at that back in the day turning up for a fight and posting evidence that he was there. That’s when you know you’ve done a great job winding someone up on an internet forum. 
Hipster, no it wasn’t me who arranged to meet Nat for a date, I’ve never lived in Lancashire. 
I remember one of the best posts that really wound people up was one suggesting that there should be two match posts, one for those who went to the game and one for those who watched on tv. It did get very lively that one.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I remember Michael Bolton and his famous suitcase  Very Happy

You were going to come round to mine and sort me out, you asked for my post code so i sent it you. It was PI55 0FF  Laughing


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:I remember Michael Bolton and his famous suitcase  Very Happy

You were going to come round to mine and sort me out, you asked for my post code so i sent it you. It was PI55 0FF  Laughing

lol! That’s it! Laughing

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