Natasha Whittam wrote:I hate cyclists, I'd round them up and have the lot of 'em shot.
I hate it when they ride side by side. Absolute twats. I often drive right up behind them and beep my horn. They always shit themselves.
Cycle lane? Fuck off, if a penny of my Council Tax goes on cycling twats I will leave the UK immediately.
It's about time the government taxed bikes just like cars. They're using the same roads so why do they get it for free?
Been nice knowing you, then. As the so-called cycle lanes (i.e. the white line that separates the cycle lane from the rest of the road, or the pavement (as seen on De Havilland Way) are paid for via the Council Tax.
Also local roads are "maintained" through the Council tax and not the Motor Vehicle Excise Duty and as such Council tax payers of any sort can use the roads, whether it be jogging, cycling, driving or using a space-hopper!
The only roads where the MVED pays for are motorways and cyclists are not allowed on there, neither are pedestrians!