I know it probably grates a bit that a tiny part of their country was taken and still held by Britain going on for something like 300 years but wtf is Spain thinking about trying to bully the occupants there?
You think the penny might have dropped by now that the residents of Gibraltar don't want to be a part of Spain the way they have been treated over the years - Franco and fascism, in my parents time and a bankrupt country in mine - so you would have thought they might have tried going down the trying to win the hearts and minds route instead.
Oh no! State bullying it is now -
Is it any wonder that every time the country votes on self determination they vote no to joining Spain!
Even the Gibraltar monkeys seem to be smarter than the Spanish are at being loved by the locals!
You think the penny might have dropped by now that the residents of Gibraltar don't want to be a part of Spain the way they have been treated over the years - Franco and fascism, in my parents time and a bankrupt country in mine - so you would have thought they might have tried going down the trying to win the hearts and minds route instead.
Oh no! State bullying it is now -
Is it any wonder that every time the country votes on self determination they vote no to joining Spain!
Even the Gibraltar monkeys seem to be smarter than the Spanish are at being loved by the locals!