That issue needs to be kept totally separate and dealt with accordingly. To request funding a manager has to go through the appropriate internal channels.Sluffy wrote:Its easy for people to say things like why didn't Davies back Allardyce that Christmas when we were third in the league, or why doesn't he buy Rhodes - because if we don't go up we could always sell him and get our money back, etc - I think the truth is more likely to be that Davies needs to go to his backers and get their approval rather than him having the final word on such matters.
If by going through those channels the managers request in considered acceptable only then and if required would the chairman consider approaching Eddie for additional funding.
That process did not happen as no internal approval was given so no approach to Eddie was ever considered or made.
If Edie had been asked for funding for that purpose and he had an amount to add to what was available or known to be due available from whatever sources would things have turned out differently ? Do those involved now regret events back them. I doubt they would ever own up to them or even consider telling you the truth.
Back to waterboarding that silk suited
Time for bed said Zebedy