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Pro Bolton?

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1Pro Bolton? Empty Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 02:45


Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

I'm normally one for sticking up for the team and have stayed away from this forum for the past week or so due to negativity but where the hell do we go from here!?

The team was utter garbage today and have been for a bit but what on earth can be changed? I dont know whats going wrong though, manager or the team? Change the manager and we still have the same team...change the team about and we still have the same manager. 

What would everyone rather do because i honestly dont know?

2Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 08:31


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

We haven't got a manager that's the problem we've got Freedman and we haven't got a captain we've got Knightmare so basically no leadership. Get rid of both and you'll see a completely different situation.

3Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 09:51


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

I would certainly start by dropping Knight, Mills and Wheater / Ream / Anybody certainly can't be any worse. Until the centre half position is sorted then we have to play two defensive midfielders and we are lacking going forward, this should have been Dougies priority all summer and it hasn't been done.

4Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 11:35


Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

NickFazer wrote:I would certainly start by dropping Knight, Mills and Wheater / Ream / Anybody certainly can't be any worse. Until the centre half position is sorted then we have to play two defensive midfielders and we are lacking going forward, this should have been Dougies priority all summer and it hasn't been done.
If you think Wheater is an option we are in more trouble than I can imagine. He's scored an own goal, given away a penalty, last week he let the striker get between him and the ball for a tap in and yesterday Dunn completely faked him out of his jockstrap and as he was falling on the floor he took down another defender for good measure.

5Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 11:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The media and our own fans have overhyped this squad - which in reality isn't that good, and is suffering from a serious lack of confidence - not helped by the fans.
Changing the manager again would be a backward step.
Changing the squad on no budget means loanees, more journeyman players or showing considerable patience whilst our promising youngsters grow into the squad.
Of the 3 options, we don't need any more average cheap players.
Loanees are an option but it shouldn't be at the expense of giving youngsters game time.

6Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 11:45

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:The media and our own fans have overhyped this squad
I demand an apology. I told you this squad was shit before a ball was kicked.

There are people on here who love to defend Ngog, Lee, Bogdan etc but the fact is they've all played badly, hence our league position.

7Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 12:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:
wanderlust wrote:The media and our own fans have overhyped this squad
I demand an apology. I told you this squad was shit before a ball was kicked.

There are people on here who love to defend Ngog, Lee, Bogdan etc but the fact is they've all played badly, hence our league position.
Ironically, you've named 3 of the better players so far this season. I'd add Pratley who has also played reasonably well. Struggling to think who has played better than these 4 apart from Hall.

8Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 13:05

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

No one has played well. Saying Lee has played better than Knight is like saying you'd rather chop your leg off than your arm.

9Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 13:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Lee has been given the wrong role, although he's made a great effort to make it work. he was shit against Burnley, but even then his workrate was second to none.

10Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 22:17

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:We haven't got a manager that's the problem we've got Freedman and we haven't got a captain we've got Knightmare so basically no leadership. Get rid of both and you'll see a completely different situation.
Perhaps Dougie should give Spearing the Captain's armband?

11Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 22:47


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

I'll be the first to say that I supported bringing Spearing back.  At the moment I'm not overly impressed though. Lots of running around and looking busy but good amount of poor passes.  Can't condem the Doog for that one since most of us were all for it.
I don't think we need him & Medo together.... there's winning the ball and then doing somat with it is a diferent story.
Making Spearing Captain wouldn't be a bad idea though.

12Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Sun Sep 01 2013, 23:06



Spot on Terence, my worry was whether we needed both Medo and Spearing in the team too. Im yet to be convinced we do. 

As you say Spearing should be made captain whilst he's in the team, one of the few who puts himself about.

13Pro Bolton? Empty Re: Pro Bolton? Mon Sep 02 2013, 07:20


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

I was actually against signing Spearing, I'd have preferred a more creative midfield player but as you say at least he does put in some effort and in a better team would make a useful asset. Medo has the class but again we don't need both in the same side. I suppose Freedman was unlucky that he lost Holden who could have filled the role and made a real difference and we know we have mini Davvo to come back at some point. Unfortunately the clubs in crisis with so many positions needing improving and without a manager who knows how to do that I'm afraid.

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