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21Replacements? - Page 2 Empty Re: Replacements? Sun Sep 15 2013, 08:21


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

The reality is that getting rid of Freedman would be too expensive- he's here to stay.
Perhaps its not him.
He brought Lennie Lawrence with him- and perhaps that's the problem.
If he had a decent deputy who can get more out of the players -then that might be the solution.,
I sit in the East stand Upper- opposite the bench and although Dougie sometimes gets up into the technical area, Lawrence sits there like a lump of lard- never gets off his arse to remonstrate with the players

Perhaps Dougie needs better people round about him.
Get shut of Lawrence and promote Jimmy Phillips to deputy!

22Replacements? - Page 2 Empty Re: Replacements? Sun Sep 15 2013, 09:26


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

We didn't and don't need either of them. The problem is none of these cretins including Gartslime will ever admit it's their fault or they weren't up to it and resign which is why, whatever it costs ED has to act and cut out the cancer before it gets even worse, which it obviously will. The very worst thing of all was that lucky run we had last season after he came in which completely concealed the ineptness of Freedman and co and led to people claiming give him more time look what he did last season, took us to the fringe of the play offs. No matter what evidence was before their own eyes they still cling to this ridiculous notion that it was down to DF's wonderful management so give him more time. Ridiculous, get rid whilst we still have a chance to recover and re-instate JP and LSL who genuinely care about the club and can see the problems we have. We don't have to bring anyone else in we have more than enough knowledge and talent within the existing structure to get by and I believe succeed.

23Replacements? - Page 2 Empty Re: Replacements? Sun Sep 15 2013, 10:20

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:We didn't and don't need either of them. The problem is none of these cretins including Gartslime will ever admit it's their fault or they weren't up to it and resign which is why, whatever it costs ED has to act and cut out the cancer before it gets even worse, which it obviously will. The very worst thing of all was that lucky run we had last season after he came in which completely concealed the ineptness of Freedman and co and led to people claiming give him more time look what he did last season, took us to the fringe of the play offs. No matter what evidence was before their own eyes they still cling to this ridiculous notion that it was down to DF's wonderful management so give him more time. Ridiculous, get rid whilst we still have a chance to recover and re-instate JP and LSL who genuinely care about the club and can see the problems we have. We don't have to bring anyone else in we have more than enough knowledge and talent within the existing structure to get by and I believe succeed.
I think you go too far 63, while we did have a bit of luck along the way, last seasons run was built on a sound defence and Chris Eagles scoring goals. Fair play to Dougie, he brought Dawson in and that was a masterstroke, but his biggest mistake was not offering all his Summer cash to WBA to tempt them. I'm sure we all agree we'd be a better team with the players that ended last season with the addition of Dawson.

Dawson or Tierney, Baptiste, Hall & Beckford. It's a no brainer. Quality over quantity.

And while there's no guarantee Dawson would have wanted to come or WBA would sell, I just feel we didn't try hard enough and Freedman was counting on being able to get him back on loan.

I just don't understand your point about Jimmy Phillips. He has less experience than Freedman, yet you continually criticise Freedman for his inexperience. Phillips did ok after Coyle was sacked, but many managers have a good first few games as the players tend to up their game in the short-term, I just don't think you can read much into his win record.

I'm all for sacking Freedman, but the man who comes in must be young and experienced in League 1or 2 football i.e. Karl Robinson or that bloke from Walsall whose name escapes me or seasoned managers who know how to manage in the Championship like Big Mick, Billy Davies or Tony Pulis.

24Replacements? - Page 2 Empty Re: Replacements? Sun Sep 15 2013, 10:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

This has to be the umpteenth thread about replacing the manager - so why create yet another?
I'm dead against sacking Freedman.
My only real concern was that he was prepared to flog a dead horse with both system and players. Yesterday he subbed Knight and changed the system. Bit pissed off that it took us going a goal down to do it, but he finally cracked and saw the light.
One small step in the right direction, but it's progress.
Helluva long way to go, but we're off the bottom of the table and with a bit of luck wee Dougie will drop the dogma permanently.

25Replacements? - Page 2 Empty Re: Replacements? Sun Sep 15 2013, 12:12


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Whitesince63 wrote:We didn't and don't need either of them. The problem is none of these cretins including Gartslime will ever admit it's their fault or they weren't up to it and resign which is why, whatever it costs ED has to act and cut out the cancer before it gets even worse, which it obviously will. The very worst thing of all was that lucky run we had last season after he came in which completely concealed the ineptness of Freedman and co and led to people claiming give him more time look what he did last season, took us to the fringe of the play offs. No matter what evidence was before their own eyes they still cling to this ridiculous notion that it was down to DF's wonderful management so give him more time. Ridiculous, get rid whilst we still have a chance to recover and re-instate JP and LSL who genuinely care about the club and can see the problems we have. We don't have to bring anyone else in we have more than enough knowledge and talent within the existing structure to get by and I believe succeed.
I think you go too far 63, while we did have a bit of luck along the way, last seasons run was built on a sound defence and Chris Eagles scoring goals. Fair play to Dougie, he brought Dawson in and that was a masterstroke, but his biggest mistake was not offering all his Summer cash to WBA to tempt them. I'm sure we all agree we'd be a better team with the players that ended last season with the addition of Dawson.

Dawson or Tierney, Baptiste, Hall & Beckford. It's a no brainer. Quality over quantity.

And while there's no guarantee Dawson would have wanted to come or WBA would sell, I just feel we didn't try hard enough and Freedman was counting on being able to get him back on loan.

I just don't understand your point about Jimmy Phillips. He has less experience than Freedman, yet you continually criticise Freedman for his inexperience. Phillips did ok after Coyle was sacked, but many managers have a good first few games as the players tend to up their game in the short-term, I just don't think you can read much into his win record.

I'm all for sacking Freedman, but the man who comes in must be young and experienced in League 1or 2 football i.e. Karl Robinson or that bloke from Walsall whose name escapes me or seasoned managers who know how to manage in the Championship like Big Mick, Billy Davies or Tony Pulis.

Really agree Nat... spot on.  With the Keystone Kops on defense, we needed to replace Dawson first and foremost.  I blame Gartside for not recognizing the problem. Perhaps it was Gartside who said Spearing and no money for defense because of blah, blah, blah.  As BSA knew, and these clowns don't get, is that you have to shut them down first.  I'm not sure we could shut down a leaky faucet with this team.

26Replacements? - Page 2 Empty Re: Replacements? Sun Sep 15 2013, 12:24

Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton
El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

You dickhead observer. Last season regarding the Kevin Davies situation Gartside said that he never gets involved with the playing side of things and now you are accusing him of being responsible for why no centre back was signed. You seem to forget that Bolton have Knight, Wheater, Ream and Mills. You are blaming Gartside for not seeing that these 4 are good enough?

You prat.

27Replacements? - Page 2 Empty Re: Replacements? Sun Sep 15 2013, 12:57


Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

Michael Bolton wrote:I can't believe posts like this. About 6 weeks ago most people, Nat included were saying Freedman was an awesome manager. After 6 games people want him out. You idiots.
At least we know which club we support.

28Replacements? - Page 2 Empty Re: Replacements? Sun Sep 15 2013, 14:03


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Michael Bolton wrote:You dickhead observer. Last season regarding the Kevin Davies situation Gartside said that he never gets involved with the playing side of things and now you are accusing him of being responsible for why no centre back was signed. You seem to forget that Bolton have Knight, Wheater, Ream and Mills. You are blaming Gartside for not seeing that these 4 are good enough?

You prat.
Silly me.  Just talked to the oddsmakers and they say we are the number one pick for promotion in League One next season.  You see, Gartside knew what he was going... not daft at all.

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