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The end of days ?

Dunkels King
Angry Dad
Natasha Whittam
Lancaster White
Reebok Trotter
12 posters

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21The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Sun Jun 24 2012, 22:12

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I would love to debate this further but I have one eye on the impending penalty shoot-out.

22The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Sun Jun 24 2012, 22:16


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Sluffy wrote:There are 100 billion galaxies - each with a 100 billion stars - so that is 10,000 billion stars.

If you consider that each star only as one planet circling round it (Huble spokesman guess not mine) then that is 10,000,000,000,000 planets (not to mention possible life on moons around the planets).

So there is undoubtedly life out there but I don't expect to know about it in my lifetime.

Sluffy, unless it is proven, it can be doubted. There is no proof, therefore I allow for some doubt. I agree it is statistically likely, but it will only be a certainty if it is observed, measured, reviewed and accepted as fact. That's my criteria for being certain about it anyway.

23The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Sun Jun 24 2012, 22:25

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

largehat wrote:RT, I think there has been a fundamental misunderstanding in what we were discussing yesterday.

Reebok Trotter wrote:
Largehat, you come across as an an intelligent bloke so how the fuck do you believe that people can be fat because of emotional problems ?

Reebok Trotter wrote:
I marked you down as reasonably intelligent but HTF do you think eating more than is necessary makes you feel better ?

From this I understood it that you were denying that comfort eating exists, and that one of the reasons that some people are overweight is because they have emotional problems. Taking drugs is a great example or s similar phenomenon. Some of the people who develop drug habits or dependencies do it because of emotional problems too. Anyway, now you've cleared that up, I'm happy to move on from that discussion, I don't think we will ever fundamentally agree.

With regards to the Daily Mail and Daily Mail readers. My mother reads the Daily Mail every day. If I go to buy a newspaper I sometimes buy a Daily Mail. Reading the Daily Mail is not in itself the problem, it's when people read it and allow their views to be formulated by it that is. Foe example. my mother has a bee in her bonnet about the winter fuel payment being higher for pensioners below a certain income level (which she isn't). She resents people getting things for free. But then when I ask her if she wants elder people less well off than her to die of cold in the Winter, she doesn't want that either. There's something about the editorial policy of that newspaper that warps people's priorities, creates a sense of outrage and plays to populism and xenophobia. Other newspapers have influence too, I don't like the Guardian because it is too pro-Labour, pro-Unions, politically correct and 'trendy', but on this forum I pick up on Daily Mail readers because it seems to me that there are more people on here who display intoleranct attitudes than overly tolerant... if that makes any sense.

I'm not in a position to decide or judge to what extent people are capable of thinking for themselves on an individual basis, but most people's view of the world is formed in some part by the media they consume; it is almost inevitable.

Richard Littlejohn is a complete and utter cunt.

Much of what you have just posted I would agree with apart from your last sentence.

Littlejohn puts into print what a lot of people agree with. He may not necessarily be right but it is his opinion.

I thought David Blunkett was a bad choice for Home Secretary but occasionally he said things that I agreed with.

John Prescott came across as a total ponce in the media but having met him in real life I have to say I found him quite personable.

24The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Sun Jun 24 2012, 22:43


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Here are some quotes from Littlejohn which demonstrate why I think he is a cunt.

On the people of Japan...

Anyone who has visited or worked in Japan will tell you it is like landing on another planet... They are militantly racist and in the past have been capable of great cruelty.

On people who leave teddy bears where children have died...

The spectacle of a giant furry mascot dressed as a chicken bowing his head in mourning is beyond preposterous. It is football’s equivalent of those teddy bears you see tied to railings at the scene of every road accident.

Six men are convicted in a court of law of gang rape... what does Richard say on the subject?

But let’s imagine for a moment that one of these unfortunate women had met a man in a Tiki Bar on St Lucia, got off her head on rum punch and invited him back to her hotel room for a drunken tumble.

The following morning, through her hungover haze, she was consumed by self-loathing. Would she be entitled to cry ‘rape’?

On Fabrice Muamba

On Sunday, Manchester United and Wolves staged a pre-match display of synchronised applause for Muamba, despite the fact he isn’t dead.

I could quote this venal, vile little excuse for a man all night long, but I can't be arsed. Richard Littlejohn is a troll. He is a cunt. His editorials appeal to some warped sense of injustice which is part of the human psyche. He is a horrible, fucked up individual who will write any shit to sell newspapers. He is not a champion for people whose views are marginalised, he is a nasty little man who I would not spit on if he were on fire.

RT, if he's "articulating what a lot of other people are thinking", he's articulating the views of racist, mysogynisitc cunts.

25The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Sun Jun 24 2012, 22:58

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Now here is where we differ! The quotes you have referred to need to be taken into context with the subject matter he is describing.

The Japanese were extremely cruel bastards during the second world war. You may not agree with Littlejohn but the POW's who helped to construct the Burma railway will.

A number of women have got pissed out of their brains and ended up having sex with men who they normally wouldn't have. They cry Rape the next morning and the unfortunate punter finds himsels charged with rape and named and shamed in the tabloids. The 'victim' is fortunate that her anonymity is protected. Fair ? You decide.

He did have a point about Muamba. Squaddies sacrifice their lives every day in some hot sweaty fucking shithole in Afghanistan and do not get a mention. They earn a pittance compared to Muamba and yet he is seen a a national hero simply for surviving a massive heart attack. Priorities ?

26The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Sun Jun 24 2012, 23:14


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Taking them in turn - I've read all the comments in context, but nonetheless, if you think it acceptable to brand a whole nation of people as "militantly racist", then yes, you and I will not agree one bit, that in itself is a racist statement. Britain invented concentration camps - are we militantly racist too? I can't believe you're bringing up World War Two, WTF. You'd have to be about 85 or older to be responsible for atrocities in World War 2 - you do realise this don't you?

I'm not saying there aren't women who falsely cry rape, either. I'm saying it is disgusting to write an article about a hypothetical false rape as a response to 8 men being found guilty of gang rape. Disgusting.

I disagree that people should only pay triubute to others once they have died. That's what the quote from Littlejohn was about, all this other stuff about squaddies in Afghanistan is irrelevant - it's not the quote I am unhappy with. If footballers of other clubs want to support a colleague, why does he have to have died? Can you answer this question instead of bringing up squaddies or nurses or whatever?

Do you think he had a point about the teddy bears by the way? I notice you've not commented on that. Do you agree or disagree with him?

27The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 01:26


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Angry Dad wrote:
Tell me what's your main beef with littlejohn never read him myself saw him on tv and he did seem a bit of a twat.

I've no issue with someone holding right wing views necessarily. Some of my views on certain subjects could be considered right wing. I also appreciate that editorials and opinion pieces are there to be thought provoking and to engage readers.

My main issue with Littlejohn is that he is consistently offensive. Have a look at this piece about global warming.

Apparently because it has rained a lot in June, global warming is a myth. A fairly harmless observation I suppose, even if it's a lie. But here's where he takes things too far:

[mention][/mention] wrote:
But, then again, you might just as well try to convince an Islamist suicide bomber that if he’s expecting to be greeted in Paradise by 72 virgins, there’s an outside possibility he may be disappointed.

Littlejohn can't even lie about global warming without using offensive and imflammatory language to pander to xenophobic idiots.

He appeals to the lowest common denominator, he doesn't stand for anything, he is a dickless gobshite and genuinely nasty.

28The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 01:46

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

Shit I don't want to get involved in this one ,feelings are running strong here. No nothing about the bloke just not interested in newspapers at all. One thing though I had to deliver a message personally to an old man in the south east. While I was there he was having trouble with his old car a rich guy but had an old marina but hey !! I said to him you should get a jap car they are the most reliable. Fuck me I wish I had not said that, he sat down and started crying it was so awkward. I asked him what was wrong, he said I was a jap prisoner of war and I still wake up screaming at what they did to me and my fellow prisoners . They were sub human the most evil bastards you could imagine. I am thick skinned but I never felt so awkward in my life I didn't,t know what to say or do but I could feel this mans torment even after all those years. You could do worse than a ford was all I could come up with. Shit.

29The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 02:01


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

That's awful, you're right to point out that the Japanese did some truly terrible things during WWII. To their own people (so called 'comfort women') and to prisoners. It's awful. Not that Britain has a proud history of treating its prisoners well, thinking back to what I learned about the Boer War for example.

It's terrible when you put your foot in it with stuff like that. I am sure that man has every reason to be traumatised, I've heard of some unspeakable acts of torture they committed.

Which is why it's so important, at the same time, that we have to move on and give countries the opportunity to prove that they have changed and that their human rights record should speak for itself. I'm not saying the Japanese are my favourite people or that anyone who suffered such as the chap you delivered to should change his attitude, but as a society we don't need people like Littlejohn dragging up generations old stereotypes about the people of other countries when those countries have changed dramatically in the meantime, and when we are a country who has its fair share of historically guilt and shame. The war ended 67 years ago.

30The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 02:15

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

largehat wrote:
Angry Dad wrote:
Tell me what's your main beef with littlejohn never read him myself saw him on tv and he did seem a bit of a twat.

I've no issue with someone holding right wing views necessarily. Some of my views on certain subjects could be considered right wing. I also appreciate that editorials and opinion pieces are there to be thought provoking and to engage readers.

My main issue with Littlejohn is that he is consistently offensive. Have a look at this piece about global warming.

Apparently because it has rained a lot in June, global warming is a myth. A fairly harmless observation I suppose, even if it's a lie. But here's where he takes things too far:

[mention][/mention] wrote:
But, then again, you might just as well try to convince an Islamist suicide bomber that if he’s expecting to be greeted in Paradise by 72 virgins, there’s an outside possibility he may be disappointed.

Littlejohn can't even lie about global warming without using offensive and imflammatory language to pander to xenophobic idiots.

He appeals to the lowest common denominator, he doesn't stand for anything, he is a dickless gobshite and genuinely nasty.

. Well he is certainly a piece of work no doubt, he,s doing what he does I guess but he doesn't,t rattle my cage so to speak there's others like him , I didn't,t like gauntly on the radio I thought he was a twat and loved it when a bright spark shafted him. You might find this strange but I do have a dislike of Clive smug fucker Anderson now he does get me out of my chair the slimy twat. Absolutely loved it when the brothers gibb fucked him off live on tv oh did he look awkward best tv moment ever. Will never get involved in politics on forums it only ends up turning sour for the record I don't mind saying I am right wing very right wing . I have my views they are mine but I won't rubbish a lefty for his views that's his and I respect that.

31The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 02:19


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I don't think you're alone in disliking Clive Anderson. He had a reputation as a real diva. Apparently he abused the cameraman one too many times when he had his television programme. He kept complaining to the cameraman that he was showing his face from an unflattering angle. One day the cameraman snapped and said "it's a camera, not a magic lens. There's no way to disguise both your bald head and your double chin at the same time".

Anyway, I was reading on the BBC website this week that Mr Anderson is very very poorly indeed and is talking as though he is coming to the end of his life, so I guess he won't care about flattering camera angles any more.

32The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 02:19

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

Not saying you are a lefty by the way,don't know what you are it does not matter to me how a person votes.

33The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 02:28

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

largehat wrote:I don't think you're alone in disliking Clive Anderson. He had a reputation as a real diva. Apparently he abused the cameraman one too many times when he had his television programme. He kept complaining to the cameraman that he was showing his face from an unflattering angle. One day the cameraman snapped and said "it's a camera, not a magic lens. There's no way to disguise both your bald head and your double chin at the same time".

Anyway, I was reading on the BBC website this week that Mr Anderson is very very poorly indeed and is talking as though he is coming to the end of his life, so I guess he won't care about flattering camera angles any more.
well I don't wish Bad stuff on the likes of annoying creeps like Anderson but I doubt Barry Gibb will be sending him a get well card Razz

34The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 02:28


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Angry Dad wrote:Not saying you are a lefty by the way,don't know what you are it does not matter to me how a person votes.

No that's fine. I'm a disenchanted Tory at the moment. I'm probably just right of centre overall.

35The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 02:30

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

Hey when did I become a star player ?

36The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 02:31


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

When you hit 500 posts. Welcome to the club.

37The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 02:36

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

largehat wrote:
Angry Dad wrote:Not saying you are a lefty by the way,don't know what you are it does not matter to me how a person votes.

No that's fine. I'm a disenchanted Tory at the moment. I'm probably just right of centre overall.
I'm not a cam fan have to admit and this coalition is not for me but can't believe people would trust the economy to labour ever again,fuck I don't do politics on forums. Weathers worse now.

38The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 10:34

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I don't agree with everything that Littlejohn writes. Some of his stuff is clearly cynical and laced with sarcasm. I don't think he expects everything he writes to be taken literally.

I have no problem with people leaving teddy bears at the roadside where a family member or friend lost their life in a car accident. This custom is very popular in the Greek islands. It's simply a form of shrine.

We British were indeed a cruel nation when we were empire building. We invented concentration camps in the Boer War and our teatment of the Boer women and children was heartless.

As for politicians, I don't trust any of them. The opposition always promise the earth to secure votes but when they get in power they conveniently forget the promises they have made.

Last edited by Reebok Trotter on Mon Jun 25 2012, 14:00; edited 1 time in total

39The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 11:29

Dunkels King

Dunkels King
Nicolas Anelka
Nicolas Anelka

[quote="Sluffy"]Similarly there are no aliens that walk amongst us. [quote]

What about Bolton Hater Laughing

40The end of days ? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of days ? Mon Jun 25 2012, 11:32


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

With all the stars and planets in the various universi (is that correct for plural of universe) there are bounds to be some forms of life possibly invertibrates, single-celled life or life that is more advanced than ourselves. I very much doubt there would be something akin to idyllic universe of Star Trek or Star Wars.

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