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Natasha Whittam
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1Boltonians  Empty Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 19:27


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Not that many years ago, we were voted the friendliest people in Britain. I'm not sure who by, but it has to count for something.

You won't ever have heard me say anything along the lines of "bloody southerners". I never believed people get significantly less decent the further north, east, south or west you get. But a visit to Wolverhampton Asda for a ginger beer and prawn crackers yesterday forced me to have a rethink, as I'd never before come across a more ignorant set of shoppers.

At Astley Bridge, I know that nine out of ten people that get in my road or hit me with their trolley will apologise. This happened to me at least seven times yesterday afternoon, followed by not a single apology.

Should I pass it off as just a bad day, or are people genuinely this awful outside of Bolton?

2Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 20:12


Nicolas Anelka
Nicolas Anelka

doffcocker wrote:Not that many years ago, we were voted the friendliest people in Britain. I'm not sure who by, but it has to count for something.

You won't ever have heard me say anything along the lines of "bloody southerners". I never believed people get significantly less decent the further north, east, south or west you get. But a visit to Wolverhampton Asda for a ginger beer and prawn crackers yesterday forced me to have a rethink, as I'd never before come across a more ignorant set of shoppers.

At Astley Bridge, I know that nine out of ten people that get in my road or hit me with their trolley will apologise. This happened to me at least seven times yesterday afternoon, followed by not a single apology.

Should I pass it off as just a bad day, or are people genuinely this awful outside of Bolton?

Were you wearing a Wanderers shirt?

3Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 20:17


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Quent wrote:
Were you wearing a Wanderers shirt?

I was tempted to mention that I was merely wearing my Lonsdale tracksuit.

4Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 20:23

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

doffcocker wrote:
I was tempted to mention that I was merely wearing my Lonsdale tracksuit.

So you were wearing the chav uniform and you wonder why people were rude to you?

5Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 20:47


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Natasha Whittam wrote:
doffcocker wrote:
I was tempted to mention that I was merely wearing my Lonsdale tracksuit.

So you were wearing the chav uniform and you wonder why people were rude to you?

That in itself is another point. The people of Bolton don't judge you by the clothes on your back.

6Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:02



Who gives a two hoots what you were wearing they should still say sorry for doing it, ignorant fuckers.

7Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:07

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

aaron_bwfc wrote:Who gives a two hoots what you were wearing they should still say sorry for doing it, ignorant fuckers.

Don't talk rubbish, chavs should be ignored at all costs.

Next time Doffcocker, wear a suit. Show some class.

8Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:08



Who wears a suit to a football match, it's not the 1940s.

9Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:09

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

aaron_bwfc wrote:Who wears a suit to a football match, it's not the 1940s.

It's all about standards Aaron, when did it become the norm to wear Lonsdale to Asda? My grandad will be turning in his grave, he wore a shirt and tie to bring in the coal.

10Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:15



Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't dare wear a tracksuit anymore, those years went when I was about 15 but going back to the original point, why should it be ok to bash the fuck out someone and not apologies just because they wear a tracksut.

11Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I doubt thats why these people did it, they're probably just pig ignorent.

Another thing that pisses me off is when you allow someone past when you're in the car and they don't raise a hand.


12Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:19

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Hipster_Nebula wrote:

Another thing that pisses me off is when you allow someone past when you're in the car and they don't raise a hand.


We finally agree. I hate this.

13Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:22


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Lonsdale is just casual wear, not necessarily tacky.

The word 'chav' evolves, and metrosexualism is the current standard of chavviness in my opinion.

14Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:23


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Hipster_Nebula wrote:

Another thing that pisses me off is when you allow someone past when you're in the car and they don't raise a hand.


We finally agree. I hate this.

I too agree. And I've never driven a car in my life.

15Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:27



Manners seem to have gone out of the window these days, unless it's just me who thinks letting onto people or saying thanks have become a thing of the past.

16Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

doffcocker wrote:Lonsdale is just casual wear, not necessarily tacky.

The word 'chav' evolves, and metrosexualism is the current standard of chavviness in my opinion.

I have levels of Chav. Obviously extremely judgemental.

the "scum" level = Cars on bricks in the council house driveway, lawn full of kids ride on toys, another car buried in the lawn, kids everywhere. Usually 30+

The "cornershop" level - lives to abuse anyone who walks past "their" corner shop, usually wears the aforementioned trackie and one of them awful "flat" baseball caps. Usually teenage.

The "tarrnnn" (town) Chav = Is basically the cornershop chav on weekends, wears a ben sherman to go to the cheapest shittest club in town to "get off his ed" and start fights.

The "dressy" chav - would deny he was a chav, wears polo shirts everywhere, usually pink, or a "topman" t- shirt with the slogan "save a cat mouse (oops) eat a pussy" would describe themselves as a "cheeky chappy"

The "rich" chav - see Wayne Rooney

17Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 21:33

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

doffcocker wrote:Lonsdale is just casual wear, not necessarily tacky.

The word 'chav' evolves, and metrosexualism is the current standard of chavviness in my opinion.

For the record I was joking. Now if you turned up at my wedding in Lonsdale you'd receive a good kicking.

18Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 22:16

Copper Dragon

Copper Dragon
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Dutch hoolie wear is Lonsdale.

That might explain the bumping into you. Very Happy

19Boltonians  Empty Re: Boltonians Sun Apr 01 2012, 22:53

Bolton Nuts


doffcocker wrote:Not that many years ago, we were voted the friendliest people in Britain. I'm not sure who by, but it has to count for something.

You won't ever have heard me say anything along the lines of "bloody southerners". I never believed people get significantly less decent the further north, east, south or west you get. But a visit to Wolverhampton Asda for a ginger beer and prawn crackers yesterday forced me to have a rethink, as I'd never before come across a more ignorant set of shoppers.

At Astley Bridge, I know that nine out of ten people that get in my road or hit me with their trolley will apologise. This happened to me at least seven times yesterday afternoon, followed by not a single apology.

Should I pass it off as just a bad day, or are people genuinely this awful outside of Bolton?


Has it crossed your mind that it may have been you? Drunk much?

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