luckyPeterpiper wrote:I understand where you're coming from Breadman but I think you're wrong. It would be political suicide for whomever takes over from Cameron to try and avoid invoking Article 50. Whether we like it or not the Tory's largest power base is England, particularly Southern England and with the exception of about half of London (geographically speaking) pretty much all of England below Birmingham went with Leave. Add in that the rest of the EU are adamant they won't alter a single line of EU rules OR talk to the UK until after Article 50 has been invoked and there's simply no way it can be avoided.
I wish it were otherwise but the fact is we're leaving and I doubt we'll even remain in the European Economic Area because that would leave us subject to all the rules and laws the Leave campaign managed to sell as an immigrant's charter without being able to affect them in any way. Not only that but any deal we might make has to be ratified by all 27 of the other member states unanimously and I can't see Poland or the other East European countries wanting to be generous after all the vicious diatribe Farage, Johnson and the rest of their cronies spouted about them.
As it stands there's not even a reasonable basis to suggest a second referendum on the subject no matter what some politicians may say and frankly a PM who tried it would be condemned for 'ignoring the will of the people' and castigated for disrespecting democracy.
Sadly I think you are right. Bizarrely I thought Boris was the one person who might (and I stress might) have got away with holding a second referendum after stitching up some kind of deal. However I think the credulous little England idiots who believed the Brexit lies have screwed us.