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Ken Anderson - update.

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241anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Thu Oct 04 2018, 23:56


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ken Anderson... wrote:
A lot has been mentioned in the local press about ‘off field financial problems’ which is getting increasingly frustrating. It seems to be repeated in every article at the moment yet they seem to forget where the club was financially two years ago.
The continuous negativity about the ‘financial problems’ and the manager’s perceived defensive style of play does not help anyone and hopefully the people concerned will move on and write about some of the positives going forward for a change.

Looking back at Anderson's PR on Monday, I'm just wondering if he knew what was around the corner and is ready to implement his exit strategy?

If you analyse Anderson's message management above ("I saved the club and to criticise me is the same as criticising Parky") it is unusually defensive for the normally ebullient Anderson

Having made him and his son personally richer, pawned the last of the club's assets that were still in place two years ago and minimised his personal exposure at every turn, maybe it's getting to exit time? I believe everything is finally in place to complete a perfectly executed asset-stripping job at BWFC's expense - unless anyone has an analysis that tells a different story of who will pay what if we go under?

I'm not saying he will walk away with substantial net personal gain and with the club devalued by tens of millions - just saying it looks like he potentially could do if he wasn't such a lovely trustworthy chap.

Last edited by wanderlust on Fri Oct 05 2018, 10:13; edited 1 time in total

242anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 00:13



T.R.O.Y wrote:Ah right best tell every journo on Twitter drumming up interest in their stories to pack it in then, it’s not the right thing to do according to a 60 year old bloke from Slough.

Presumably you find the action of KA loaning the club Eddie Davies money as disrespectful as Iles reporting on it? And will be similarly sanctimonious over it?


Why do you think Davies loaned the money to Anderson if he wasn't going to put it into the club???

He can't really put it in as equity can he, if he has to pay it back, so the only way he can do it is as a loan - and as a loan all he's done is to secure it - just as anyone else giving a £5 million loan would.  It's just basic common sense - so much so I can't really understand what all the fuss has been about - other than people who don't understand about such things being panicked by many others who don't understand these things either?

Even Davies didn't put his money into the club as equity, he did it instead by unsecured loans - the difference being it was all his money and he hadn't had to borrow it to pay someone else back if things went pear shaped.

Think about it this way, if Anderson keeps everything afloat and pays back Moonshift (Eddie Davies) then he still owns the club and has in effect increased it's value by £5 million by paying off a major creditor.  If he doesn't he still owns the club but it is worth just the same as before because he's had to cash in assets to pay off the debt he basically inherited in the first place (If I had a £100 and owed £95, I basically have £5 to my name.  If I paid off the £95 loan, from my £100 I would still only have £5 to my name and no loan hanging over my head anymore - so nothing much overall has changed, has it?).

Either way the £5 million as to be found because Holdsworth put it there with BluMarble and nothing other than a change of name (to Moonshift) has happened ever since.

The loan won't go away until it is settled - either by Anderson making the club successful enough to be able to do so, or having to sell off something like Eddie did with the car parks, to pay it off.  It's not really rocket science, or really that difficult to grasp, is it?  Maybe for some people it is?

I mean what did people really expect to happen?

As for an old fart like me knowing how journalists drum up interest in their stories - I don't - but I do see how Marc Iles (12.1k twitter followers does it) and I can compare it to how Alan Nixon (70.4k twitter followers does it) and note that the one with the biggest following writes for the national press and tells his followers to "read it in the paper", whilst the others career has peaked at a small regional paper level and seems now to depend for his stories from his twitter chums, most of which seem to have an anti-Anderson bais.

I know which one of them will earn the most money, will have the best contacts and will enjoy the better respect from club owners and those in the know.

I know which one of them knows how to do his job the best - and it isn't Iles.

243anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 00:23


Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

Sluffy wrote:
T.R.O.Y wrote:Iles is reporting on what’s happening at the club, it’s his job.

Shame he just couldn't hold off for a few hours just out of respect to basically the greatest Wanderer since Nat Lofthouse funeral was out of the way.

What a silly statement, this was a guy who wouldn't pay  Bolton's tax bill the season he stopped receiving parachute payments.

244anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 00:28



Growler wrote:
Sluffy wrote:
T.R.O.Y wrote:Iles is reporting on what’s happening at the club, it’s his job.

Shame he just couldn't hold off for a few hours just out of respect to basically the greatest Wanderer since Nat Lofthouse funeral was out of the way.

What a silly statement, this was a guy who wouldn't pay  Bolton's tax bill the season he stopped receiving parachute payments.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum.

245anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 10:06


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Growler wrote:
Sluffy wrote:
T.R.O.Y wrote:Iles is reporting on what’s happening at the club, it’s his job.

Shame he just couldn't hold off for a few hours just out of respect to basically the greatest Wanderer since Nat Lofthouse funeral was out of the way.

What a silly statement, this was a guy who wouldn't pay  Bolton's tax bill the season he stopped receiving parachute payments.
WTF Growler?

ED stopped bailing the club out shortly after Gartside died and the truth of how much ED had been shafted finally came out. The club had plenty of time to prepare to meet their tax liabilities.

You blame him for saying enough is enough? He even wiped off the biggest personal debt in football history. And then bailed Anderson out (big mistake IMO) twice more.

That said I don't see how reporting a potentially important story more than 3 weeks after ED died is disrespectful. I doubt the media will stop working the day the queen is buried, let alone a businessman from Bolton.

Re my earlier post: Yes Anderson must have known about the WUP before he had a dig at Iles as it was filed on the 27th Sept.

246anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 13:54


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Tomorrow we take on one of our closest rivals Blackburn Rovers at the University of Bolton Stadium and I hope as many of you as possible come down to the stadium to cheer on Phil Parkinson and his players.

Derby matches always seem to have that extra edge to them and they all end up being very memorable.

I suspect that tomorrow will be no exception especially as we have not played against them for three seasons.

We need the ground to be rocking from kick off until the final whistle to give the team that extra boost as you can rest assured that the Rovers fans will be in full voice.

The game is also the last one before the international break, so with your help it would be excellent to sign off with a positive result.

Tickets for the game are still available and you can purchase them online and print them at home to avoid the very busy queues on match day. If you would like to experience our excellent hospitality offering then please give our Sales Team a call on 01204 673761 or email them at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].

All three of our popular home, away and third choice shirts are still available to buy in Bolton Central and online, so please make sure you wear your colours with pride as you get behind the players.

It has always been my intention to be open and transparent with you all, and I must confess that it has been a very difficult couple of weeks for me personally and also for the club with the sad passing of Eddie Davies.

Since my arrival at the club, Ed was always there for me and aside from being a trusted mentor he was always a quiet, considerate, thoughtful and caring gentleman in my dealings with him. It’s still somewhat surreal that he is no longer here but his spirit will always live on. I for one will miss him and his guidance immensely.

Ed was passionate and absolutely loved the club and was always supportive. He offered to help and refinance the BluMarble loan to assist both the club and myself.

As everybody is aware, I inherited the BluMarble loan which was taken out by Sports Shield BWFC and after long, difficult and protracted negotiations the original loan, which could have been £7/8M, was finally settled for a substantially lower amount. It was unfortunate that it went literally to the wire, but I can assure you it was financially worthwhile in the long run.

This new loan is now secured as is common practice whereas in the past my previous investments and loans were unsecured. It is important to note that the loans provided by BluMarble, Prescott Business Parks and Brett Warburton were fully secured on club assets and arranged by Trevor Birch prior to my involvement.

My intention to seek further investment in the club still remains and as always I shall keep you updated on any developments on that front.

I understand that certain recent events may have caused some concern for you and to that end I have decided to host a Q&A session, albeit at short notice, before tomorrow’s game. This will take place in Reflections at Bolton Whites Hotel from 4pm and I will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding the club.

I will also be visiting the hospitality lounges after this to speak with our corporate guests as well as doing some interviews with the local media.

I hope to see as many of you as possible so that I can keep you fully informed on the latest developments.

Best wishes,


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247anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 13:56


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Fair play to him for facing the fans especially if there are more winding up orders on the way.

248anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 14:48


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Fair play to him for facing the fans especially if there are more winding up orders on the way.
Definitely the right thing to do providing it's not a managed conversation with the Chair choosing what questions are asked/answered.

If anyone is intending to go, the question I'd like answered is "if the club is wound up, what is the current personal exposure of Ken Anderson and what exposure of the club?"

I noticed that he mentions looking for investors again - something he only does when there is a potential crisis in the offing. Maybe the billionaire's interest could be/has been rekindled - or is that just wishful thinking on my behalf?

249anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 16:13

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The question I would like asked is "....when are you going to make fatties pay for two seats rather than sharing mine?".

The club gets extra income, and I don't have someone else's bum cheeks squashing up against me.

250anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 16:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:The question I would like asked is "....when are you going to make fatties pay for two seats rather than sharing mine?".

The club gets extra income, and I don't have someone else's bum cheeks squashing up against me.

Why don’t you ask him yourself?

251anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 19:52

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Boggersbelief wrote:Why don’t you ask him yourself?

I'm sure he reads my work, he'll probably e-mail me his reply.

252anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Fri Oct 05 2018, 20:17


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Boggersbelief wrote:Why don’t you ask him yourself?

I'm sure he reads my work, he'll probably e-mail me his reply.

No doubt he will ask you if you would like to be bounced up and down on his knee.

253anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Sat Oct 06 2018, 14:38



Sluffy wrote:
Growler wrote:
Sluffy wrote:
T.R.O.Y wrote:Iles is reporting on what’s happening at the club, it’s his job.

Shame he just couldn't hold off for a few hours just out of respect to basically the greatest Wanderer since Nat Lofthouse funeral was out of the way.

What a silly statement, this was a guy who wouldn't pay  Bolton's tax bill the season he stopped receiving parachute payments.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum.

De pretentious pratum.

254anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Sat Oct 06 2018, 14:39



Norpig wrote:Fair play to him for facing the fans especially if there are more winding up orders on the way.

Agreed, good move from ken. Hope the questions arent filtered and we get some answers. I’m curious as to his long term strategy here, seems high risk to me continually missing payments.

255anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Sat Oct 06 2018, 14:47


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

T.R.O.Y wrote:
Norpig wrote:Fair play to him for facing the fans especially if there are more winding up orders on the way.

Agreed, good move from ken. Hope the questions arent filtered and we get some answers. I’m curious as to his long term strategy here, seems high risk to me continually missing payments.
Hopefully this will be informative.  Missing payments and having the tax authority on your tail usually is foreboding.  Is this Ken's game to make the best deal possible?  Or does he not have the money to pay on a monthly basis?  At the least, we have survived and are now mid-table.  Hopefully Ken does have a long-term goal that includes an infusion of new money.  Past actions have dissuaded us that he really wants to sell so quickly, but cash poor may be a driving factor in finding some new money.

256anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Sat Oct 06 2018, 15:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
T.R.O.Y wrote:
Norpig wrote:Fair play to him for facing the fans especially if there are more winding up orders on the way.

Agreed, good move from ken. Hope the questions arent filtered and we get some answers. I’m curious as to his long term strategy here, seems high risk to me continually missing payments.
Hopefully this will be informative.  Missing payments and having the tax authority on your tail usually is foreboding.  Is this Ken's game to make the best deal possible?  Or does he not have the money to pay on a monthly basis?  At the least, we have survived and are now mid-table.  Hopefully Ken does have a long-term goal that includes an infusion of new money.  Past actions have dissuaded us that he really wants to sell so quickly, but cash poor may be a driving factor in finding some new money.
My suspicions are well documented and they are only compounded by the absence of recent information on his personal exposure/liability - which I suspect is close to zero - and the mounting charges on the remaining club assets. 
If we get to the point - and I suspect we are doing - that BWFC has nothing left to hock, and Anderson has zero personal liability, there will be no incentive for him to hang around any longer.
However I can't envisage any investor being interested whilst Anderson remains and I suspect Anderson will want a payoff that given the financial situation would be unreasonable plus with ED gone, there's nobody left to hold to ransom with the threat of the club going under so we're in a bit of a mess.

257anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Mon Oct 08 2018, 14:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that Anderson claims to have settled with Front Row Marketing and will pay HMRC before it goes to court.

Ah well - onwards and sideways.

258anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Mon Oct 08 2018, 15:15


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that Anderson claims to have settled with Front Row Marketing and will pay HMRC before it goes to court.

Ah well - onwards and sideways.
Sideways is correct.  At times, I feel we are on a ladder with rungs missing.  No consistency... one week we play like a top six club and the next week we missed a few rungs and look like a team headed for relegation.  Ameobi's absence, despite Nat's protests that he is only good one week a month, seems to be the offensive fireplug that we are missing.  For good or bad, we need to pick up the offense.  Defensively we are a shell of what we once were.  Truly Keystone Kops defense at times!  Parky had better sort that out... and if that means grounding Grounds, so be it.  Perhaps Wilson and Wheater can put it together?  If not, we had better search for someone in the January window.  Of course, wind up orders don't help in securing new players or getting top notch ones.  I'm surprised Parky has any hair left on his head at this point.

259anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Mon Oct 08 2018, 22:36



You don’t always get what you deserve in football and that was definitely the case on Saturday when we entertained our neighbours Blackburn Rovers at the University of Bolton Stadium.
We didn’t really get going for the first 20 minutes but after that I thought that because of the way we got back into the game our second half performance merited a draw at least.
As the manager said following the game that although we got into good areas to score we lacked the clinical finishing power to find the back of the net and our ball in to the final third and from the wings didn’t have the desired quality.
But that’s football and we will work very hard on improving that aspect at the training ground in readiness for the games after the international break.
Considering the number of supporters who travelled over from Blackburn and due to the fact that the game was broadcast live on Sky Sports, the attendance of 15,461 was an improvement on recent games and I’m pleased that more Wanderers fans turned out. I hope that this is the beginning of a gradual increase in the attendance figures.

Prior to the game, I held some Q&A sessions in Reflections and also in the hospitality lounges and I am very grateful for the turnout and questions that were asked.
It has always been my belief that I will be open, honest and transparent with you all and no questions were off limits during these sessions.
For those that were unable to attend, I hope the comments here will give you a better view of everything and for those that did attend  I hope I brought some clarity on speculation that had surfaced in the media and on social media in recent weeks.
At sessions like these I always get asked about potential investment to the club. What I can say is that we get no shortage of enquiries but the vast majority of them turn out to be bids and offers that are extremely unrealistic and quite often end up to be a waste of time. As things stand, we are in talks with two potential investors, one of whom is US based and the other is Asian. As always, you will be among the first to know if anything progresses in this regard.

Unfortunately, the process is a slow one as you would have seen with other clubs like Charlton, Wigan and Hull to name just a few.

It was reported that the club had been served with two winding up petitions recently, one by the HMRC and the other by a US-based company called Front Row Marketing. Both are in the process of being settled before they get to court but I felt it was important to clarify the reasons for the delay.

On that note, I was a little bit disappointed to read the Bolton News article this morning which made reference to the club having dealt with four separate winding up orders in the past 14 months.  To give a bit of context and to put it in perspective the last one we dealt with was in January this year, since then all payments due to HMRC were paid on time until last month and the ones relating to 2017 were all settled before getting to court.

There were reasons for the delay in paying HMRC, which I cannot fully go in to but it was all linked to the dispute with Blu Marble, which has now been settled as widely reported and effectively saved the club several million pounds since the loan was taken out by SportShield BWFC in December 2015, three months before I became involved in March 2016.

Winding up orders do generate anxiety and negativity for everybody concerned but I want to make it clear that I will always endeavour to do what is best for Bolton Wanderers Football Club.

I was also pretty incensed to read a reader’s letter in the Bolton News on Saturday which contained incorrect information stating that I had ‘borrowed money from Blu Marble to buy Dean Holdsworth’s shares’. This is absolute nonsense. I have never personally had any loans from Blu Marble. Furthermore, it was Sport Shield BWFC who took out the Blu Marble loan prior to my involvement. Quite why this was allowed to be published without being fact checked totally escapes me.

The dispute with Front Row Marketing was another problem that I inherited from the previous regime at the club. Front Row claim that they were involved in the original Macron naming rights deal for the stadium and that they had brought money into the club. Interestingly, they were unable to provide any evidence or paperwork to this effect or to say exactly how much money they have brought in or when. For whatever reason they felt the need to issue the petition but I am pleased to say that we have now reached a settlement for less than what they claimed.

As has been reported Ed Davies assisted the club in the settling of the Blu Marble loan. He was quite keen for the club to no longer have this burden hanging over it, although he didn’t want the publicity associated with it.
Our thoughts and prayers will always be with Ed’s family and our gratitude for his kindness will remain eternal.

Another topic that came up during the Q&A were comments in relation to the ticket prices for matches, which I also fully take on board. I will be having discussions with club officials to see if there is anything we can do in terms of promotions for specific matches.
But what I must say, and something that I make no apology for repeating, is that the purchasing of a season ticket will always remain the best value for money if you wish to watch the club on a match-by-match basis. That value must always be protected for those who showed their loyalty in the summer months by paying for the cost up front or by monthly direct debit.
As always, the club will be launching a half season ticket for the remaining 12 home games starting from the Boxing Day clash against Rotherham. There are some big games in the second-half of the campaign, with fixtures against Preston North End, Stoke City, West Brom, Middlesbrough and Aston Villa. These will be on sale in November and full details will be announced shortly.
I strongly urge those of you who haven’t already got season tickets to take advantage of this as you will be making significant savings compared to buying tickets on a match-by-match basis.

In my notes from last week, I referred to the continuous negativity in the local press as they repeated the same comments in a paragraph in virtually each and every article, week in, week out. Surely to say it once would have been sufficient?
In reference to this, I have seen the social media exchanges between Kieran Maguire, Marc IIes and a few others which l find all very interesting. However, some of it is like comparing chalk and cheese.

For a start no director’s salary has ever been paid to me. Furthermore, there were other directors at the time included in the Directors’ figures mentioned. It is correct though to say that fees were paid to businesses associated with me and this has always been disclosed as it’s a statutory obligation to do so.
To compare our 2016/17 salary costs in League One with the Championship salaries is a complete nonsense. In any event, l feel sure that our salary costs that season were up there with the highest in League One and not mid table.
To clarify my comments, l was talking about the current season and none of us will know the final figures until the end of the season.
As regards the amortisation figures, if you don’t pay transfer fees these will always be little or nothing. I am far happier with our transfer figures that show significant profits on trading and this is something we as a club need to continue to survive financially.
We will be publishing the financial accounts when the auditors complete them.
The auction for the signed shirts, which the players wore in support of Stephen Darby prior to the Derby County game, to raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease Association is nearing an end and the bids the club has so far received have been outstanding. Please click here if you want to own one of these special shirts and in doing so supporting a tremendous charity.

Also, why not considering watching a performance of And Did Those Feet which is being staged in the Lion of Vienna Suite between Sunday 21 October and Thursday 1 November.

Produced by the Octagon Theatre, the play focuses on Wanderers’ FA Cup final victory against West Ham United in 1923 and follows the lives of two families in the build up to one of the most historic moments in the club’s history. Click here for more information.

After what has been a busy couple of weeks in terms of matches, we now have another international break this week so it will be an ideal opportunity for the players to regroup and recharge their batteries before another busy period of fixtures.
I look forward to seeing you at Rotherham on Saturday 20 October before the double header back at the University of Bolton Stadium for our two games against Nottingham Forest  and Hull City.

Best wishes,


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260anderson - Ken Anderson - update. - Page 13 Empty Re: Ken Anderson - update. Tue Oct 09 2018, 01:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Move on, move on. Nothing to see here. Haven't you got homes to go to?

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