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Cycling's back!

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21Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 14:46



wanderlust wrote:
gloswhite wrote:
OK, I'll step back from commenting on the war of attrition between the two of you. I would only ask that you both remember that this forum isn't only for you two, but is read by people who are sick and tired of hearing all this sniping, its not why were here.

A fine example of what the problem actually is Glos, you are aiming this at both of us but Wanderlust is either taking the piss with his reply above or believes he's NOT any part of the problem himself!

Either way he will just carry on as he always does.

Just you see.

22Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 15:10


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

A fine example of what the problem actually is Glos, you are aiming this at both of us but Wanderlust is either taking the piss with his reply above or believes he's NOT any part of the problem himself!

Either way he will just carry on as he always does.

Just you see.
So I agree with Glos's sentiment on the basis that you have a go at everything I write and would like to see an end to it - and you come back sniping as per. When do I have a go at you other than the occasional response to a personal attack or one of your amateur psychiatrist diatribes that you initiate? Can you dig out an example from years ago and write a thesis on it? Or can you just back off and give us all a break?

23Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 15:22



Sluffy wrote:Either way he will just carry on as he always does.

Just you see.

Didn't take long did it!!!

24Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 16:26



Well done guys, proved everyone wrong on that whole constant sniping at each other thing.

25Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 16:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

 Cycling's back! - Page 2 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47wpwtwpbhbdcszkvbl4dnq226mokiukaqgjuy3bq7&rid=giphy

26Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 16:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cycling's back! - Page 2 FamiliarBlindCat-size_restricted

27Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 17:43



T.R.O.Y. wrote:Well done guys, proved everyone wrong on that whole constant sniping at each other thing.

I see it more as cause and effect.

I don't mind what anyone says on the internet/social media, it is after all open to anyone who connects to it whether they are the most sanist in the world or the most insaneist!

I don't even communicate anywhere else on the internet other than on Nuts apart from with my family/friends directly or with work.

I mean what's the point really, you could be talking/disagreeing with anyone really.

In real life when we talk to people they simply would not say or react as many of them choose to do on the internet - and if they did, you'd soon move away and have nothing further to do with them.

So why do I post on Nuts then?

For me I set up with others a little area to chat and have fun in regard to a mutual interest - BWFC.  We set it up simply because we didn't like how similar BWFC forums were run.

We opened our doors to everyone and had few rules other than keep things on the right side of the law and expected people to self moderate as we all are grown ups on here.

Things went well until we hit the hatred by two people in particular over Brexit and Anderson.

It turned the site toxic.

One of the two left the site and became multi banned on twitter for posting how he had on here, he's on about his twelfth new Twitter account by now (all the rest being should down by the Twitter site for unacceptable behaviour) and no doubt he'll be heading for a thirteenth soon!

The other being Wanderlust who rages still about Brexit (although he voted for it - work that one out?) and who dug a hole so deep about how he told us what a crook Anderson was, that he is unable to climb out of it without losing face - which he clearly won't do.

My posting and behaviour as site owner, if you will, were to prevent things going too far and to counter the more absurd posts with reasoned and factual information where possible countering such shite.

This inevitably led to abuse of me and behaviour patterns that are still apparent even to the post of his above.

As they say it takes two to Tango.

His initial post on this thread was done deliberately and knowingly - so that set off the 'cause' and my reply to be the 'effect'.

Once you get to see that then you can begin to read him like I can - his actions betray his intent.

He doesn't think he's part of the problem at all, he's in fact the cause of it.

He won't change though - just as I predicted and was proved right within minutes above!!!

The owners of all the other forums would have banned him long ago if he posted to them like he does to me - re-read his last post on this thread for instance - but I let him (and Bread) post his shit until it went too far and - after multitudes of warnings - banned them.

And to remind people it was Wanderlust who asked to be unbanned and return here and not the other way around!

If this was real life I'd keep clear of his company so that our paths did not cross but I can't do that on Nuts.

If he wants to play nice like everyone else then fine, if he wants to post shite, I'll correct him, if he wants to deliberately challenge me - and we know he does - he'll be answered.

That's the way it is with some people and he's one of them - he thinks he knows absolutely everything, he's never wrong and when proven to be so he certainly won't admit it.

The balls in his court, let's see what he does with it.

28Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 17:54



Sluffy wrote:His initial post on this thread was done deliberately and knowingly - so that set off the 'cause' and my reply to be the 'effect'.

Once you get to see that then you can begin to read him like I can - his actions betray his intent.

He doesn't think he's part of the problem at all, he's in fact the cause of it.

I think you're reading too much into it. This was his initial post on the thread:

Wanderlust wrote:Never went away - I've been cycling 3 times a week since we were allowed to exercise. Love it when the weather's nice.

I don't think this is anyway inflammatory, but if you really do - surely you can rise above it? It's not even directed at you.

29Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 18:24



T.R.O.Y. wrote:
Sluffy wrote:His initial post on this thread was done deliberately and knowingly - so that set off the 'cause' and my reply to be the 'effect'.

Once you get to see that then you can begin to read him like I can - his actions betray his intent.

He doesn't think he's part of the problem at all, he's in fact the cause of it.

I think you're reading too much into it. This was his initial post on the thread:

Wanderlust wrote:Never went away - I've been cycling 3 times a week since we were allowed to exercise. Love it when the weather's nice.

I don't think this is anyway inflammatory, but if you really do - surely you can rise above it? It's not even directed at you.

I've already answered this in my post to Glos above.

It was done as a deliberate little pop at me - and needlessly so if you read what the thread was at the time, where someone was believed to be in a life threatening condition.

As I say 'cause' and 'effect'.

He knew what he was doing alright and I may well have ignored it on most other threads (I certainly don't call him out every time) but I thought his pettiness was completely out of order on that thread in particular and showed how he can't self moderate himself in his eagerness to get in a dig at me, no matter what.

30Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 18:47


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I see it’s Groundhog Day again.

31Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 19:45


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Well done to Glos for nailing the issue! :clap:

Having said that, I suppose there is some merit in enlivening the world's most boring spectator sport a bit! Very Happy

 By contrast, tomorrow's play at the Test Match should be absorbing from beginning to close!

32Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Fri Aug 07 2020, 19:55


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

1) an unpleasant or despicable person.
2) A self-righteous twat, who doesn't believe red traffic lights apply to them.
3) A derogatory term for a person whose behaviour is intolerably ignorant, obnoxious, offensive or moronic.
• Look at that twat, jumping red lights and riding on the pavement. What a fucking cyclist!

• Fuck off, you cyclist!

33Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Sat Aug 08 2020, 17:32


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

As I suspected, the cricket is too tense to watch and too close to call. Ooh, me fingernails! Long drawn out suspense.....

34Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Wed Sep 28 2022, 08:32


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

One for Sluffy to enjoy as i know he loves his cycling

35Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Wed Sep 28 2022, 08:59



Thanks Norpig, just goes to show actually how massively air resistance plays in cycling.

Such things like this video are not allowed in professional competitions such as the Tour de France for two reasons, the first being is that it is obviously dangerous and the second (and perhaps more importantly) is they do not want to showcase stuff like this because kids will copy such stuff and might end up in hospital.

I hadn't seen this clip (although I have seen similar) and suspect it might have been 'pre-planned' in some small way when I saw the motorbike rider (who in theory should be an employee (or contractor)) of the race organiser do the same thing in the clip also!

It did look good though although I'm a little too old these days to be trying such things myself anymore!

I wouldn't put it past Bonce to give it a go though!

36Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Wed Sep 28 2022, 09:19



Yes, I thought this was pre-planned and not quite as genuine as it first seemed - although as I said it really does show the massive effect of what you can achieve if you can minimise air resistance when travelling on a bike (or anything else for that matter).

This is quite an entertaining clip from the same cyclist doing silly things from 2017 and includes the video clip of him planking above.

37Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Wed Sep 28 2022, 09:36



I think you might like this clip below.

It isn't cycling as such but far more like parkour (freerunning) on a bicycle!

The bloke doing it is the Scot Danny MacAskill who has become world famous for it and as many other videos of his stunts that he has done over the last decade or more.

It's certainly brave of him as there doesn't seem to be any safety nets if he gets anything wrong!

38Cycling's back! - Page 2 Empty Re: Cycling's back! Wed Sep 28 2022, 13:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Jesus he's a brave man! when it first started and he was on the very edge of the building i felt a bit sick as i'm not good with heights  Very Happy

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