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Karly Pants news

Natasha Whittam
Hip Priest
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41Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Sep 26 2022, 04:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:Phew.

Glad your in one piece marra - must have been horrendous for you and the missus. At least you were able to access top quality care and now you know what the score is you'll be on meds that will keep you safe for many years to come so you'll be able to relax - but you'll have to watch your diet so no more steak puddings for you Smile

Thanks Wander. Smile

May I ask that both you and Sluffy draw a line in the sand and you both walk on from it?

Life's too short being at each others throat all the time winding each other up.

We all enjoy both of you as a community and it would really be a shame if you both truly fell out.

Please? i'm asking nicely. Smile

42Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Sep 26 2022, 06:15


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Glad you're on the mend.

As regards you know who I'm just minding my own business so I'm not really sure what more I can do.

Take yesterday for instance.

Out of nowhere, he dragged out one of his old hobby horses to have a dig at me on the "Tory" thread post 61 - check out the context - totally unprovoked personal insult.

I didn't respond which must have irked him as on Post 65 he had another personal rant at me when I copied an article written by someone else - which amusingly he used as the basis of an amateur psychology analysis of me rather than the author - and used it as an excuse to have another unprovoked dig at me.

He had another go on the Bradley thread post 6 and again on post 9 - so I make that 4 times in one day he's attempted character assassination without any reason other his pathetic personal grudge.

As I said, I'm minding my own business, so don't be telling me to walk away from something I've already walked away from - despite his continuous attempts to drag me into an argument. I'll just carry on posting want I want and ignore the needy **** Smile

As for you mate, take it easy, don't do too much too soon and watch your diet....
Karly Pants news - Page 3 306973275_10158744840906245_7115039454472718998_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=bj1ZFvGWZnAAX9RbLhX&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1
...that'll be advice Smile

43Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Sep 26 2022, 06:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

KP - whilst you're problem solving...

Karly Pants news - Page 3 307311885_8700201346672228_3710627153339582618_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=CzLS46RWuPUAX-WiPC4&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1

44Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Sep 26 2022, 18:57



wanderlust wrote:Glad you're on the mend.

As regards you know who I'm just minding my own business so I'm not really sure what more I can do.

Take yesterday for instance.

Out of nowhere, he dragged out one of his old hobby horses to have a dig at me on the "Tory" thread post 61 - check out the context - totally unprovoked personal insult.

I didn't respond which must have irked him as on Post 65 he had another personal rant at me when I copied an article written by someone else - which amusingly he used as the basis of an amateur psychology analysis of me rather than the author - and used it as an excuse to have another unprovoked dig at me.

He had another go on the Bradley thread post 6 and again on post 9 - so I make that 4 times in one day he's attempted character assassination without any reason other his pathetic personal grudge.

As I said, I'm minding my own business, so don't be telling me to walk away from something I've already walked away from - despite his continuous attempts to drag me into an argument. I'll just carry on posting want I want and ignore the needy **** Smile



Mate, Karly is fresh out of the hospital's Intensive Care Unit and is waiting on medical clearance before he can even fly home to England, and he certainly doesn't need to be burdened with your ongoing self-centered neuroses and definitely not on his 'get well soon thread' from all his concerned well-wishers on here!

He's asked you nicely to move on and yet you post all that crap above????

And you use to claim I have no self-awareness of things!!!!

You really should have a lot more about you than be doing shit like this...

And you really believe I'm the one with the issues..?

Sorry Karly, get well soon and don't worry at all over some absolutely meaningless tripe on tiny football site - your health is the most important thing for you to be focusing on and not utter shite like this.

45Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Thu Sep 29 2022, 12:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Not heard from you for a few days mate - how's it going? We worry about you so an update would be good if possible.

Still waiting for your thoughts on the dog breed BTW - hope it cheered you up!

46Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Thu Sep 29 2022, 21:14

Bolton Nuts


And now you have both done it right after KP pleaded with you to leave it...

Welcome back KP. I can't say more than anyone else has already said other than we are all glad you are on the mend. All the best pal.

47Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Thu Sep 29 2022, 22:03



Biggie wrote: And now you have both done it right after KP pleaded with you to leave it...

Welcome back KP. I can't say more than anyone else has already said other than we are all glad you are on the mend. All the best pal.



Sluffy wrote: Sorry Karly, get well soon and don't worry at all over some absolutely meaningless tripe on tiny football site - your health is the most important thing for you to be focusing on and not utter shite like this.

48Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 11:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Well it’s time we got ourselves back to the UK even if the travel insurance are not paying.

Luckily the Mrs cancelled our flights back when I ended up in hospital the day before we were originally meant to go back and got them rebooked again for £600 with extra leg room so we are going back to the UK this Friday.

My lad has missed a month of school as well so he needs to go back for his education as well. 

As for the travel insurance, well they can suck arse and I will be taking them to the financial ombudsman.

49Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 11:31



Good to hear you will be back soon, poor do about your insurers.

Hope to see you back on here all fit and well in no time!

50Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 11:33


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Good news KP!

51Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 11:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thanks. I will take a couple of months out till after Christmas to get the strength back in my left hand so I can be working again although I will be getting back to Radio Nuts which is some normality for now. Very Happy

52Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 13:00

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Good to see you're on the mend KP, bit of a pisser the insurance company aren't playing ball.

Not sure what you need your hands for though, I thought your job was oral based?

53Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 13:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

What is the point in having travel insurance if they don't pay out for issues like you've had KP? Sue the bastards!

54Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 14:38


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:Good to see you're on the mend KP, bit of a pisser the insurance company aren't playing ball.

Not sure what you need your hands for though, I thought your job was oral based?
Thanks Nat Laughing

The insurance company is annual travel insurance which is underwritten by Zurich. 

They state that I had a non disclosure for an existing medical condition (being mild asthma) even though the website is littered with the fact that they won’t cover existing medical conditions anyway.

They have been terrible with communication and haven’t heard back from them in over a week.

They really are like a turd that simply won’t flush.

55Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 16:00


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

But surely mid asthma wouldn't have caused what happened to you KP? They are 2 different things altogether surely? 

These companies cant wait to take your money but hate to pay it out.

56Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 16:14


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

karlypants wrote:Well it’s time we got ourselves back to the UK even if the travel insurance are not paying.

Luckily the Mrs cancelled our flights back when I ended up in hospital the day before we were originally meant to go back and got them rebooked again for £600 with extra leg room so we are going back to the UK this Friday.

My lad has missed a month of school as well so he needs to go back for his education as well. 

As for the travel insurance, well they can suck arse and I will be taking them to the financial ombudsman.
Great to hear that you will be home this Friday, that will feel like a big  step forward being home in your own bed.

Good luck with those twats at Zurich Insurance.

57Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 16:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:But surely mid asthma wouldn't have caused what happened to you KP? They are 2 different things altogether surely? 

These companies cant wait to take your money but hate to pay it out.
They are arguing the toss whether it’s been disclosed or not at time of purchase regardless of the fact that it stated everywhere on the site that existing medical conditions will not be insured.

Insurance companies are always looking for a way out mate.

58Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 16:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:
karlypants wrote:Well it’s time we got ourselves back to the UK even if the travel insurance are not paying.

Luckily the Mrs cancelled our flights back when I ended up in hospital the day before we were originally meant to go back and got them rebooked again for £600 with extra leg room so we are going back to the UK this Friday.

My lad has missed a month of school as well so he needs to go back for his education as well. 

As for the travel insurance, well they can suck arse and I will be taking them to the financial ombudsman.
Great to hear that you will be home this Friday, that will feel like a big  step forward being home in your own bed.

Good luck with those twats at Zurich Insurance.
Thanks Cajun although we will arrive on Sat but flying home on Friday. Smile

It will feel good to be back home although I’m a little anxious to fly back with my conditions.

Zurich want a bloody good slapping.

59Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 16:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm reminded of a couple we used to know many years ago. They went on holiday to Spain, where, unfortunately, the husband died.
After accompanying her spouse home, the wife returned to Spain to finish the holiday!
Nothing like getting your money's worth. Shocked

Take it easy KP.

60Karly Pants news - Page 3 Empty Re: Karly Pants news Mon Oct 10 2022, 17:22



karlypants wrote:
Norpig wrote:But surely mid asthma wouldn't have caused what happened to you KP? They are 2 different things altogether surely? 

These companies cant wait to take your money but hate to pay it out.
They are arguing the toss whether it’s been disclosed or not at time of purchase regardless of the fact that it stated everywhere on the site that existing medical conditions will not be insured.

Insurance companies are always looking for a way out mate.

Does this mean you are liable for your hospital bills and all your other costs as well?

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