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Does it bother you if you are judged negatively for how you look?

Mad Dog
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Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

I was in the office on Tuesday and this guy I work with said I looked like Jockey Wilson. He said afterwards it was just a joke as he could see I was a bit offended, but I know it wasn’t a joke. 
I feel a bit shit about myself and my appearance now.  I’m just wondering if others have had negative comments about their appearance and whether it bothered you or not?


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

You should have turned round to him and told him that he looked like a paedo.

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

My very first office job when I was 21.

Day two. A rep walks in, spots me, and says "who's the nose?".

Since that day I've been paranoid about my hooter, so much so I actually went to a private clinic to discuss having a nose job.

Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

INatasha Whittam wrote:My very first office job when I was 21.

Day two. A rep walks in, spots me, and says "who's the nose?".

Since that day I've been paranoid about my hooter, so much so I actually went to a private clinic to discuss having a nose job.

That’s awful Nat. I was friends with a girl at school who used to always get negative judgments for her nose. She was so self conscious of her nose as a result and it really effected her self esteem and self confidence. But she was lovely and really pretty. 

I can’t imagine not liking a woman just because her nose is larger than average.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:My very first office job when I was 21.

Day two. A rep walks in, spots me, and says "who's the nose?".

Since that day I've been paranoid about my hooter, so much so I actually went to a private clinic to discuss having a nose job.
Get over it Nat, and have a bun.



That's triggered an old memory from my school days where on the first day of secondary school a girl turned up at with, shall we say, a bigger nose than most and was quickly nicknamed 'Concorde'.

It all seemed so normal back then but looking back it really was a cruel thing to do.

A belated sorry to you from me, if by any chance you read this.

Does it bother you if you are judged negatively for how you look? B9d472_288ae088ce1a4d969225ec7da69564f7


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:That's triggered an old memory from my school days where on the first day of secondary school a girl turned up at with, shall we say, a bigger nose than most and was quickly nicknamed 'Concorde'.

It all seemed so normal back then but looking back it really was a cruel thing to do.

A belated sorry to you from me, if by any chance you read this.

Does it bother you if you are judged negatively for how you look? B9d472_288ae088ce1a4d969225ec7da69564f7
Kids are so cruel. Every class seemed to have.......

A big hooter
Carrot top
Sticky out ears
Smelled a bit funny
Buck teeth
Specky four eyes

One kid in our class had all those attributes. He wasn't too bright, but very easy to spot on the class photo.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

i lost an eye at 18 so i have many years of being stared at and judged on my appearance, so much so that i've developed a very thick skin about it but it has affected me over the years as i lost all confidence in the way i looked. it took around 2 years to get a false eye which did help slightly but it is still obvious and even now at 51 i do still get asked about it. 

I kind of gave up on finding a girlfriend at the time it happened and ended up going out a lot, boozing, eating takeaways and gained a lot of weight which just made me even more self conscious and retreating into my shell even further. 

I am a lot happier now as i'm married and have kids but i am still quite shy when it comes to meeting any new people and i also wonder if they notice my scars and eye, not sure that will ever change.



We are who we are - most of us are somewhat self conscious - we all want to be liked than ridiculed - and that's why when we are younger we do things that makes us inclusive as much as we can - things like follow the latest trends, fashions and music.

As we get a bit older we sort of become more individual about things and some of us get a little bit more confident about ourselves than others.

I've always had a strong honesty streak in me, I was brought up that way and I've always felt uncomfortable joining in with others doing stuff that I knew was wrong - so much so that I started to say no to certain stuff and people and go my own way instead.

I soon learned that doing the right thing often makes you very unpopular but as I didn't want to associate with those 'types' anyway, I couldn't give a toss and I just carried on from there.

Good training to become a mod on a forum I guess!

The one bit of fatherly advice I gave to my daughter was 'you've got to live with your decisions, so for a happy life, get most of the important ones right!'.

Up to now I think she listened, thankfully.

Natasha don't worry about your nose - we all love you on here, and Norpig your wife and kids love you, I'm sure your friends and neighbours do too - so you're clearly someone people want to know and be around - looks are superficial, it's what's inside you that counts - and always will do.

Just be yourself around anyone new and if they are decent people they will see the real you and not the scars.

It is as simple as that.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:i lost an eye at 18 so i have many years of being stared at and judged on my appearance, so much so that i've developed a very thick skin about it but it has affected me over the years as i lost all confidence in the way i looked. it took around 2 years to get a false eye which did help slightly but it is still obvious and even now at 51 i do still get asked about it. 

I kind of gave up on finding a girlfriend at the time it happened and ended up going out a lot, boozing, eating takeaways and gained a lot of weight which just made me even more self conscious and retreating into my shell even further. 

I am a lot happier now as i'm married and have kids but i am still quite shy when it comes to meeting any new people and i also wonder if they notice my scars and eye, not sure that will ever change.
It can be very debilitating. At school I had a very bad stammer, and making friends could be difficult, but I was fortunate in that the few friends I did have were the best of the best.
The simplest things were a nightmare. I tried to walk everywhere, because getting on a bus would mean speaking to the conductor. Going into a shop I'd write what I wanted on a piece of paper, and hand the list over the counter.
Taking my turn to read out loud in front of the class was a nightmare. I could hear the sniggers starting the moment I left my seat.
I'm fine now, but it left a mark. It wasn't only kids who laughed, I can understand that. It's in their nature to pick out a victim for ridicule. Hell, even I piled in on 'buck teeth boy' because it took the attention away from me. But adults also had their fun.
It's the worst kind of bullying. It's insidious and vindictive, and damaging, and even at 70 I sometimes look back and wince.
Ribbing is fine, we all do it. I laugh at my brother's big hooter, and he chides me for forgetting to put my trousers on again. That's life.
How rum that I spend most of my time on here hurling insults at Nat.

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