As has been discussed before, I often use prostitutes. I don't care what anyone else thinks, I don't have a wife or girlfriend and the women I pay are not back street hookers offering a hand-job for £15, they are high class call girls who wouldn't look out of place on a centrefold.
However, what the girls do is still illegal. But the police rarely tackle the high class end as it's not "in your face", most of it done in hotels or the clients home.
I don't think the street walking hooking should be legalised as people can sometimes see it from their bedroom window, but I firmly believe brothels and hotel working prossies should be free to do as they choose.
What do you think, time to make it legal?
However, what the girls do is still illegal. But the police rarely tackle the high class end as it's not "in your face", most of it done in hotels or the clients home.
I don't think the street walking hooking should be legalised as people can sometimes see it from their bedroom window, but I firmly believe brothels and hotel working prossies should be free to do as they choose.
What do you think, time to make it legal?