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The ELEPHANT is back!

Natasha Whittam
Reebok Trotter
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1The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 11:06


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Elephant will be on the shirt next season.

2The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 11:21

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Good to hear. I might treat myself.

3The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 11:26


Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

brilliant news

4The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 11:32


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Did they let children design it? It looks awful.

5The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 11:48


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

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6The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 11:53

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Will you be buying one Hipster?

7The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 11:56



Natasha Whittam wrote:Will you be buying one Hipster?

I think it's illegal to own and operate an elephant in this country without the proper licences and stuff.

And you need a big shovel.

8The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 12:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:Will you be buying one Hipster?

No, I haven't bought a shirt for a long time. 

2002 was the last one i had.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

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Wanderers have confirmed that the club’s new kit will see the return of the elephant logo after an absence of 40 years, plus the town motto “supera moras.”

The elephant appeared on various kits between the 1920s and 1970s, including the four successful FA Cup finals.

The town crest, translated to “overcome delays,” will appear on the new kit, created by new sponsors Macron.

Richard Gough, head of commercial for Bolton Wanderers, said: “When we looked at the elephant design from down the years, the hand-made nature of the badges from that era meant there were no two alike.

“Without a single reference point, we had the opportunity to update the design for the 21st century in such a format to be trademarked as our own and for it to be more easily reproduced both in print and on fabrics.”

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10The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 12:31


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

i'm happy the elephant is back but i would have preferred a more traditional type of badge, something similar to the official town crest or one of the older badges (1958 for example).

the one in Hipsters post would have been much better

11The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 12:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

i'm confused, i thought this was to replace the existing badge but now i'm not sure, anyone know how this will be used?

12The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 14:02


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I'm also confused.

I mean, to anyone else... its just an elephant.

We know its the BWFC logo, but unless something relating to 'Bolton Wanderers football club' is on it... how are people supposed to know?

13The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 14:11



I guess the badge will stay the same and the elephant might appear over the top of it like the 1958 badge, or maybe they will put the elephant on the sleeve or on the opposite side to the badge.

14The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 14:14


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Well it will be on our shirt, so I assume thats how people will get the association.

15The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 16:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

We're not supposed to mention the elephant.

16The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 16:41



wanderlust wrote:We're not supposed to mention the elephant.

What elephant?

I see no elephant in the room.......

17The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 16:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


18The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 16:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Its Gartside's way of redeeming himself, you should all go back to kissing his feet now.

19The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 16:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

When I read the thread title I expected it to be about a certain fair-weather fan who had yet again temporarily switched allegiances and then come crawling back. I know ex-models can put on the pounds once they're out of training but ....

20The ELEPHANT is back!  Empty Re: The ELEPHANT is back! Tue May 06 2014, 16:53


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Lusty has Nat upset you more than usual today?

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