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Joan Rivers has died

Mr Magoo
Natasha Whittam
Reebok Trotter
Copper Dragon
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21Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Thu Sep 04 2014, 23:59

Copper Dragon

Copper Dragon
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

What's that phrase/word that Nastase likes to use?

Oh yes that's it... what a bellend........

22Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 00:55



Have some respect, Copper - Joan Rivers died!

23Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 01:41

Copper Dragon

Copper Dragon
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

I do apologise Keegan, I just had Joan Rivers down as an unfunny loud mouthed uncouth yank.

It turns out that she was an unfunny loud mouthed uncouth Palestinian hating Zionist fucking idiot Yank.

Or simply put Nastase style, a bellend.

24Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 09:06



everyone has opinions copper, but for those in the forefront of media etc their views get aired and aren't always to everyone's likings.  As Keegan has said, she has died and you are showing as little respect for her as she did in those videos, if you died would you like people saying a similar thing and bringing up past posts that like that above?  a bit of decorum.

25Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 11:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Her act was fresh once upon a time and in some respects she pioneered talking about women's bits and hysterectomies etc in the public domain as they were previously taboo subjects and certainly not things to be laughed at.
But like all fresh acts, she became stale. Sharp-witted woman but ultimately reverted to her true persona as opposed to the comedic front she had been so successful with.

Most American Jews are Palestinian hating as they have that unfortunate combo of having relatives in Israel but are fed the standard dumbed-down American media diatribe i.e. can't contemplate a complex or multi-faceted issue that's not clearcut.

26Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 12:38

Copper Dragon

Copper Dragon
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

y2johnny wrote: if you died would you like people saying a similar thing and bringing up past posts that like that above?  

I would be forced into not giving a toss due to being dead.

27Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 12:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Copper Dragon wrote:
y2johnny wrote: if you died would you like people saying a similar thing and bringing up past posts that like that above?  

I would be forced into not giving a toss due to being dead.
Quite right CD. I've yet to see a disgruntled corpse.

28Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 12:59


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:

Quite right CD. I've yet to see a disgruntled corpse.

They all looked pretty pissed off in Shaun of the Dead TBF.

Looking forward to seeing World War Z at some stage, but not holding out much hope they'll be any jollier.

29Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 13:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:
boltonbonce wrote:

Quite right CD. I've yet to see a disgruntled corpse.

They all looked pretty pissed off in Shaun of the Dead TBF.

Looking forward to seeing World War Z at some stage, but not holding out much hope they'll be any jollier.
Not keen on watching dead zombies running about.
Insert Wanderers joke here.....

30Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 13:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
wanderlust wrote:
boltonbonce wrote:

Quite right CD. I've yet to see a disgruntled corpse.

They all looked pretty pissed off in Shaun of the Dead TBF.

Looking forward to seeing World War Z at some stage, but not holding out much hope they'll be any jollier.
Not keen on watching dead zombies running about.
Insert Wanderers joke here.....
What special diet has Dougie put the lads on?

Human beans.

31Joan Rivers has died - Page 2 Empty Re: Joan Rivers has died Fri Sep 05 2014, 14:42


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Copper Dragon wrote:She did look like someone who had eaten a 500g bag of KP Dry Roasted peanuts when they've got a nut allergy.
She hasn't been near my nuts Copper! Laughing


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