scottjames30 wrote:ST George's day is a Bank Holiday.
Why celebrate a bloke who never visited this country?
He was born into a Muslim family in Palestine when it was part of the Ottoman Empire with a Palestinian mother and Turkish father. He served in the Roman army, although the they refused his conversion to Christianity - an invading force that had nothing but genocide when the Romans invaded other lands!
St George is one of only a handful of saints that is mentioned and revered in both Christian faiths and Islamic faiths. Also patron saint of about 20 countries which include Russia, Greece, India and Syria.
If he was around today and under the points system he would not be allowed into the UK, never mind be the patron saint of the country!!!!
What I would do if I became pm:
- Take all public transport into not-for profit ownership and under a governing body that would review reliability
- Buy complete new trains for the Northern and Midland networks and move the pacers on the busiest London lines
- Remove the Financial Fair Play
- Take the FA out of FIFA and set up a rival organisation
- Increase funding to the police, armed forces, NHS and schools
- sort out a 50 year repayment plan of the National debt (akin to one which was recently repaid after World War II) - this would then more spending power within the country on areas that require it the most
- Temporarily remove the Bedroom Tax until there is enough social housing of all types that has been built and then re-introduce it
- increase the top 5% earner income tax by adding a further 3% that they have to pay
- introduce tougher banking laws so that banks can no longer gamble people's money, only their own.
- fine the banks that needed bailing out in the first place and take to court all the Bankers that were deemed to be the culprits in bringing the world recession.
- Cut many ties with the US and re-arrange many of the treaties between the countries as the treaties favour the US more than the UK and is hindering the British economy
- toughen and strength road laws and make many of the misdmenors actual criminal offences such as not indicating at junction, not knowing how to drive round a roundabout. Increase fines and introduce extra points for using a phone whilst driving whether with hands and handsfree.
- review the criminal acts and penal offences in line with what they have in Holland (well they must be doing something right as they have CLOSED 12 prisons in the last 10 years and not opened any new ones up)
- review the Universal credit system and software so that it follows the Dutch system in which one system fits ALL government departments
- introduce the minimum wage for JSA whilst workers minimum wage will be increased to living wage+£3/hour
- introduce retrospective penal/criminal course of actions for those who have died and did wrong such as Jimmy Saville. Also amend laws so that a past criminal activity would carry todays sentence and not the sentence of the time the crime was committed.
And that s just for starters.....