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Bolton Banter is Closing!

Natasha Whittam
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21Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Thu Apr 21 2016, 18:50


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 What-you-talkin-bout-willis-quote-1

22Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Thu Apr 21 2016, 18:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Breadman wrote:And what's all this "flood control" bollocks which has suddenly popped up (ironically enough, like they used to have on 606 with their 30 second rule) and is telling me I can't post again yet?

Has Sluffy imposed new rules in the face of the inevitable millions of new members we're going to inherit suddenly that all the other sites are dropping like celebrities?
Is it that thing where you have to put those security numbers in to be able to post?

I get that every now and then. Very Happy

23Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Thu Apr 21 2016, 18:55


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Breadman wrote:Who's that then, Pete?
I won't post his real name on an open forum without his permission but he's a very old friend of mine and a really good bloke. Like me he loves the trotters but doesn't get to as many games as he used to because he works a lot of weekends and has a family that come first when he's at home. He lives in Cheshire as well so travel can be a bit of a pain especially for the night matches. We both went to the Boro game though and he came to my house after the match which is when he saw this loony bin, sorry magnificent forum. Smile

I don't know if he's joined yet which makes me think he hasn't because he'd probably tell me if he had and tell you lot all my most embarrassing teenage fiasco's but I'll give him a shout tomorrow and remind him about it. Then I'll emigrate, I hear Southern Mars is lovely at this time of year. Very Happy

24Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Thu Apr 21 2016, 18:59



I meant what was his 606 name...... Very Happy :facepalm:

25Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Thu Apr 21 2016, 19:01



boltonbonce wrote:Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 What-you-talkin-bout-willis-quote-1

My post crossed with yours and it gave me the usual "would you like to modify your comment?" option but then I got a message informing me that "Flood Controls" were in place and I'd have to wait 10 seconds before posting again.

Then a massive sandbag shot out of my screen and smacked me in the face.


26Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Thu Apr 21 2016, 19:03


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

If there's any chance of flooding I'm off.

27Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Thu Apr 21 2016, 19:03


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


28Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Thu Apr 21 2016, 19:08

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

luckyPeterpiper wrote:I understand sluffy and I agree that JA's behaviour where Nuts is concerned is poor to say the least. You'll be getting at least ONE new member soon though, a friend of mine from High School who like me is a lifelong trotter didn't know Nuts existed. He used to post on Beeb606 and joined NotAnother606 around the same time I did but like me stopped when it became clear there was no one else there. He never joined JA because he didn't like the layout (he didn't like the Beeb's layout either) so when I showed him this site he was pretty pleased with it. 

And unlike me he has no problem with all the swearing on here, he actually can tell when someone is joking and he's got a wicked sense of humour. Not sure what username he's going to use yet but it'll probably be funny by itself. He posted on one site as Ivor Lottacok which gives you some idea of his sense of humour.

Has your friend mastered the art of the brief post?

29Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Mon Apr 25 2016, 23:13


Nicolas Anelka
Nicolas Anelka

Natasha Whittam wrote:
luckyPeterpiper wrote:I understand sluffy and I agree that JA's behaviour where Nuts is concerned is poor to say the least. You'll be getting at least ONE new member soon though, a friend of mine from High School who like me is a lifelong trotter didn't know Nuts existed. He used to post on Beeb606 and joined NotAnother606 around the same time I did but like me stopped when it became clear there was no one else there. He never joined JA because he didn't like the layout (he didn't like the Beeb's layout either) so when I showed him this site he was pretty pleased with it. 

And unlike me he has no problem with all the swearing on here, he actually can tell when someone is joking and he's got a wicked sense of humour. Not sure what username he's going to use yet but it'll probably be funny by itself. He posted on one site as Ivor Lottacok which gives you some idea of his sense of humour.

Has your friend mastered the art of the brief post?
If you want brief posts, go on twitter

30Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Mon Apr 25 2016, 23:21


Nicolas Anelka
Nicolas Anelka

Was on Bolton Banter for a long time. Sad to see it's demise. It was obvious it was coming to an end, especially when the owner, Billy, started supporting Salford City as well as a few others. BoltonBanter was becoming ancient though and software was very clunky.

 I've also posted on Wanderersways, but got banned for breaking house rules (deliberately as they're very parochial on there). There was a lot of personal attacks and abuse on that forum when all you're doing is putting your point of view across and seeking to understand the other side of the argument.

31Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Wed Apr 27 2016, 00:44


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Natasha Whittam wrote:
luckyPeterpiper wrote:I understand sluffy and I agree that JA's behaviour where Nuts is concerned is poor to say the least. You'll be getting at least ONE new member soon though, a friend of mine from High School who like me is a lifelong trotter didn't know Nuts existed. He used to post on Beeb606 and joined NotAnother606 around the same time I did but like me stopped when it became clear there was no one else there. He never joined JA because he didn't like the layout (he didn't like the Beeb's layout either) so when I showed him this site he was pretty pleased with it. 

And unlike me he has no problem with all the swearing on here, he actually can tell when someone is joking and he's got a wicked sense of humour. Not sure what username he's going to use yet but it'll probably be funny by itself. He posted on one site as Ivor Lottacok which gives you some idea of his sense of humour.

Has your friend mastered the art of the brief post?
Absolutely Nat. Just like me he is a master of brief, insightful comments that cut right to the heart of the issue in one, two or occasionally three words ... sorry I meant paragraphs. Very Happy

Actually yes, he tends to post one or two sentences at a time. In truth he's a much more concise communicator than I am.

32Bolton Banter is Closing! - Page 2 Empty Re: Bolton Banter is Closing! Thu Apr 28 2016, 11:02


Nicolas Anelka
Nicolas Anelka

I'd also add to the last post that Bolton Banter closed, in my opinion, because the moderators stopped being involved and posting comments. As they couldn't be bothered neither could the rest

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