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Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

1874 finally got it out of you Sluffy!!!! To try and justify your 'meltdown' and that is what it reads like, a meltdown, you have finally admitted what most of us suspected about you.

I quote, "They still won't take up my offer to use Nuts as platform to interact with the Bolton fan base throughout the world and use the forum as it is intended - for debate - to put forward the case for joining the Supporters Trust, its strengths and weaknesses - and convincing, or attempting to, the many who so far have not joined."

The answer is Sluffy, you are small fry! They can reach the majority of Bolton fans through LOV so they don't need you and you don't like it! Hilarious and very entertaining! Keep it up.



Sluffy wrote:
bwfc1874 wrote:Clearly you don't like being challenged, post what you want about the ST and I'll ignore it. I don't want to be responsible for the forum owner having a full scale meltdown Karly would kill me.

But trying to portray my quoting a tweet (clearly intended to take the piss out of you a bit) as some low move is laughable. You would have to be thick as pig shit to take that seriously, you're fooling nobody and I don't even think you're as outraged as you're trying to imply.

Getting a bit late for me anyway, night!

I'm seldom outraged at anything posted on a forum although I am often amazed at the lengths some people go to just to try and win an argument against a complete stranger, over nothing much at all really.

Maybe I am as thick as pig shit and I really had a full scale internet meltdown also, or maybe I simply tried to open your eyes to what you've actually been doing - as perhaps the big picture may have been lost to you in your quest for argumentative material?

Whatever the case it doesn't really matter much in the end.

Have a peaceful nights sleep.

To be honest with you Sluffy I think I nailed it in the first line, you dont like being challenged. As opposed to debate the points you'd rather start throwing insults and brand me a WUM (which you've been trying to do for weeks). 

As i said there's nothing personal in it for me, just disagree with your POV on the ST. Shame this seems to have gone deeper for you.



My two penn'oth:

Like me, Sluffy doesn't trust the Trust for a whole host of reasons, such as: Exceeding their remit, self-promotion, the fact that they allowed themselves to be manipulated by Eddie Davies, the general air of dishonesty around the whole thing, etc, etc....


It's clear to anybody with half a brain that Sluffy's past history with Mike Smith (when he tried shafting Nuts) has got a large role to play in all this. (Whether Sluffy is prepared to admit it or not.)

And I'm suspecting that the fact that Sluffy is the first one to start criticizing others for "taking the internet too seriously" hasn't been lost on 74 and that's why he's gently probing back every time Sluffy launches one of his tirades against the ST.

And it's clearly got under Sluffy's skin (if last night's comments from him are any indicator), so 74 is enjoying the supreme irony of seeing Sluffy get all angry and irate about "things said on the internet", so he's doing it all the more.

Not wumming for wumming's sake, more a case of trying to get Sluffy to realise he's doing the one thing he's always been so critical of in others.

Just my thoughts, no harm intended, please don't ban me.......


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

JAH wrote:1874 finally got it out of you Sluffy!!!! To try and justify your 'meltdown' and that is what it reads like, a meltdown, you have finally admitted what most of us suspected about you.

I quote, "They still won't take up my offer to use Nuts as platform to interact with the Bolton fan base throughout the world and use the forum as it is intended - for debate - to put forward the case for joining the Supporters Trust, its strengths and weaknesses - and convincing, or attempting to, the many who so far have not joined."

The answer is Sluffy, you are small fry! They can reach the majority of Bolton fans through LOV so they don't need you and you don't like it! Hilarious and very entertaining! Keep it up.
Why is it, the only time you pop up on this forum is to attack someone. You only seem to hold opinions on people who post rather than an opinion on an actual subject. 

Here's my opinion of you - you're a cock.

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bwfc1958 wrote:Why is it, the only time you pop up on this forum is to attack someone. You only seem to hold opinions on people who post rather than an opinion on an actual subject. 

Here's my opinion of you - you're a cock.

You absolute belle.......oh, you don't mean me.



Morning gentleman,

JAH wrote:1874 finally got it out of you Sluffy!!!! To try and justify your 'meltdown' and that is what it reads like, a meltdown, you have finally admitted what most of us suspected about you.

I quote, "They still won't take up my offer to use Nuts as platform to interact with the Bolton fan base throughout the world and use the forum as it is intended - for debate - to put forward the case for joining the Supporters Trust, its strengths and weaknesses - and convincing, or attempting to, the many who so far have not joined."

The answer is Sluffy, you are small fry! They can reach the majority of Bolton fans through LOV so they don't need you and you don't like it! Hilarious and very entertaining! Keep it up.

The reason why I have made the offer on more than one occasion to the ST to use this site as a platform is because we are a FORUM (dictionary definition - a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged).

I truly thought it would be an excellent win/win opportunity benefiting everybody on both sides of the ST fence whereby the pro and anti views about the ST and its actions can be aired, discussed and explained in an open and uncensored manner by all concerned BWFC fans.

This would build upon the reputation of NUTS for allowing all views and opinions to be given free from any bias or leaning held by any site owner or moderation staff and making Nuts an even better site for all of us and maybe one day leading to a gentle coming together of all the numerous and disparate BWFC forums and blogs uniting.

You are right though mate on me being small fry and insignificant - I am.

I've no desire nor ego to become embroiled at the centre of things, I'm more than happy to be extremely low profile and become anonymous again.

I only post about the actions of the ST's Steering Group because I disagree with them.  It's nothing personal although a few keep making out it is between me and one of their panel.

It doesn't surprise me in the least though that one or two target me on a personal basis as that is the nature of some on the internet.  

For the good of all though the offer of a platform to the ST on NUTS still stands and I honestly hope they take me up on that.

It would be a shame and detrimental to themselves imo if people truly believed that the LoV was the 'voice' of the ST as Jah and no doubt others clearly thinks it is.



Breadman wrote:My two penn'oth:

Like me, Sluffy doesn't trust the Trust for a whole host of reasons, such as: Exceeding their remit, self-promotion, the fact that they allowed themselves to be manipulated by Eddie Davies, the general air of dishonesty around the whole thing, etc, etc....


It's clear to anybody with half a brain that Sluffy's past history with Mike Smith (when he tried shafting Nuts) has got a large role to play in all this. (Whether Sluffy is prepared to admit it or not.)

And I'm suspecting that the fact that Sluffy is the first one to start criticizing others for "taking the internet too seriously" hasn't been lost on 74 and that's why he's gently probing back every time Sluffy launches one of his tirades against the ST.

And it's clearly got under Sluffy's skin (if last night's comments from him are any indicator), so 74 is enjoying the supreme irony of seeing Sluffy get all angry and irate about "things said on the internet", so he's doing it all the more.

Not wumming for wumming's sake, more a case of trying to get Sluffy to realise he's doing the one thing he's always been so critical of in others.

Just my thoughts, no harm intended, please don't ban me.......

As for Smith I've stated my position several times now.

You can either believe what I've said to be true (which it is) or make up your own version of things - it is entirely up to you.

I have actually said a number of times in the past that there is a paradox about internet forums in that although one shouldn't take anything said on them seriously that the person or persons who run them have to take seriously the way they are run to prevent them turning into pure anarchy and destroying the site.

I have seen sites fail because they are unmoderated and left to run wild - the clubs official forum being an example - and I've also seen sites where over modding and 'owner' power has become to great that it drove off most of its posters - Bolton Banter for instance.

So somewhere and somehow a modicum of intervention and seriousness is required even on a site provided for people not to be taken seriously if it is to succeed in any way at all.

It pretty obvious to most that one or two target me either for their own amusement or because I've somehow pissed them off somewhere back in forum history.

I can respond to that in three ways.

I can simply ban them like nearly all other internet forums would do but I rather not ban anyone if I can avoid it.

I can simply stop posting - but what's the point in doing that?

I can simply ignore them and carry on as I usually do.

Well yesterday with 74 digging up random peoples tweets to continue a seemingly never ending argument it became clear and obvious that something needed to be said hopefully to stop the silliness (which I am sure that most people have long since got pissed off reading about) carrying on infinitum.

If some people consider that I had an internet breakdown or take the internet far too seriously or that I'm simply a knob, well that's fine by me.

I've simply tried to do what is best for the site (and on this instance best for me also).

Nuts is here for the enjoyment of us all and not just for one persons own personal amusement even if it pisses off others.

I've said my peace and will leave it at that.

I will continue to comment on the ST if I feel there is need to.

I will then leave it up to others if they want to comment on what I say or rather because I'm the one who said it!



Sluffy wrote:Well yesterday with 74 digging up random peoples tweets to

continue a seemingly never ending argument it became clear and obvious that something needed to be said hopefully to stop the silliness (which I am sure that most people have long since got pissed off reading about) carrying on infinitum.

take the piss out of Sluffy a bit. 

I now see what a mistake that was.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Here's my take on the whole "ST" saga.

I'm all in favour of a strong, independent Supporter's Trust that acts as a voice for the fans and wants the best for them and the football club. Such entities are often not just useful but vital in being a bridge between the boardroom and terrace and they can provide a great channel of communication and co-operation between the supporters they represent and the club.

Unfortunately we don't seem to have that. What we have right now is a Steering Group not a Supporter's Trust. The Steering Group's sole mandate is to arrange elections for the officers and committee, to set up things like the bank account in which membership fees will be deposited and that's about it.

They do not have any powers to commit to spending those membership fees on things like buying the club and they are not authorised to do things like send "Official Letters" to the ownership of the club demanding confidential financial information. Such a missive would have to be signed by a duly elected officer, for example the Secretary, Chairperson or Treasurer and would require the approval of the duly elected committee.

Sadly what we seem to have is a group of self-publicising egotists who seem determined to act in ways that are far beyond their remit in order to make themselves feel and look more important than they really are. Not only that but their actions are alienating a lot of the very people who would have been happy to join and participate in a properly organised, properly madated ST including myself.

It's my belief that the steering group has screwed this entire business up from the beginning with stupid stunts like seeking preferred bidder status when they didn't even have a bank account. Add to that the posting fictional photographs that they claimed were of one of their members to breaking their most basic promises to keep people informed of what they were doing, specifically that they wanted to reach out to all the internet forums supporting the club only to then post on here they had better things to do than update internet forums on what they were doing (ie Chris Manning/kane57 and his total bull that he tripped himself up with on at least 3 separate occasions.).

Since then we've heard lots of hot air coming from them usually via Mannings LoV site but seen precious little action on the things they're supposed to be doing. In fact they've basically poisoned whatever relationship could have been formed between an ST and the club with their constant sniping and innuendo while Iles and the BN lap it all up like obedient puppies for reasons that totally escape me.

The fact is I was willing to give them a chance and prove sluffy wrong but their own actions are suggesting to me that he actually understated his case. The whole thing has become a toxic waste dump of lost opportunities and a stupid distraction at a time when there are far bigger concerns facing this club. The Steering Group needs to stop prancing about and preening itself and get on with holding the elections it's legally obliged to hold before telling anyone what it plans to do. It's not for the steering group to decide the long term aims of the Supporter's Trust, that job belongs to the whole membership and it's properly elected representatives, not a bunch of self serving, self appointed, tinpot martinets with delusions of grandeur.



My take on the ST - too early for me to make a full judgement on them or the people behind it. The Steering Group have overstepped the mark a couple of times no doubt but I personally put that down to being amateurs learning their way, the basic intentions seems good to me. 

Keep following my posts and in 12 months I'll give a real opinion.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

bwfc1874 wrote:My take on the ST - too early for me to make a full judgement on them or the people behind it. The Steering Group have overstepped the mark a couple of times no doubt but I personally put that down to being amateurs learning their way, the basic intentions seems good to me. 

Keep following my posts and in 12 months I'll give a real opinion.
Fair enough mate but in all truth the amateurs learning their way doesn't really hold water for me. They haven't just overstepped the mark, they've hopped aboard a Space Shuttle and launched themselves so far past it NASA can't track them anymore.

Sadly I've got no confidence in them learning from their 'mistakes' if that's what they were because they're continuing on that same course full bore, in fact they're stepping even further beyond their remit with every passing day. They should know better by now and if they don't then they're completely incompetent and I pray every one of them is replaced if and when elections are held.

I want a Supporter's Trust to succeed, to be the bridge we all need and be a strong independent voice for all the fans but the current Mickey Mouse operators running the steering group are definitely not that.



luckyPeterpiper wrote:
bwfc1874 wrote:My take on the ST - too early for me to make a full judgement on them or the people behind it. The Steering Group have overstepped the mark a couple of times no doubt but I personally put that down to being amateurs learning their way, the basic intentions seems good to me. 

Keep following my posts and in 12 months I'll give a real opinion.
Fair enough mate but in all truth the amateurs learning their way doesn't really hold water for me. They haven't just overstepped the mark, they've hopped aboard a Space Shuttle and launched themselves so far past it NASA can't track them anymore.

Sadly I've got no confidence in them learning from their 'mistakes' if that's what they were because they're continuing on that same course full bore, in fact they're stepping even further beyond their remit with every passing day. They should know better by now and if they don't then they're completely incompetent and I pray every one of them is replaced if and when elections are held.

I want a Supporter's Trust to succeed, to be the bridge we all need and be a strong independent voice for all the fans but the current Mickey Mouse operators running the steering group are definitely not that.

Fair enough LPP, as I've said all along you, Sluffy and whoever else could very easily turn out right. Only time will tell though.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

bwfc1874 wrote:
luckyPeterpiper wrote:
bwfc1874 wrote:My take on the ST - too early for me to make a full judgement on them or the people behind it. The Steering Group have overstepped the mark a couple of times no doubt but I personally put that down to being amateurs learning their way, the basic intentions seems good to me. 

Keep following my posts and in 12 months I'll give a real opinion.
Fair enough mate but in all truth the amateurs learning their way doesn't really hold water for me. They haven't just overstepped the mark, they've hopped aboard a Space Shuttle and launched themselves so far past it NASA can't track them anymore.

Sadly I've got no confidence in them learning from their 'mistakes' if that's what they were because they're continuing on that same course full bore, in fact they're stepping even further beyond their remit with every passing day. They should know better by now and if they don't then they're completely incompetent and I pray every one of them is replaced if and when elections are held.

I want a Supporter's Trust to succeed, to be the bridge we all need and be a strong independent voice for all the fans but the current Mickey Mouse operators running the steering group are definitely not that.

Fair enough LPP, as I've said all along you, Sluffy and whoever else could very easily turn out right. Only time will tell though.
Agreed. Anyway, I've said my piece on this enough (a lot more than enough most likely) so unless they do something really outrageous I'm going to concentrate on what's happening at the club itself and not the steering group. As Nat pointed out they're attention seekers and frankly they've had too much of mine recently. My own fault of course but from now on I'll give them no more until the elections have been held unless they pull something completely insane or brilliant from their hats.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

How could they be "amateurs learning their way"? They've got the Do-it-yourself, off the shelf, straight outta' Portsmouth, self assembly Supporters Trust Kit and Instruction Book haven't they?

What more could they need?


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I'm with LPP



Chairmanda wrote:I'm with LPP




Hi guys! I see we are all in a chipper mood and getting along gangbusters! I don't have the opportunity as often as I would like, to pop in and see how the gang is doing - but when I do, the harmony and good humour just makes me gently weep with a big smile on my face. 

I love you guys, I really do. If we survive this summer, we're gonna win the league!


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Yes,you can feel the love.

Group hug?



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Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

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