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Coronavirus - will we survive?

Ten Bobsworth
Angry Dad
Natasha Whittam
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61Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jun 23 2020, 17:51



One of the things people need to keep in mind is going to the toilet at work, shops or public venues.

I went for a pleasant stroll around Virginia Water with my daughter on Fathers Day but wasn't too happy about the crowds there but it was just about within reason for me (bearing in mind my age and condition into account) but I wouldn't have wanted to share the toilets with so many others - statistically I'm going to be around someone with the virus - and on more than one occasion - sooner or later and probably have been already.

Got me thinking about how I would need to think ahead if I were to be out in the public in future.

Certainly can't imagine wanting to have a session in a pub until all this is resolved.

62Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jun 23 2020, 17:53


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

People keep telling me to stay locked in the house. I'm quite touched by their concern.

63Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jun 23 2020, 18:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:People keep telling me to stay locked in the house. I'm quite touched by their concern.
Protecting the NHS.  Don’t want to see you taking up their valuable time with one of your many accidents

64Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jun 23 2020, 18:13


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

BoltonTillIDie wrote:
Protecting the NHS.  Don’t want to see you taking up their valuable time with one of your many accidents
Never thought of that. I assumed they didn't like me.

65Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jun 23 2020, 18:38


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Images21
boltonbonce wrote:
Never thought of that. I assumed they didn't like me.
It could be the slippers and the tea cosy you wear on your head.

66Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jun 23 2020, 18:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Images21
boltonbonce wrote:
Never thought of that. I assumed they didn't like me.
It could be the slippers and the tea cosy you wear on your head.
I always knew Bonce had a thing for Nora Batty!

67Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jun 23 2020, 19:47


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 OyVWYVl

68Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jun 23 2020, 19:51


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Is this a Nuts board meeting I wonder?

69Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jun 24 2020, 00:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Not sure if I dreamt this or not, but didn't Boris suggest that we should sign in when we go to the pub?
You know - for contact tracing if half the village dies.
That said, "I'm going to walk the dog", "I'm still at the office", "I've been helping MI6 with a matter of national importance which unfortunately, due to the Official Secrets Act, I can't explain to you....since Friday" and other creative reasons for being in the pub will now be subject to scrutiny as an official record will be kept. 

Questions, questions....

I will definitely be going to check out how folk handle it and if anyone breaks the rules I'm off.

70Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jun 24 2020, 07:08


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Johnson has said that in order to social distance in the Pub, that people should have a Catheter fitted, but with a heavy duty bin-liner instead of those little plastic bags they usually have, that wont need emptying until you get home. And to fill your table with pints so as not to have to keep ordering.

71Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jun 24 2020, 10:31


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

With the recognition that meat processing factories are showing as the sources for recent outbreaks, wouldn't it be ironic if the only way to be sure of safe meat was to chlorinate it?  
XM, your biggest fear may yet become reality, so have you thought of becoming a vegetarian ?  Very Happy

72Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jun 24 2020, 10:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

gloswhite wrote:With the recognition that meat processing factories are showing as the sources for recent outbreaks, wouldn't it be ironic if the only way to be sure of safe meat was to chlorinate it?  
XM, your biggest fear may yet become reality, so have you thought of becoming a vegetarian ?  Very Happy

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

73Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jun 24 2020, 11:25


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

gloswhite wrote:With the recognition that meat processing factories are showing as the sources for recent outbreaks, wouldn't it be ironic if the only way to be sure of safe meat was to chlorinate it?  
XM, your biggest fear may yet become reality, so have you thought of becoming a vegetarian ?  Very Happy

No chance! Smile

74Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Sat Jun 27 2020, 15:20


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Will we survive? Driving to the Shops earlier I got the impression that Traffic Lights are optional now.

75Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Sat Jun 27 2020, 15:48


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

i hope that's not going to be your defence when you get the summons  Very Happy

76Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Sat Jun 27 2020, 16:00


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I will tell them it was Prince Philip driving.

77Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Sat Jun 27 2020, 16:16


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

No say it was Dominic Cummings.

78Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Sat Jun 27 2020, 16:22


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

xmiles wrote:No say it was Dominic Cummings.
Aye, I will tell them I lent my car to Dominick Cummings so he could go Dogging up at Barnard Castle. Id better not mention the eye test as that got him on a sticky wicket.

79Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Sat Jun 27 2020, 16:32


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

What's dogging? Can you bet on it?

80Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Sat Jun 27 2020, 16:37


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:What's dogging? Can you bet on it?
Its 3 to 1 that it was what he was doing up at Barnards Castle, and is why you often see him on Downing street early in the morning wearing a flat cap, and with a copy of the Sporting Times.

Edit. Allegedly.

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