i always have a look but no one ever goes on now which is sad. We used to have so many laughs and conversations on there and the football came a distant second generally.boltonbonce wrote:Maybe chatbox might come back to life tonight.
The future of Nuts
Hip Priest
Ten Bobsworth
Natasha Whittam
17 posters
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281 Re: The future of Nuts Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:16 pm
Nat Lofthouse
282 Re: The future of Nuts Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:27 pm
Nat Lofthouse
Yes, the gloves often came off. It was hilarious how Nat used to log in, see who was in, and piss off.Norpig wrote:
i always have a look but no one ever goes on now which is sad. We used to have so many laughs and conversations on there and the football came a distant second generally.
284 Re: The future of Nuts Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:19 pm
El Hadji Diouf
You see Sluffy, this is my problem with you. You just can’t resist trying to belittle people like insinuating the worlds bigger than my garden or I only watch GB News. I watch and listen to all media, I look at the world through my own eyes but I respect your right to have views on all subjects and post what you believe to be proof and facts as you see them. Some I may accept but see from a different perspective whilst some I wholeheartedly disagree with. That’s my right so cut the smarty pants and I’m always right attitude and people may just be more sociable to you?Sluffy wrote:
All I do W63 is post facts and the link to their source.
If you or anyone else wants to be in denial about them, that's up to you, but it doesn't make the facts wrong and your "view of the world" right.
The world is bigger than your back garden, the window on the world is not only through the eyes of GB News.
It would be nice for all of us if we could once again find the fun on this site but sadly there are folk carrying around too much baggage now for that to ever happen again I fear.
285 Re: The future of Nuts Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:21 pm
Whitesince63 wrote:You see Sluffy, this is my problem with you. You just can’t resist trying to belittle people like insinuating the worlds bigger than my garden or I only watch GB News. I watch and listen to all media, I look at the world through my own eyes but I respect your right to have views on all subjects and post what you believe to be proof and facts as you see them. Some I may accept but see from a different perspective whilst some I wholeheartedly disagree with. That’s my right so cut the smarty pants and I’m always right attitude and people may just be more sociable to you?Sluffy wrote:
All I do W63 is post facts and the link to their source.
If you or anyone else wants to be in denial about them, that's up to you, but it doesn't make the facts wrong and your "view of the world" right.
The world is bigger than your back garden, the window on the world is not only through the eyes of GB News.
It would be nice for all of us if we could once again find the fun on this site but sadly there are folk carrying around too much baggage now for that to ever happen again I fear.
Make your mind up!
You tell us you don't believe 'experts'.
You tell us that you are in denial of scientific proof.
You tell us we are run by the 'blob' - that term is directly from right wing political propaganda -
Britain’s civil service appears to be taking out ministers left, right and center. So is this the “blob” fighting back?
A growing list of senior ministers has been forced to quit after clashing with government officials, whether directly or indirectly.
Having put the nail in the coffin of Boris Johnson’s premiership and shrugged off the hapless Liz Truss, it was civil servants who ensured the demise of Rishi Sunak’s deputy, Dominic Raab, after a bullying inquiry.
Right-leaning Tories are now up in arms at questions over the conduct and performance of Home Secretary Suella Braverman, fearing she could be next in line for defenestration by the “snivel service.”
A section of the Conservative Party explains recent events as a coordinated coup by what they call the “blob”: a mass of pathetic, left-leaning, Remain-supporting functionaries trying to block the government’s agenda.
You tell us MSM (Main Stream Media) brainwashes us...
So in your world you don't believe science, experts, what we read in the papers or on the news BUT you do believe what you hear on right wing GB News and hard right wing political propaganda.
And you truly believe I'm the one who has been hoodwinked???
(And just out of interest IF you don't get your right wing views from social media "because you don't use it..." then where do you pick up terms such as the 'blob' and MSM - which are both staple Libertarian right wing political propaganda terms...?
Couldn't be from UK News perhaps, could it?
Is that your window on the world after all?)
286 Re: The future of Nuts Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:26 pm
El Hadji Diouf
For crying out loud Sluffy. You see this is just exactly the reason it’s pointless even trying to converse with you. I won’t bother from now on just believe what you want and I’ll do the same.
287 Re: The future of Nuts Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:31 pm
Nat Lofthouse
Pray we don't end up like this.
288 Re: The future of Nuts Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:39 pm
Whitesince63 wrote:For crying out loud Sluffy. You see this is just exactly the reason it’s pointless even trying to converse with you. I won’t bother from now on just believe what you want and I’ll do the same.
You believe what you want to anyway, I on the other hand try to seek out what the facts are.
Ignorance is bliss as the saying goes - and you clearly seem very blissful with your 'belief's' to me.
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