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Film and TV review.

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321Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Thu Feb 22 2024, 16:01


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

If anyone is thinking of watching The Way on BBC 1, then don't bother.

Utter drivel.  Probably the worst drama I've seen for ages.

I can't believe how bad this was.

322Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Tue Feb 27 2024, 23:40



I recommend the film 'The Challenger' which is about the inquiry into what went wrong with the space shuttle when it exploded.

OK it might sound very dull to some but think of it as a detective story - which is really what it is all about.

It's a true story and in a way (and many years before its time) shows a window into what Trump finds fault with Washington - and his 'drain the swamp' demands.

It also may introduce you to one of the most brilliant scientists since Einstein, Richard Feynman.

It also is much like our current sub-postmasters scandal.

If you give it a try I think most will enjoy the film.

I certainly did.

323Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Apr 28 2024, 20:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Anyone remember The Larry Sanders Show? It was always a favourite of mine back in the day, but it's been years since I've seen an episode, so I decided to buy the first season on Prime, and I have to say, it's aged well. Plenty of laughs.
Looks like I'll be buying all six seasons.

324Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Mon Apr 29 2024, 08:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Anyone remember The Larry Sanders Show? It was always a favourite of mine back in the day, but it's been years since I've seen an episode, so I decided to buy the first season on Prime, and I have to say, it's aged well. Plenty of laughs.
Looks like I'll be buying all six seasons.
Never really got in to this, but i'm guessing it's similar to curb your enthusiasm? I do love that, currently watching the last ever series.

325Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri May 03 2024, 20:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Time to set fire to your tv’s guys as bloody gavin and Stacey is coming back! Mad

326Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Mon Jul 15 2024, 12:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just finished watching Mr Inbetween and it was brilliant! If you have Disney plus then i would recommend you binge watch it.

Its about an Australian criminal and his life and is one of the best series i have watched in a long time.

327Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Tue Jul 16 2024, 03:11


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Norpig wrote:Just finished watching Mr Inbetween and it was brilliant! If you have Disney plus then i would recommend you binge watch it.

Its about an Australian criminal and his life and is one of the best series i have watched in a long time.
Agree Norpig. I watch it a little while back after seeing a clip on social and thoroughly enjoyed it too. I read somewhere that the actor eventually decided to stop playing the character because he found himself acting like him in real life.

328Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Jul 24 2024, 16:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Been watching the old series of Auf Wiedersehen Pet on ITVX and loving it all over again. I loved this when it first came out when i was a kid.

The only annoying thing is the random ad breaks on ITVX that you can't skip over,

329Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Jul 24 2024, 17:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Isn’t ITVX their premium paid for service?

330Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Thu Jul 25 2024, 07:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

You can watch for free but have to watch adverts. If you pay £5.99 a month its ad free.

331Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Tue Dec 17 2024, 19:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Watched 'Alan Bennett 90 Years on'. A thoroughly enjoyable hour of telly. BBC iPlayer if anyone's interested.

332Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Tue Dec 17 2024, 20:16



I've watched two films recently, one won the prestigious 2022 Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and a whole host of other awards and the other was a massive financial flop at the box office having cost $9.8m to make and got back next to nothing - and guess which one I liked!

The big winner was 'Triangle of Sadness, that was total bollocks.

I kept sticking with it thinking it most get better soon, it won all these awards after all - but was utter gash.

I don't recomended it at all.

The other however was brilliant - Margrete: Queen of the North.

Ok, I don't expect anyone to watch it - it's a Danish film with sub-titles after all - but it was as good as a Shakespeare historical play, but with language you could easily understand (well sub-titles are in plain words and not 'flowery' Tudor English) and is a brilliant example of the second rule of politics - do whatever you have to, to keep power.

There's twists and turns, murder and betrayals all through the film and probably the best film I've seen this year.

I do hope some of you do give it a try - and hopefully like it.

333Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Dec 18 2024, 07:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:I've watched two films recently, one won the prestigious 2022 Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and a whole host of other awards and the other was a massive financial flop at the box office having cost $9.8m to make and got back next to nothing - and guess which one I liked!

The big winner was 'Triangle of Sadness, that was total bollocks.

I kept sticking with it thinking it most get better soon, it won all these awards after all - but was utter gash.

I don't recomended it at all.

The other however was brilliant - Margrete: Queen of the North.

Ok, I don't expect anyone to watch it - it's a Danish film with sub-titles after all - but it was as good as a Shakespeare historical play, but with language you could easily understand (well sub-titles are in plain words and not 'flowery' Tudor English) and is a brilliant example of the second rule of politics - do whatever you have to, to keep power.

There's twists and turns, murder and betrayals all through the film and probably the best film I've seen this year.

I do hope some of you do give it a try - and hopefully like it.
I'll probably give it a go.
I'm wary of subtitled films, but, a few years ago, Breadman, late of this parish, put me on to a Spanish film called 'Pan's Labyrinth'. It blew me away.
It's a must watch if you haven't seen it.
Subtitles aren't ideal, but, better subtitles than dubbed.

334Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Dec 18 2024, 09:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I remember around 20 years ago watching a Korean TV drama series called Full House that had English subtitles.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also used to enjoying Thai horror movies with English subs for certain slang words I couldn't understand well at the time.

Recently I tried watching the Irish drama series called CRA on IPlayer which I stuggled with as that did have subtitles as it was in Gaelic. The actors spoke in Gaelic with English thrown in and I thought that I was hard of hearing when I couldn't tell what they were saying at first.

After about 15 minutes of watching this and trying to turn the volume up and then putting the subtitles on the telly etc I realised and gave up!

Why on earth create a drama in Gaelic that appeals to the minority? I know they want to preserve this language like the Welsh but still. Very Happy

335Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Dec 18 2024, 09:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The Mrs uses subtitles on certain dramas as she struggles with slang words and certain accents but it's bloody annoying when watching the same program as you end up reading the subtitles on the screen and then missing out with whats going on in the picture.

I may as well just read a book with my imagination. Very Happy

336Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Dec 18 2024, 10:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:The Mrs uses subtitles on certain dramas as she struggles with slang words and certain accents but it's bloody annoying when watching the same program as you end up reading the subtitles on the screen and then missing out with whats going on in the picture.

I may as well just read a book with my imagination. Very Happy

337Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Dec 18 2024, 10:27


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sluffy wrote:I've watched two films recently, one won the prestigious 2022 Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and a whole host of other awards and the other was a massive financial flop at the box office having cost $9.8m to make and got back next to nothing - and guess which one I liked!

The big winner was 'Triangle of Sadness, that was total bollocks.

I kept sticking with it thinking it most get better soon, it won all these awards after all - but was utter gash.

I don't recomended it at all.

The other however was brilliant - Margrete: Queen of the North.

Ok, I don't expect anyone to watch it - it's a Danish film with sub-titles after all - but it was as good as a Shakespeare historical play, but with language you could easily understand (well sub-titles are in plain words and not 'flowery' Tudor English) and is a brilliant example of the second rule of politics - do whatever you have to, to keep power.

There's twists and turns, murder and betrayals all through the film and probably the best film I've seen this year.

I do hope some of you do give it a try - and hopefully like it.
Sounds good that Sluffy I might give it a go I have no problem with subtitles. I’m assuming it will be similar to Wolf Hall which I’ve just finished watching which I think was brilliant and is a good education for anyone who wants a simple explanation of Henry VIII. On a lighter note I just watched “That Christmas” with my granddaughter and it’s great fun. It’s a cartoon but very watchable even for adults given its nearly Christmas.

338Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Dec 18 2024, 10:48


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I always watch with subtitles, dubbed just sounds and looks ridiculous to me.

339Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Dec 18 2024, 13:26



Well I must say I'm impressed with all your intent to give my film recommendation a try - I hope you actually do and enjoy it as much as I did.

And to show how eclectic (deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources) my likes are, the best film I saw last year was probably is Paddington 2.

Ok, one for the little kids you may say but it is co-written by Simon Farnaby, who is one of the group of writers that wrote the Ghosts series that I thought was brilliant.

If you've not see it I highly recommend that you find a few hours over Christmas to watch the initial Paddington film (which is very good itself) which leads you into Paddington 2.

And if you like that, then treat yourself to Ghosts - you won't regret it.


340Film and TV review. - Page 17 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Dec 18 2024, 13:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:Well I must say I'm impressed with all your intent to give my film recommendation a try - I hope you actually do and enjoy it as much as I did.

And to show how eclectic (deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources) my likes are, the best film I saw last year was probably is Paddington 2.

Ok, one for the little kids you may say but it is co-written by Simon Farnaby, who is one of the group of writers that wrote the Ghosts series that I thought was brilliant.

If you've not see it I highly recommend that you find a few hours over Christmas to watch the initial Paddington film (which is very good itself) which leads you into Paddington 2.

And if you like that, then treat yourself to Ghosts - you won't regret it.


I loved Ghosts too. Just finished watching all of them again.
Very funny, and some genuinely touching moments.

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