Yes, big thank you for everybody who as participated in our site, even if it is just reading it as a visitor.
We've done remarkably well if you consider the owners of Burnden Aces, Wanderers Ways and The Wanderer forums have all gone out of their way to censor any mention of us even existing on their forums - but we don't believe in treating our membership in such away, we are open and honest on here and know you are certainly big enough to make your own minds up which forum suits you best.
The thing is the word gets out sooner or later and we know what matters most to people is how good the forum actually is.
We set up this forum for a bit of fun and not like some who go out of their way to exploit their membership to line their own pockets through charging for basic functions and /or keeping people on their site because the more 'page hits' they achieve the more sponsorship money they generate for themselves - have you never wondered why some sites are very keen to improve their Google search ratings - at the expense of heavily moderating peoples posts!?
We've been going nearly a year now and our costs in total have been around about just £50.00 or about a quid a week!
We aren't here to make money of your backs and we are not here because we have big opinions about ourselves (we don't ban people or delete posts because we simply don't like their point of view or anything), we are just normal fans trying to allow people to share their views and opinions - whatever they may be - and hopefully have a laugh or two along the way.
If you like what we are doing please join in and spread the word, if you don't like us, well at least we've not screwed you whilst you have been here!
Here's to the next 200 members!