See, once again you prove my point, namely you've judged them all already without even bothering to hear what they have to say.
They are already guilty in your eyes, just like Ken Anderson was guilty in nearly everyone else's eyes apart from you and I because we had the KNOWLEDGE and FACTS to base our informed views on, unlike the lynch mob did.
At the end of the day this is all simple, a national computer system was rolled out that lasted for just over 10 years to 2010 - an updated system replaced it in 2010 and is still in operation). Nether weren't a disaster by any means, they deal/dealt with over 10,000 post offices daily processing millions if not many billions of transactions during that time.
The problem was that there were some post offices that were effected by bugs and no one knew that Fujitsu had remote access, therefore the assumption must be that any shortfall could only come from the SPM or their staff.
Prosecutions were done on that basis and Jenkins (the father of the system) gave prosecution evidence as an expert witness (without being trained to do so) and did not disclose the whole truth.
This was only found out in 2013 by first the Rose report, then SS interim report and the Clarke advice they all came along in just a matter of weeks to each other.
How in your world Bob was ANYONE covering ANYTHING up, to that point?
Nobody knew about it until then!!!
From then on IT WAS COVERED-UP but clearly by the Post Office end.
The Clarke advice was NOT reported to the PO Board (Crichton was left sitting outside the meeting!)
The legal 'experts' then got involved and some rather dubious things happened - for instance Simon Clarke when doing the 'sift' decided the Misra case did not need to be told that the witness whose testimony sent her to jail was 'unsafe', that superstar Brian Altman seemed to have been 'played' by POL, that Parson's was covering EVERYTHING up by using legal privilege - the upshot was that the PO Board, the government shareholder who sits on the board and thus the government were all kept in the dark, so much so that the government had need to INSTRUCT Perkins to commission a report (The Swift Report) to get to the bottom of what was going on - and when he did, it was promptly stopped from being seen by the board (by Jane MacLeod), and thus the government shareholder who sits on the board and because of this the government as well, were all none the wiser!
As a last resort the POL (led by their legal advisors) even tried to get the judge to sack himself ffs!!!
It's even been revealed at the Inquiry that both the Share Executive and the government DID NOT WANT TO TAKE THIS COURSE OF ACTION.
All this Bob, ALL OF IT, has been paraded before your very eyes over several weeks and months now yet you've made your mind up based on one personal incident you were involved in over twenty years ago, that you KNOW how the government works, how the health service works, how civil servants all work and how the post office works - and that is that they are ALL fucking useless and corrupt.
You are BONKERS Bob, complete and utter bonkers.
Face up to the FACTS.
You can't though can you?