I had my last post on Mad removed you know!
I know the rules and all that but at the end of the day the people left on Mad know we exist, so I wasn’t exactly promoting our site, I merely let them know we had the 'Chatbox' and that those of them who wanted to know what was happening up to the minute at the game could come and join us if they wanted too – no strings attached.
I'm not petty enough to remove the link - as far as I'm concerned we all know about the other Bolton forums and we are all big enough to choose the ones we want to be on. I find it pathetic that even to this day Burnden Aces, Wanderers Ways and The Wanderer all will not allow mention of our existence to be posted on their sites - even though they frequently mention each others sites!
Well we are in sight of our first 100,000 posts milestone in a month or two, so maybe they do have good reason to stop our name from getting out!
Still I do think it is pathetic of them though - you think they would welcome the challenge to improve their sites for their member benefit to encourage them to stay, rather than hide behind censorship and a 'nanny knows best' mentality from them and a fear that a newer and more vibrant site is very much better than theirs!