These people genuinely don't think they're doing anything wrong.
Their own moral code is grounded in a different set of values to the rest of us.
In their world, if you see something you want, you take it. The fact that someone else has worked to earn the money to pay for it doesn't matter to them.
There is a whole new generation of "underclass" in this country now, who firmly believe that the world owes them a favour and I'm getting pissed off with it.
The big problem is though, that the police are so under-resourced that they can't cope, the schools are shit scared of reprimanding their pupils (you got the cane in my day, not half a day in "isolation" thinking about what you'd done, ie laughing about it), we live in a culture now where you don't need to be good at something to be famous and every second advert on the telly is about claiming money that you're "owed", either from an injury claim or from the big, bad banks ripping you off, so people believe that they're automatically entitled to something for nothing.
This country's going down the pan faster than last night's kebab.....