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The rise and rise of UKIP...

mark leach
Soul Kitchen
Natasha Whittam
Reebok Trotter
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161The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:02


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

It is, 
On a serious note though, this countries future terrifies me. 
Cameron is a thatcher-loving, toffee-nosed faggot who 'grew up on an estate too'with his head so far up his own arse he can smell the poor peoples taxes in his pocket... 
Milliband is too young and nice, I sense he's a pushover. Although if I HAD to vote for somebody by law... he stands a chance. 
Nick Clegg... well, a sell-out, lier and cheat. interested in his own pocket, will even change his political beliefs for power, wanker.  
Mr MC 'Nige' Farage - annoying face, complete loony who got lucky with finding some common ground with BNP supporters and has sonly ONE actual real policy... the rest of the UKIP manifesto was written on toilet paper when taking a shit after several real ales. Former Hedge-fund manager who is in politics to make himself richer, if he gets in to power, im leaving. id trust cameron in charge for another term before this idiot. 
Green party - see above. no chance. 

Basically, I see not one party or politician that fits in with my political beliefs who has a real chance of ever getting a seat. Somebody needs to start a  party sitting on the border of socialist and capitalist principles. they can be mixed.

162The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:03


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

typed on my phone! sorry.

163The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:
wessy wrote:I fully understand why disgruntled Tories are swayed by UKIP, after all UKIP are a right of centre political party made up of disgruntled Tories. (Farage, the Hamiltons and the two that jumped ship) They appeal to the far right.

However it is beyond my comprehension how any Labour voter can decide to jump from the left/ centre of the political spectrum over to the far right with UKIP.

Either they are idiots or do not in any way understand politics.

It is totally beyond my comprehension why anyone would vote Labour. They were fucking terrible last time they were in power, bringing the country to its knees. If they were still in charge I have no doubt we'd be another Greece.

When I hear people saying "they always vote Labour" or "my family has always voted Labour" I really fear for this country. You should vote for the party that is best on the day, not the party your granddad voted for 50 years ago.

Nobody's grandad voted Labour for 50 years because the Labour party was closed down in the 80s and the current bunch of Tory tossers aka "New Labour" have got nothing to do with Socialism or the Labour Party of 50 years ago whatsoever.
Completely different branch of middle of the road politics using a name they stole from a long-extinct party.

That's where UKIP step in as since the death of Socialism in the UK there has been nobody else for the disenfranchised to lodge their protest with until UKIP came along to fill the void.

164The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:10

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Reebok_Rebel wrote:

Basically, I see not one party or politician that fits in with my political beliefs who has a real chance of ever getting a seat. Somebody needs to start a  party sitting on the border of socialist and capitalist principles. they can be mixed.

Rebel, can't you see that the Tories have done a decent job during their time in power? Not perfect by any means, but the country is heading in the right direction. If Labour get in it will all be for nothing and we'll be in recession within 2 years.

People should vote with their heads and not on which politician is the most likeable. All politician are twats, that's a given, but better to go with a twat with a proven plan than a twat with a recent history of putting the country in recession.

165The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:15



Natasha Whittam wrote:
Reebok_Rebel wrote:

Basically, I see not one party or politician that fits in with my political beliefs who has a real chance of ever getting a seat. Somebody needs to start a  party sitting on the border of socialist and capitalist principles. they can be mixed.

Rebel, can't you see that the Tories have been cunts during their time in power? Not decent by any means, but the country is heading down the shitter. If Labour get in it will all be for the best and we'll be in a state of recovery within 2 years.


166The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:24


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Reebok_Rebel wrote:

Basically, I see not one party or politician that fits in with my political beliefs who has a real chance of ever getting a seat. Somebody needs to start a  party sitting on the border of socialist and capitalist principles. they can be mixed.

Rebel, can't you see that the Tories have done a decent job during their time in power?


They are bleeding everybody who earns less than 200,000K a year dry. The Tories are all toffs who want to make their friends richer, fucking everyone else. 

The economy is no better now than it was 5 years ago. The only difference is, thousands more are jobless, councils don't have the financial means to do virtually anything, and everybody (bar the 2% of the population who dont even have to think about money) is poorer.

167The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:32

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Reebok_Rebel wrote:

They are bleeding everybody who earns less than 200,000K a year dry. The Tories are all toffs who want to make their friends richer, fucking everyone else. 

The economy is no better now than it was 5 years ago. The only difference is, thousands more are jobless, councils don't have the financial means to do virtually anything, and everybody (bar the 2% of the population who dont even have to think about money) is poorer.

That's bollocks and you know it. The country was in a mess when the Tories took over. They took some tough decisions that clearly weren't popular but have contributed to the economy we see today.

If you're not better off than you were 5 years ago I suggest you see your boss - he's clearly funnelling some of your wage into his hooker account.

168The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:44


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Reebok_Rebel wrote:

They are bleeding everybody who earns less than 200,000K a year dry. The Tories are all toffs who want to make their friends richer, fucking everyone else. 

The economy is no better now than it was 5 years ago. The only difference is, thousands more are jobless, councils don't have the financial means to do virtually anything, and everybody (bar the 2% of the population who dont even have to think about money) is poorer.

That's bollocks and you know it. The country was in a mess when the Tories took over. They took some tough decisions that clearly weren't popular but have contributed to the economy we see today.

If you're not better off than you were 5 years ago I suggest you see your boss - he's clearly funnelling some of your wage into his hooker account.
I  am better off. 

Partly due to a pay-rise. Partly due to helping my Mrs start and run her own company. partly due to inheriting my grandmothers house. 

I pay the minimum amount of tax I can get away with, I go to great lengths to avoid HMRC finding out about every penny I get as when they take it all off me, it pays for nothing that benefits me or my fellow townsfolk. I have no pension fund except money stashed away where our money grabbing government cant get at it when times get a little harder and our government starts stealing other peoples money. 

I'm better off in spite of the government, not due to them. 

I'm paying more council tax than ever before, and its going on nothing, im lucky that things work out for me and im financially comfortable - others aren't.

169The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:50

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Reebok_Rebel wrote:
I  am better off. 

Partly due to a pay-rise. Partly due to helping my Mrs start and run her own company. partly due to inheriting my grandmothers house. 

I pay the minimum amount of tax I can get away with, I go to great lengths to avoid HMRC finding out about every penny I get as when they take it all off me, it pays for nothing that benefits me or my fellow townsfolk. I have no pension fund except money stashed away where our money grabbing government cant get at it when times get a little harder and our government starts stealing other peoples money. 

I'm better off in spite of the government, not due to them. 

I'm paying more council tax than ever before, and its going on nothing, im lucky that things work out for me and im financially comfortable - others aren't.

You just moaned about the council's not having enough cash, then moaned about having to pay too much council tax. You can't have both.

No one is saying things are perfect, but put Labour in charge and things will be much worse.

170The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:56



In the Autumn of 2010 the UK economy was recovering from the banking crisis with the OBR revising growth figures from 1.2% to 1.8%. The the Torie cuts took hold, too many of them, too quickly and we went back in to recession. The longest recovery in 100 years thanks to austerity instead of doing anything to encourage growth the government squeezed public spending. 

They promised to move the economy away from debt and into importing and exporting, have they done that? Nope, again everybody's relying on borrowed money which could blow up again at any time.

They've missed every single one of their deficit targets, borrowing £91bn. Incidentally they branded Labours target of 71bn highly dangerous, yet they're borrowing £20bn more... and £50bn more than their own target.

More people are using food banks than every before, and just to sum up the priorities Osbourne and Cameron have they've made £80bn worth of benefit cuts, whilst bankers have received that in bonuses. Bonuses which Osbourne went to the EU to fight against a cap on. IMO they've been on the wrong side on just about every major issue that's come up during their time in office ie Syria where Cameron wanted us to go to war, or phone hacking where Cameron was a bit too close to Coulson and Brooks for my liking, the bankers consistently breaking the law, the expenses scandal implicating Osborne himself etc etc.

Last edited by bwfc1874 on Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:58; edited 1 time in total

171The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 16:57


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Natasha Whittam wrote:

You just moaned about the council's not having enough cash, then moaned about having to pay too much council tax. You can't have both.

No one is saying things are perfect, but put Labour in charge and things will be much worse.

I did moan about councils not having the resources to do virtually anything, not about paying council tax per se.

I resent paying council tax for my money to get swallowed up paying ridiculous salaries to posh bastards I don't even know and who have no interest in the the issues within my locality. 

I'm lucky to live in a good area, but parts of chorley is a ghetto and is getting worse.

172The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 17:02

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Reebok_Rebel wrote:

I resent paying council tax for my money to get swallowed up paying ridiculous salaries to posh bastards I don't even know and who have no interest in the the issues within my locality. 

I'm lucky to live in a good area, but parts of chorley is a ghetto and is getting worse.

Your council tax goes towards the bin men, libraries, street cleaning and all the other vital services. If rich bastards like yourself paid a little more tax things would be much better for everyone.

You slag off all these so-called rich posh people yet admit you don't declare all your earnings to the tax man. Aren't you doing just what they do?

173The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 17:04



Fuckin' 'ell, Rebel.....!

You can't moan about bankers being bent then admit that you hide money from The Revenue.


174The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 17:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


175The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 17:20



I'm glad they don't tax the extortionate amount sluffy pays me per post on here.

Loadsa money

176The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 17:27


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Reebok_Rebel wrote:

I resent paying council tax for my money to get swallowed up paying ridiculous salaries to posh bastards I don't even know and who have no interest in the the issues within my locality. 

I'm lucky to live in a good area, but parts of chorley is a ghetto and is getting worse.

Your council tax goes towards the bin men, libraries, street cleaning and all the other vital services. If rich bastards like yourself paid a little more tax things would be much better for everyone.

You slag off all these so-called rich posh people yet admit you don't declare all your earnings to the tax man. Aren't you doing just what they do?

Bin men who come once a fortnight now. 
A library that only opens half the time it used to due to having its funding cut. 
Roads full of potholes. 
not enough grit for even half the roads in the town should it be needed. 

This is why I resent paying council tax. 

Tax is mandatory, I pay what I have to pay. If it was a company I was paying the money to, I would expect a half decent level of service. 

I pay Virgin media for broadband - and its good, I pay them money, they give me a service - it works. 

Chorley council does virtually nothing for my money. Most of it goes to keep the fuckers in charge in their massive salaries - salaries that have stayed the same or even risen since all the 'austerity' measures.  

I'm not a money grabbing wanker - I pay my fair share and also give to several charities on a monthly basis... its tax deductable you see...  Wink

177The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 19:03


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

bwfc1874 wrote:In the Autumn of 2010 the UK economy was recovering from the banking crisis with the OBR revising growth figures from 1.2% to 1.8%. The the Torie cuts took hold, too many of them, too quickly and we went back in to recession. The longest recovery in 100 years thanks to austerity instead of doing anything to encourage growth the government squeezed public spending. 

They promised to move the economy away from debt and into importing and exporting, have they done that? Nope, again everybody's relying on borrowed money which could blow up again at any time.

They've missed every single one of their deficit targets, borrowing £91bn. Incidentally they branded Labours target of 71bn highly dangerous, yet they're borrowing £20bn more... and £50bn more than their own target.

More people are using food banks than every before, and just to sum up the priorities Osbourne and Cameron have they've made £80bn worth of benefit cuts, whilst bankers have received that in bonuses. Bonuses which Osbourne went to the EU to fight against a cap on. IMO they've been on the wrong side on just about every major issue that's come up during their time in office ie Syria where Cameron wanted us to go to war, or phone hacking where Cameron was a bit too close to Coulson and Brooks for my liking, the bankers consistently breaking the law, the expenses scandal implicating Osborne himself etc etc.

178The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 20:38


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

bwfc1874 wrote:In the Autumn of 2010 the UK economy was recovering from the banking crisis with the OBR revising growth figures from 1.2% to 1.8%. The the Torie cuts took hold, too many of them, too quickly and we went back in to recession. The longest recovery in 100 years thanks to austerity instead of doing anything to encourage growth the government squeezed public spending. 

They promised to move the economy away from debt and into importing and exporting, have they done that? Nope, again everybody's relying on borrowed money which could blow up again at any time.

They've missed every single one of their deficit targets, borrowing £91bn. Incidentally they branded Labours target of 71bn highly dangerous, yet they're borrowing £20bn more... and £50bn more than their own target.

More people are using food banks than every before, and just to sum up the priorities Osbourne and Cameron have they've made £80bn worth of benefit cuts, whilst bankers have received that in bonuses. Bonuses which Osbourne went to the EU to fight against a cap on. IMO they've been on the wrong side on just about every major issue that's come up during their time in office ie Syria where Cameron wanted us to go to war, or phone hacking where Cameron was a bit too close to Coulson and Brooks for my liking, the bankers consistently breaking the law, the expenses scandal implicating Osborne himself etc etc.

Well said and all factually correct - The Tories have fucked up this country more than what Labour ever could - but what the hell tell a lie long enough and it becomes true (the Farage style of politics).

Lets not forget we now owe more than twice the amount on national debt than when Tories came to power  in 2010 - is that the fault of Labour???

179The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 20:52


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm about as far away from a Tory as you could ever be, but to suggest the this government has damaged the economy more than Labour I simply don't agree with, even if you consider some of Labour's problems were not self made.

I hate Cameron and 99% of what he stands for but if you're giving me a choice of him and Osbourne vs Ed Miliband and Ed Balls I'm taking Cameron 10/10. 

Labour are absolutely bereft of genuinely inspiring and intelligent thinkers or remotely talented politicians sadly, the party went to shit when James Purnell jumped and David Miliband didn't back him up. 

Ed Balls is an absolute clown and Milliband isn't far behind.

180The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 9 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 15 2015, 20:57


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

So why has the national debt grown twice to what it was in 2010, considering the so-called austerity measure put in place to "reduce" the debt??? And yet there are now more people working than ever before which means more people paying taxes helping to try to reduce the national debt???

The gap between repayments and the debt has narrowed BUT the national debt has increased - so considering all the benefit cuts, all the new taxation coming in, shrinking unemployment levels (therefore even less being spent on benefits) - how can a national debt grow to twice the size, unless it has been complete mis-management by the Government?  Like BWFC1874 says Labour were actually taking us out of recession when the General Election took place, but the Tories took us into a double-dip recession and the longest recovery ever - although we were recovering when they came to power!!!!

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