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Would You Give Up Your Seat?

Soul Kitchen
Numpty 28723
Copper Dragon
Natasha Whittam
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81Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:54



White84 wrote:1874 your so lucky you can sit smoking your Drugs,you little Smack head behind your keyboard paid for by people  who have to go to work so you can spend your benefits on whatever drug you take.
 A racist in my eyes is someone who doesn't like someone because the colour of their Skin.Well it was when I was a kid.
When you realise 99% of Moslems don't want to integrate you'll wake up and realise that if they wanted to integrate they wouldn't wear the Burkha.
As an example I'm in Asda and my trolley bumps in to an Asian women's wearing a Burkha "I'd normally say sorry to anyone else but I can't communicate to say sorry if it was my fault.
Before you smoke your drugs to reply I do say sorry if I accidentally bang my trolley by mistake in to someone else's regardless of if they are Asian or not.
My point is I do not think Asians want to integrate.You smoke your mind numbing substances as you are just a little know all coward.
Come call me scum to my face GG 95 ESU.If your lungs are healthy enough for you to climb the stairs.
Bet my daughter would kick your Arse,she does MMA and has been doing it since she was a little girl.
An out of Condition dope smoker she's 5 ft 9 and 9 stone I reckon she'd twist you up in seconds a druggie puffing like an old lady cos his lungs are fucked. Shes 14 I reckon she'd take you.

A druggie LOL saying that you've probably got hepatitis from sharing needles.No I wouldn't risk her catching something off you.

Seeing as I have a career and I'm not a heroin addict this comment means very, very little to me. 

Not sure why you're talking about your postcode, Asda or your 14 year old daughter but it just falls alongside the rest of the nonsense you pump out on here.

82Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 13:55


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Reebok Trotter wrote:I don't particularly like generalising because it tars everyone with the same brush. I worked for a number of years with three Asian colleagues and they were all decent chaps. One of them used to bring samosas into work that his mother had made and they were delicious. None of them were remotely interested in all the fundamentalist rhetoric and they had no time for Rabble Rousers.
There is good and bad in any race, creed and colour so it's important not to stereotype people just because of what we see and hear on the news.

83Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 14:12


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Peaceful I beg to differ.
However in Summer I go Carp fishing and have three delkim electronic bite alarms so Nat I'm not biting it's winter.Like Carp they don't bite in the Winter.
In reply to Norpig,how you can say Islam is the Religon of peace is beyond me.
However I'm not the one who keeps bringing it up.As for Breadman calling me Immature he was so obsessed with me that he went to find out when the next flight to Barbados was.Thats why he got the finger.
If I said to my wife I'm going on line Becuase I think he's lying she'd say" grow up" so tell the story that you went to Manchester airport website and looked when the flight was.
I'm sorry I didn't give you my full holiday itinery taxi to Wilmslow to my wife's sister house for the night.Then flight next they were coming with us
Breadman the sad twat came on raging you said"you were going to the Airport by taxi" I imagined the blood pressure eyes popping.So that's why you got the photo sent.I tried to upload them on here but I couldn't so we sent them to my wife's friend who put them on nuts facebook.

Funny how people leave out the main facts BREADMAN.

Now I may be wrong but a lot of other posters have put post about Islam and the atrocities commited in its name.

So all those who believe Islam is the faith of peace come forward now and stop making it out as if I'm the only one who believes it represents a danger.

84Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 14:19



The saddest thing about all this shit is, it's pricks like 84 who are empowering IS and Al Qaida and making them stronger every day.

I'll try and make this simple so that Captain Caveman can keep up:

IS is run by a few religious (and political) nutters who want to kick off a massive global war between the Muslims and everybody else.

To do this, they need to frighten the rest of us into thinking that all Muslims are dangerous nutters, who would chop your head off as soon as look at you.

So they kidnap a few "non-believers", kill them and post the footage online, in the hope that the likes of 84 won't be bright enough to suss out what they're up to and will immediately assume that all Muslims are mental killers.

And he will then start spouting off to anybody who will listen about what a bunch of ignorant, dangerous, racist nutters all Muslims are.

And all his thick as shit mates hear him and start agreeing with him.

And before long, that nice Mr Patel who runs the off-licence on the corner starts getting abused and has his windows put in by 84's retarded mates.

And Mr Patel's 17 year old son sees this and thinks "What a bunch of tugboats these white dickheads are........maybe there is something in the preachings of these IS Mullahs afterall........I'll look into it."

So he starts researching jihadi videos online and gets persuaded to take a keener interest because what he's hearing resonates with him because the white fuckers have just firebombed his Dad's shop.

So before you know it, he's off to a training camp in Pakistan.

And so it continues......

84, if you really do dislike IS as much as you keep saying, use your head, stop preaching racist shite, stop doing their job for them and shut the fuck up.

85Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 14:21



White84 wrote:Peaceful I beg to differ.
However in Summer I go Carp fishing and have three delkim electronic bite alarms so Nat I'm not biting it's winter.Like Carp they don't bite in the Winter.
In reply to Norpig,how you can say Islam is the Religon of peace is beyond me.
However I'm not the one who keeps bringing it up.As for Breadman calling me Immature he was so obsessed with me that he went to find out when the next flight to Barbados was.Thats why he got the finger.
If I said to my wife I'm going on line Becuase I think he's lying she'd say" grow up" so tell the story that you went to Manchester airport website and looked when the flight was.
I'm sorry I didn't give you my full holiday itinery taxi to Wilmslow to my wife's sister house for the night.Then flight next they were coming with us
Breadman the sad twat came on raging you said"you were going to the Airport by taxi" I imagined the blood pressure eyes popping.So that's why you got the photo sent.I tried to upload them on here but I couldn't so we sent them to my wife's friend who put them on nuts facebook.

Funny how people leave out the main facts BREADMAN.

Now I may be wrong but a lot of other posters have put post about Islam and the atrocities commited in its name.

So all those who believe Islam is the faith of peace come forward now and stop making it out as if I'm the only one who believes it represents a danger.

Nobody on here likes religion, it's backwards nonsense which is regressing millions of lives around the world and it's completely incompatible with modern society. 

But so are your views. Contrary to what you seem to believe it's a minority of Muslims in the UK supporting IS, it's a minority wanting to force Sharia and it's a minority not wanting to integrate. 

Your comment about having mates who are Caribbean is completely redundant, how does that make you not racist? You sound like an EDL member trying to justify your delusions.

Just accept that whatever you think most people on here have more sense and intelligence than to believe such rubbish. You're a racist in every sense of the word, wake up and realise that, stop banging on about how much you hate Asians and maybe we can move on because nobody wants to hear it.

86Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 14:28

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

bwfc1874 wrote:Nobody on here likes religion

You're as bad as 84 for sweeping generalisations.

Plenty of people have religion in their lives without ramming it down your throat on a football forum.

87Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 14:30



Fairs fair, I just couldn't be arsed to amend it. Copy and pasted in the hope White84 would get somebody to read it to him or something.

88Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 14:35

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
Jonathan Bell is now my all time favourite preacher. :rofl:

There is no love in a gay bar!...... and you know it! Very Happy

89Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 15:47

Numpty 28723

Numpty 28723
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Reebok Trotter wrote:
boltonbonce wrote:
Jonathan Bell is now my all time favourite preacher. :rofl:

There is no love in a gay bar!...... and you know it! Very Happy

Wow! They are all so brilliant I was converted in an instant - but which one to follow?

I opted for Paul "Get out of my face in Jesus name" Crouch.

Looked him him up on Youtube only to find he sadly passed away last year but at least there was this moving tribute.

90Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 19:21

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Pastor Gas of the Church of the Divine Wind takes some beating. It's all hot air but he seems ever so sincere..

91Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 20:25


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

The Bible Belt in America is fucking Nuts.Im sure I've seen where they've had people for thousands and spent it on Cocaine and Prostitutes.
Anyway I wanted to come on as the original thread was would you give your seat up for an OAP!lady with kids etc.
I said I would as manners cost nothing.To which 1874 called me Scum and his bum chum Breadman had the cheek after being a total Stalker( finding out my flight times) how weird is that,to come in with his six penneth worth.
I wouldn't write something that I wouldn't say to someone's face.
Everyone on here has had a go at Islam.Breadman was the first one with the post about Scottie dogs.
74 saying I'm deluded cos a few of my pals are from Jamaica and bhajan means I'm deluded.

How do you know it's a minority done a survey 74 about Sharia.Hitler told Chamberlain there was no intention of Germany starting a war or having any other sites on Europe.History tells us different.
Time will tell?

92Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 20:35

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

White84 wrote:I'm deluded cos a few of my pals are from Jamaica

Do you know Keegan or Ricardo Gardner?

93Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 20:41



White84 wrote:What the fuck I said it meaning I've got friends who are bajhan and Jamaican RT got the point.
If you read my post I said I've got friends from Caribean descent but they don't want to chop my head off because  I don't believe a fairy tale from who knows when.
Say the wrong thing in Pakistan and your heads off.All Moslems seek Sharia law it's in their mind set.

1874 is a little twonk who can hide behind his keyboard.keegan what are you getting at mate.
Norpig who rattled your fucking cage.

What exactly is your problem.Whats Keegans problem.Read the post in its context and don't take snippets like White 84 wrote I'm a racist.

I'm no lover of Islam and the brutality IS is inflicting around the globe but let 74 smoke his drugs n fiddle his head.
Your in Bolton going on 2015 not Woodstock 68.

Your lack of punctuation makes your posts difficult to understand sometimes, White84. I wanted clarity and I got it. I don't rattle cages and I don't quote out of context unless it is for comedic effect. There is nothing funny about racism to me so I was trying to understand what you were saying. No worries.

94Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 20:55


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Listen to Nat Ricardo Gardener is in my BoltonX1 of all time.
I don't know keegs but if he can cook Curried goat like my mates Mum I'd call round for a bite and a chat.
But am I guessing he is based in Jamaica?
I don't know Ricky G but what a player and when he that goal in Munich it was one of the pinnacles of watching the Wanderers.

95Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 21:03

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

This is the problem though 84, you seem to have no problem with black people because "you know some". But I'm guessing if you turned up in downtown Kingston this evening you'd get a good kicking if you turned down the wrong street just as you could in any city in the world.

Every race/culture has a minority of dickheads whether they be Asian, black, white or from Blackburn. Why don't you try starting a conversation with an Asian and see if he wants to hack your head off?

96Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 21:03



White84 wrote:The Bible Belt in America is fucking Nuts.Im sure I've seen where they've had people for thousands and spent it on Cocaine and Prostitutes.
Anyway I wanted to come on as the original thread was would you give your seat up for an OAP!lady with kids etc.
I said I would as manners cost nothing.To which 1874 called me Scum and his bum chum Breadman had the cheek after being a total Stalker( finding out my flight times) how weird is that,to come in with his six penneth worth.
I wouldn't write something that I wouldn't say to someone's face.
Everyone on here has had a go at Islam.Breadman was the first one with the post about Scottie dogs.
74 saying I'm deluded cos a few of my pals are from Jamaica and bhajan means I'm deluded.

How do you know it's a minority done a survey 74 about Sharia.Hitler told Chamberlain there was no intention of Germany starting a war or having any other sites on Europe.History tells us different.
Time will tell?

You genuinely don't understand the point everyone's trying to get across do you?

97Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 21:29

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

And you genuinely don't understand that he doesn't give a fuck what you say!?! Stop being like a dog jumping for something it'll never reach and block him!!
Or are you getting off on confrontation with him?
Just as a side have you been on anything today? Just asking like.

98Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 21:36



Why would I block him? I want him to understand that his views are completely backwards. As the only person who seems to agree with him why don't you explain the logic behind every Muslim is a problem?

99Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 21:37



And apart from a pint after work no you small minded ponce.

100Would You Give Up Your Seat? - Page 5 Empty Re: Would You Give Up Your Seat? Fri Dec 12 2014, 21:38


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Obviously if I talked to an Asian person they wouldn't want to chop my head off.I will talk to Asian people as you come in to contact with them everyday.
I take people at face value,if the guy is a genuine nice guy I have no problem with him what so ever.If he wants to pray that's his choice.
My problem isn't with the individual as Islam and the atrocities being commited across the World at the moment.
A soldier walking home gets his head hacked off.That makes me angry.You go on you tube and there are loads of crazed Moslem Immans shouting how they won't be happy till Sharia law is in the UK and it is in the Quran to kill the kuffar( non believers)I see a Wanderers fan first game prosthetic legs and arm at Watford.
Why wear a Burkha if your trying to integrate.You can't smile at someone if you can't see their face.
Maybe I am wrong and it's the Minority.Well why don't they protest against what IS is doing there are enough Mosques and Moslems in the Uk.
As a country we have bent over backwards for Moslems,I don't hate Asians,Indians are Asians and in a shop I call in to the guy is great and we often chat about the Cricket.i watch the IPL when I get the chance or the highlights of when England play India and we have a friendly banter over the Cricket.

However I don't like Islam it's not a Religon of Peace.The atrocities commited make me angry.But I don't hate Asians as Hindus are Asians but they are not trying to convert the World to Hinduism.

So take it how you must but this thread started with me saying I'd give up my seat on a bus if I rode on one these days to an OAP to which I was insulted,called Racist Scum.
Nobody knows me a few May but if you reply to my post by insulting me your going to get a reaction.

Can we change the subject and talk about the Ipswich match

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