Let it go, mate.
You can't win this one.
Did you see Obama talking about reforming the gun laws and The Second Amendment on TV tonight after the latest gun massacre?
He looked proper deflated because he knew that whilst the vast majority of us can see what's going on, the people with the real power don't want to change the status quo because they're making too much cash out of the whole deal and they will veto any proposed change.
Same script with the current media crusade that all Muslims are terrorists.
There are far too many people with a vested interest in perpetuating this idea that all Muslims are dangerous nuttters and they are powerful enough to keep this myth alive.
And at the risk of sounding like a snob, yer average Sun reader can't see this and they are all too happy to agree with what they read because it fits with their narrow world view.
And it makes them feel clever and right.
So they buy in and keep the myth alive.
Fear, ignorance and misunderstanding have always been used to further political agendas and all we can do is rail against it and try and offer a contrary opinion.
I've stopped getting annoyed about it now.
There's no point.
All you can do is speak your mind, maintain your convictions and hope that enough of the younger generation can see that you've got a valid point.