wanderlust wrote:Why are you culling?
Does it make any difference if they're active, dead or dormant accounts?
If not, you might as well leave them in case they get involved at some future date.
If you really must cull - and I can't see a compelling reason why you should - try sending them an email asking them if they want to keep the account first.
Any undeliverables plus anyone who says they want out could then be safely culled.
What is the point in just collecting names?
Everyone of those listed above have never made any post on here and its been about six months since any of them last visited here - many of them not bothering with us for a year or more.
It's not the done thing for forums to cull their own membership rolls but why should that stop us being different from the rest of them?
Membership of forums and posts made daily really have no correlation to each other as I've tried to show on the intoduction to the 'cull' thread.
I think most BWFC forum users probably would rate how busy the respective sites are from how long they have been around and how many members they have but in reality we are vastly more busier than Burnden Aces, on a par with The Wanderer and at times on the same street as Wanderers Ways.
I think everyone would rather have a busy site with a small number of active members than a 'dead' site with loads of members who never visit there any more.
I think doing a cull will at least give these former 'joiners' of our site a final 15 minutes of fame - and the rest of us a bit of fun - before they are blasted away into the internet either.
Maybe word might get out and one or two of our 'sleeping' members might pay us a visit in the coming weeks, otherwise we will slim our rolls down by a few score more yet, then review things again when we get there.