Studies of the optimum conditions for happiness have concluded that being stable and extroverted rather than neurotic and introverted is likely to make you a contented person. Clearly, whatever cod scientist produced this suspect piece of ‘research’ has neglected to think about one important aspect of extroversion: the constant exposure to social humiliation, and the attendant realisation that you’re a twat.
The more you struggle against twathood, the more it takes over. In that respect, being a twat is very similar to drowning in quicksand.
From a poem by Robert Browning: "Then owls and bats / Cowls and twats / Monks and nuns in a cloister's moods /Adjourn to the oak-stump pantry". Seriously.
Of course, being a twat means constantly straddling the great divide between your twattish eagerness to please and your terrible knowledge of your own twathood. It takes the kind of sophisticated doublethink that would blow 1984 out of the water. In many ways, twats are underestimated. But not enough to save them from going straight to video in the great distribution schedule of the universe.
Brucie,of course,is exempt from twathood.
Last edited by boltonbonce on Sun Jul 05 2015, 17:12; edited 1 time in total