Attempting to wade through the varying opinions, lies, exaggerations and misinformation left me completely nonplussed to the point where I wanted to write on my ballot paper "How the hell am a I supposed to know when all the "experts" contradict each other?"
And, to be honest, I'm still not convinced about what the likely outcomes of our departure will be...but I'm pretty certain that Boris and co. will make a hash of it and leave the majority of us in a worse position than necessary, judging by the evidence of the government's botched response to the pandemic. Do you have faith in our ability to negotaiate good trade deals?
But, have no fear, JR Mogg and his buddies in government will not end up in the same boat as us plebs financially if it all goes wrong.....
Incidentally, how do you feel about the idea that the decision to stop staff, patients and visitors having to pay to park at hospitals is likely to be reversed? Parking is free in Wales and Scotland and is a drop in the ocean for the government here.