1. Inconsistent pricing. Something can be £1 for months on end, you buy it every week, then it goes up to £1.87 without warning, then the following week it's £1.69 and they have the bloody cheek to advertise this as a reduction. Example Lloyd Grossman sauces.
2. Rotting fruit and veg. Yesterday I did my weekly shop and wanted to buy a single green bell pepper. There was about a dozen of them and every single one was past ripeness and starting to go soft. And they wanted 85p for a rotting pepper. Far more common at supermarkets than market stalls.
3. This might seem to contradict point 2. but everyone loves a bargain so I always look in the reduced section to see if there is any stuff there I would otherwise consider buying at full price. You know, the yellow sticker items that are on their last day. The point is if I am going to buy stuff that must be eaten urgently it should be a conscious decision and it should be heavily reduced. It pisses me off when you see a pizza that's normally £3.49 freshly made and it is reduced to £2.89 or some shit. That's just taking a liberty. It should be half price if I have to eat it that night.
4. Gossiping checkout girls having a good old natter to the person in front of me in the queue.
5. Supermarket music.
6. Supermarket clothes, except boxer shorts and socks. The rest of it is cheap, nasty rubbish.
7. Perpetual shortage of small trollies.
8. Trollies which go off at a tangent to the left or right.
9. A group of 3-4 people shopping with a single trolley who block every aisle an display they look at, conferring over their purchases.
10. Worst of all. If this one could be fixed I would take it over the other 9 put together. Screaming kids. I'm not talking about crying, I'm talking about kids who scream. I just cannot stand that sound. It is the worst sound in the world.