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The rise and rise of UKIP...

mark leach
Soul Kitchen
Natasha Whittam
Reebok Trotter
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281The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Jan 27 2015, 19:36


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Soul Kitchen wrote:
scottjames30 wrote:I think Dave Icke talks loads of sense.



282The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Jan 27 2015, 19:43

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

bwfc1874 wrote:
Soul Kitchen wrote:
bwfc1874 wrote:
Soul Kitchen wrote:Good for you. Hard pill to swallow I know, but you are a bigot!
Examine your comments they are perfect examples, all made from a condescending height of superiority.

If you feel like I'm being condescending that's probably your own feelings of inferiority, I can't help that. I enjoy the range of opinions on here, you get wound up by them.

Calling UKIP supporters or openly racist people like yourself bigots is true, you'll have to put up with that.

Not at all, I've achieved everything I wanted to achieve in life as I have said many times before, whilst you are still waiting for your bollox to drop and taking a bite at the same time!!
Great amusement though getting you "at it".Smile

You keep dropping that in, are you waiting for somebody to ask you what you've done with your life SK? I really don't think anybody cares!
And you know what I really don't care what anybody on here cares. You keep jumping for the bait, that's what really entertains. Your insatiable appetite for biting at fuck all is endless!Smile

283The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Jan 27 2015, 19:47

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Bonce that's a perfect example of somebody running up their own arse hole!
Too much watching Star Wars.

284The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Jan 27 2015, 19:48



Very Happy

I love it when you get wound up then claim it was all fishing, you don't half make an arse out of yourself. Time you blocked me and moved on 3,000 posts and I'd bet 90% are aimed at me or Nat. Sad for such a successful man.

Block me and move on, I'm going the same.

285The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Jan 27 2015, 20:26

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

bwfc1874 wrote:Very Happy

I love it when you get wound up then claim it was all fishing, you don't half make an arse out of yourself. Time you blocked me and moved on 3,000 posts and I'd bet 90% are aimed at me or Nat. Sad for such a successful man.

Block me and move on, I'm going the same.
Keep digging, you'll get yourself out of the hole sooner or later! 
As for blocking you, naar, and lose some fine sport!!!
Your naivety is overwhelming.Smile
And I think Nat can look after herself, you concentrate on getting back and answering 261.

286The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Jan 27 2015, 21:48



scottjames30 wrote:Remember when a load of MPs ripped us all off with their expenses, did one buy porn and try to claim it back?

Jacqui Smith (Labour)

The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 _51012523_004225262-1

(Can you blame him though?   :bomb: )

287The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Jan 27 2015, 21:57



Sluffy wrote:
scottjames30 wrote:Remember when a load of MPs ripped us all off with their expenses, did one buy porn and try to claim it back?

Jacqui Smith (Labour)

The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 _51012523_004225262-1

(Can you blame him though?   :bomb: )
Done worse; )

288The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Wed Jan 28 2015, 13:07



Natasha Whittam wrote:1) No limitations on immigration?

2) Replace the whole British army?

3) Top rate of tax above 65%?

4) Make it legal for people to be a member or sympathiser of a terrorist organisation like al-Qaeda or ISIS?

Want to explain why you agree with these foolish Green policies.

Number 1 is misleading, they have an eventual goal of non-discriminatory immigration but it's not as if should they get in to power they'd remove all restrictions. It's an idealistic vision of the future in fitting with the Green parties chief philosophy of a fair global society. 

Their policy on the army is to reduce it to a sufficient level ie not get involved in foreign wars which have nothing to do with us and keep a small army capably of defending the country, seeing as the threat of invasion of the UK is ridiculously small I've no issue with that.

Top rate of tax at 65% - Yes I agree with that, why not?

And number 4 I don't agree with, I see the arguments but it's massive risk not worth taking. I agree with the current policy.

There are plenty I do agree with, like re-nationalising the railways, a more realistic drug policy, cleaner energy, raising the minimum wage, keeping the NHS public, properly taxing the rich, anti-austerity etc etc.

Now, in regards to UKIP, what do you think of their policies?

1) Working women should earn less than men?

2) Bring back foxhunting

3) Global warming is not real?

4) A flat rate tax of 31% (cuts for the rich, hikes for the poor)

You just have to look at what their MEPs voted against in the EU, no action on bankers bonuses and no to tough measures on tax evasion.

289The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Wed Jan 28 2015, 13:25

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

bwfc1874 wrote:

Now, in regards to UKIP, what do you think of their policies?

1) Working women should earn less than men?

2) Bring back foxhunting

3) Global warming is not real?

4) A flat rate tax of 31% (cuts for the rich, hikes for the poor)

You just have to look at what their MEPs voted against in the EU, no action on bankers bonuses and no to tough measures on tax evasion.

1) Pound for pound men are generally larger than women so it's a fair policy.

2) Foxes are vermin.

3) It's fooking freezing round here, of course global warming isn't real.

4) 31% tax sounds better than 65%.

290The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Wed Jan 28 2015, 13:30




Fairs fair, I can't argue with logic like that.

291The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 12:29



Part of the problem with the anti-immigration feeling UKIP has perpetuated is that instead of arguing with them the Tories have pandered to the right wing vote and gone along with it, the story below is absolutely shameful -

The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 25946-f910ua

292The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 12:34

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Why is it shameful?

We have people having to use foodbanks to put food on the table, shouldn't they be the priority?

You talk as if UKIP are complete idiots and everyone who agrees with curbed immigration is a moron. If we don't shut the gates soon this country will burst.

293The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 12:40



This isn't about UKIP, it's about the government going back on a promise purely because public opinion has been swayed by scare stories, ie this country will burst what a load of rubbish.

If you were sat in a tent with half your family dead and nothing left you'd feel differently, if all of these other countries can handle the extra immigration we can too.

294The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 12:46

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

bwfc1874 wrote:This isn't about UKIP, it's about the government going back on a promise purely because public opinion has been swayed by scare stories, ie this country will burst what a load of rubbish.

If you were sat in a tent with half your family dead and nothing left you'd feel differently, if all of these other countries can handle the extra immigration we can too.

Public opinion has rightly been swayed. I'm guessing if you'd lost your job because a Polish guy could do it for half the price, or your town/village was full of immigrants mugging old ladies and claiming benefits you might think differently.

Of course it's terrible that the people of Syria are living like this, but it can't be our problem when we have people struggling in our own country.

The government did right by changing it's mind.

295The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 12:52



Any evidence to support those claims, or am I just going to have to take your word for it?

Is Preston being over run by Poles? 

It's far from a case of mass immigration, if we were to match Australia and take 5,000 what difference would that make in the grand scheme of things? None. But it would 'outrage' people like you who think they have a god given right to say who should be allowed into the country.

296The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 13:06



bwfc1874 wrote:Any evidence to support those claims, or am I just going to have to take your word for it?

Is Preston being over run by Poles? 

It's far from a case of mass immigration, if we were to match Australia and take 5,000 what difference would that make in the grand scheme of things? None. But it would 'outrage' people like you who think they have a god given right to say who should be allowed into the country.

74, When it is the hardworking folk of this country who's tax and cost of living is constantly on the increase due to us taking in 5,000 from here and 5,000 from there but then wage rises don't reflect it because of the "economic crisis" how do you expect people to react.

Hardworking people are finding it hard to make ends meet and they should be the one's who are helped first.  Yes we are ALL people of the world but at the end of the day make sure YOUR house is in order before inviting all and sundry to live in it.

297The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 13:10

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

bwfc1874 wrote:Any evidence to support those claims, or am I just going to have to take your word for it?

Is Preston being over run by Poles? 

It's far from a case of mass immigration, if we were to match Australia and take 5,000 what difference would that make in the grand scheme of things? None. But it would 'outrage' people like you who think they have a god given right to say who should be allowed into the country.

Yes, Preston is being over run by Poles but I'm guessing you already knew that.

5,000 probably wouldn't make much of a difference in the big scheme of things, but that's not the issue. At some point you have to say enough is enough and stop every Tom, Dick & Harry from coming to the UK.

Australia is much bigger than the UK, but has the lowest people per square mile ratio in the world - shouldn't they be taking many, many more of these people?

298The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 13:11



5,000 refugees from Syria would have next no impact on the country Jonny. If you're looking for somebody to blame for the cost of living, you can blame the government, bankers, whoever but it's certainly not immigrations fault there is a media agenda to blame immigration for all the problems in this country but it's proven that immigrants make a positive impact to the economy overall -

All of these other countries kept their promises and are handling the few thousand more fine. But the anti-immigration feeling in this country is leaving governments too scared to do the right thing.

Last edited by bwfc1874 on Thu Jan 29 2015, 13:15; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Posted wrong link)

299The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 13:25



bwfc1874 wrote:5,000 refugees from Syria would have next no impact on the country Jonny. If you're looking for somebody to blame for the cost of living, you can blame the government, bankers, whoever but it's certainly not immigrations fault there is a media agenda to blame immigration for all the problems in this country but it's proven that immigrants make a positive impact to the economy overall -

All of these other countries kept their promises and are handling the few thousand more fine. But the anti-immigration feeling in this country is leaving governments too scared to do the right thing.

Yes it's 5,000 now from Syria, but what about all the rest from everywhere else?  And i'm not talking about honest hard working people who come over here to earn and living and actually give back to the country who has given them a home.  But the one's who come over and expect everything on a plate for them.  I remember watching the Wrestling on TV from somewhere like new york and someone in the audience actually had a sign saying "UK - Free Healthcare"

The NHS is a fantastic and wonderful thing that many countries are envious off, but i would be all for it being privatised if it stopped people thinking they can just come here and get everything and anything for nothing!

Before i get called bigoted or racist, i just want to point out that my dislike is for the people in this country who don't give anything back whether born here, poland or anywhere else.  All of these people could be giving something back.  Whether it is tidying up the parks, volunteering with old folks, theres a million things they could do.  But they don't!

So whilst 5,000 might be a drop in the ocean in terms of our ever increasing population, accumulatively speaking it is breaking the backbone of a once great and proud country.

300The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 15 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Thu Jan 29 2015, 13:32



There's nothing racist about your views, they're all valid concerns. But this is about refugees and a promise the UK government has broken, it's not related to immigrants who come here to use the NHS because of course that should be restricted. 

This is an entirely separate issue, all immigration can't be thrown into the same boat each circumstance should be taken into account and this country should be proud to take in those who have nowhere else to go and have lost everything - we always have done and always should.

Instead of pandering to the anti-immigration media the government should be highlighting the desperate situation these people are in and how we can help them to recover. I'd have far more respect for a government that did that than one which backed out of a promise just to appease some of the public.

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