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The rise and rise of UKIP...

mark leach
Soul Kitchen
Natasha Whittam
Reebok Trotter
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81The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 08:53

mark leach

mark leach
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

UKIP is for losers.

82The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 09:00

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

mark leach wrote:UKIP is for losers.

Who are you voting for Mr Leach?

83The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 09:02

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Soul Kitchen wrote:

Margaret Thatcher is one of the all time great leaders of the world, the fact she was a woman in a man's world makes her an even bigger icon.

Look how she handled the Falklands war, do you think we'd still be pussyfooting around these terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan if Maggie was running the show?

84The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 09:40

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Soul Kitchen wrote:

Margaret Thatcher is one of the all time great leaders of the world, the fact she was a woman in a man's world makes her an even bigger icon.

Look how she handled the Falklands war, do you think we'd still be pussyfooting around these terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan if Maggie was running the show?

85The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 09:56

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Soul Kitchen wrote:

Ha ha, you know I'm right. Would you rather your daughter/granddaughter took Maggie as a roll model or Jordan?

86The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 10:26

mark leach

mark leach
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Natasha Whittam wrote:
mark leach wrote:UKIP is for losers.

Who are you voting for Mr Leach?

I'm working class so it has to be Labour.

87The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 10:32

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

mark leach wrote:

I'm working class so it has to be Labour.

So you're voting for them just because you're working class? And you call other people dumb!

You should vote for who you feel has the best policies, simple as that.

I really can't understand any sane person voting Labour after the last cock-up. If they get back in power we'll be at war with half the world inside 2 years.

88The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 10:42


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

mark leach wrote:
Natasha Whittam wrote:
mark leach wrote:UKIP is for losers.

Who are you voting for Mr Leach?

I'm working class so it has to be Labour.


89The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 12:52

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Soul Kitchen wrote:

Ha ha, you know I'm right. Would you rather your daughter/granddaughter took Maggie as a roll model or Jordan?

Neither, one is a dead cnut and the other is a plastic cnut!

90The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 13:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:
mark leach wrote:

I'm working class so it has to be Labour.

So you're voting for them just because you're working class? And you call other people dumb!

You should vote for who you feel has the best policies, simple as that.

I really can't understand any sane person voting Labour after the last cock-up. If they get back in power we'll be at war with half the world inside 2 years.

i vote labour and always will do, they don't always get it right but they at least are more in touch with us commoners than the Tories. How can anyone believe that 2 upper class clowns like Cameron and Osbourne have any clue about the average working man?

As for Thatcher she was a witch and i can think of nothing she should be praised for.

91The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 13:25

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:

i vote labour and always will do, they don't always get it right but they at least are more in touch with us commoners than the Tories. How can anyone believe that 2 upper class clowns like Cameron and Osbourne have any clue about the average working man?

You do realise Ed Milliband went to Oxford?

Labour are no more in touch with the common man than any other party. I'm sorry, but if you're prepared to vote for the party that ruined the economy and took us into a pointless war not 5 years ago you really are a bellend.

92The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 13:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:
Natasha Whittam wrote:
mark leach wrote:

I'm working class so it has to be Labour.

So you're voting for them just because you're working class? And you call other people dumb!

You should vote for who you feel has the best policies, simple as that.

I really can't understand any sane person voting Labour after the last cock-up. If they get back in power we'll be at war with half the world inside 2 years.

i vote labour and always will do, they don't always get it right but they at least are more in touch with us commoners than the Tories. How can anyone believe that 2 upper class clowns like Cameron and Osbourne have any clue about the average working man?

As for Thatcher she was a witch and i can think of nothing she should be praised for.

haha yeah the upper class, oxford educated millionaires on the other side of the chamber are much more in touch!

93The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 13:31


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

so come on then Nat and Hipster explain to me what the Tories have really achieved since they came back to power, easy to scoff and look down on the rest of us with your superior knowledge but try backing it up with actual evidence.

94The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 13:37

mark leach

mark leach
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Osbourne fiddled his expenses and now he is the chancellor of the exchecker running the economy. Why would i vote for him.

95The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 13:38


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm not a tory supporter so I won't be talking up their record, it's not "looking down" on anyone, it's more bemusement that anyone could think that the labour front bench is more "in touch" than dave and george. 

fact of the matter is labour bankrupted the country and the tories have had to clean up their shit, including 2 wars one of which was illegal.

96The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 13:39


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thatcher got in thanks to the working classes. I know a lot of them who voted for her,bought their own council house,and are now ruing the day they ever put cross to paper.
She not only destroyed people,she destroyed industries and whole communities.
Everything about her was false,right down to that media coached voice. 
She had not one redeeming feature.

97The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 13:40

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Hipster_Nebula wrote:

fact of the matter is labour bankrupted the country and the tories have had to clean up their shit, including 2 wars one of which was illegal.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

Norpig, even a common Labour supporter like yourself can surely see that the UK we live in today is far better off than it was under Labour.

Of course there's plenty wrong with the country, but unemployment is falling and people have hope for the future.

98The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 13:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just off to the food bank. Catch y'all later.

99The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 14:24


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

What about all the other countries that joined in the war against barbaric rule in Iraq and Afghanistan? Did they get it wrong too? Were we to stand back and turn a blind eye as we did in Rwanda, for example? Would you let ISIS thrive at present on the mistaken grounds that it is nothing to do with us? It seems to me that you are damned if you stand up for what is right and damned if you adopt the "I'm alright, Jack" approach and refuse to get involved. 

It always used to be that Labour was the only moral choice, but now all parties have tried to take the centre ground, simply to gain power rather than work for the benefit of the country, with the result that there is no one worth voting for that can be trusted to be honourable. Self-interest and half-truths dominate. 

UKIP is no real alternative; they would create more problems than they pretend to be able to solve. I'm beginning to think that the SNP will hold the balance of power, but wish that The Green Party would be given equal representation on TV to put forward their more laudable views.

100The rise and rise of UKIP... - Page 5 Empty Re: The rise and rise of UKIP... Tue Dec 09 2014, 14:28

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Hipster_Nebula wrote:I'm not a tory supporter so I won't be talking up their record, it's not "looking down" on anyone, it's more bemusement that anyone could think that the labour front bench is more "in touch" than dave and george. 

fact of the matter is labour bankrupted the country and the tories have had to clean up their shit, including 2 wars one of which was illegal.
So nowt to do with the banks then? 
So why fine them?

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